

FormID: 0306153D bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2Soul2 0 Move and do not speak.
FormID: 03061543 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2SoulGive 0 Good.
FormID: 03061542 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2SoulDont 0 Go and get it.
FormID: 03061545 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2SoulGive2 0 I am not physically in this place. Do not always expect worldy rewards. I can only spread what others bring to this place.
FormID: 03061545 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2SoulGive2 1 Reap the rewards while doing your work. Keep your eyes open. Be the maggot in the flesh of society.
FormID: 03061545 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2SoulGive2 2 Vrjekka was tasked with collecting some worldly belongings, but she failed, and is no longer in business.
FormID: 03061547 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts2SoulGive3 0 No I don't.
FormID: 0306155E bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick 0 A Breton of little consequence. He was part of a bet between Lord Sheogorath and Lord Molag Bal.
__取るに足らないBretonだ。彼はLord SheogorathとLord Molag Balとの間に行われた賭けの対象だった。
FormID: 0306155E bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick 1 He was able to fend of Vrjekka, after which she disappeared. I do not care what has happened to her. Still while his mind belongs to Sheogorath now, his life is now property of Molag Bal.
__Vrjekkaから消えてからというもの、彼はその目から逃れ続けていた。別に彼女に何が起こったのかは気にしない。彼の精神は未だにSheogorathのものだが、その生命はいまやMolag Balの所有物となっている。
FormID: 0306155E bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick 2 And he wants to have it back. Therefore go to Xavara. A refuge on the Shivering Isles. Find him. End his life.
__そして彼はそれを戻すことを望んでいる。従って、Xavaraへと行け。Shivering Islesにある隠れ家の一つだ。彼を見つけ、その人生を終わらせるんだ。
FormID: 03061564 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick 0 I already heard that he has lost his life. Good. Interestingly it doesn't seem that he was the reason why Vrjekka disappeared.
FormID: 03061564 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick 1 According to my sources she got a special assignment by Molag Bal. Must have gone awry. These things happen.
__私の情報筋によると、彼女はMolag Balにより特別な任務を負っていたらしい。そこで何かしくじったに違いない。そして今の状況があるのだろう。
FormID: 03061561 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick2a 0 I do not know. Neither do I care.
FormID: 03061561 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick2a 1 Today he's preaching as a Zealot priest in the Madhouse. As for his history, it is of no concern to me.
__少なくとも今、彼はMadhouseのZealot priestとして説教を行っている。彼の経歴については、知り及ぶことではない。
FormID: 03061562 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick2b 0 Zealots roam the southern half of the Madhouse. My guess is that it's somewhere there.
FormID: 03061562 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick2b 1 I did not have the joy to visit Sheogorath's realm ever. Do not ask me for directions.
FormID: 03061560 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts3Jorick2c 0 Exactly. Don't take as long as Vrjekke did.
FormID: 030630F6 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesD 0 Bring me a Twin Stone, then.
__では、Twin Stoneを持ってくるんだな。
FormID: 030630F3 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 0 Clever little useless magic trinkets. They allow to send thoughts about great distances, even through the liminal barrier.
__精巧で少しばかり無駄な魔法の装身具だ。それを使うことで、非常に離れた距離に意識を飛ばすことができる。例えliminal barrier越しでもな。
FormID: 030630F3 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 1 Results of first experiments to create Sigil Stones. Not that successful, though.
__初期の実験の成果としてSigil Stoneが作れらたが、それは成功とは言えなかった。
FormID: 030630F3 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 2 An ancestor of the Brolus family once borrowed one from Lord Clavicus Vile, for a suitable price, because he found another one.
__Brolus家の先祖がかつて、正当な代価として1つをLord Clavicusから借り受けた。彼がもう1つを見つけたからな。
FormID: 030630F3 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 3 Today they're heirlooms, their purpose forgotten. Fetch one. Do not get both.
FormID: 030630F7 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 0 I've heard that a Twin Stone has changed location, yet you do not carry any. Strange. Come back if you have one.
__Twin Stoneがその居場所を変えたと耳にしたのだが、お前はまだ何も持っていないようだな。なんとも妙だ。手に入れたら戻って来い。
FormID: 030630F9 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 0 You've got the Twin Stone. Good. Let me take if from you.
__Twin Stoneを手に入れたな。よろしい。それではお前から受け取るとしよう。
FormID: 030630F9 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 1 Allow me to give you something in return. A few other gems that weren't Twin Stones.
__今回はお前に見返りを与えることができる。Twin Stoneではなかったいくつかの宝石たちだ。
FormID: 030630F8 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 0 Despite what I've said both Twin Stones have gone missing, yet you don't carry both. Bring me both then.
__言い聞かせていたにも関わらず両方のTwin Stonesが失われ、しかもお前はその両方を手にしていない。2つもと揃えて持って来るのだ。
FormID: 030630FA bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 0 Despite what I've said both Twin Stones have gone missing. Don't you listen?
__言い聞かせていたにも関わらず両方のTwin Stonesが失われた。話を聞いていたのか?
FormID: 030630FA bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesA 1 This doesn't fit in Lord Clavicus Vile's schemes. Anyway, I take them from you.
__これはLord Clavicusの意に沿わないだろう。とにかく、それは受け取っておく。
FormID: 030630F4 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesB 0 Bruma.
FormID: 030630F5 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts4TwinStonesC 0 Their ancestor was a quite proficient mage. That is all.
FormID: 03063107 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa 0 He's a Daedroth, the kind of things with the plural [QUOTE]Daedroths[QUOTE]. A servant of Molag Bal, who is too lazy to do what he was told to do.
__奴はDaedrothだ。複数形で[QUOTE]Daedroths[QUOTE]となるほうの、な。Molag Balの下僕さ、命じられたこともかなり面倒くさがるような奴だ。
FormID: 03063107 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa 1 Molag Bal therefore asked that the Daedroth get banished to be punished for his lazyness.
__そのため、Molag BalはそのDaedrothを怠惰の処罰として追放するよう依頼してきたのだ。
FormID: 03063107 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa 2 Find it. Destroy it's body.
FormID: 0306310E bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa 0 He's dead? Until we see that Daedroth again, then.
FormID: 0306310E bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa 1 What a bother.
FormID: 03063108 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa1 0 That I do not know for certain. Menta Na isn't a dangerous opponent. Everyone can kill him. Problem is to find him.
__私も詳しくは知らない。Menta Naは危険な相手ではない。誰であれ奴を殺すことはできる。問題は奴を見つけ出すことだ。
FormID: 03063108 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa1 1 He was last spotted around Anvil. Probably dug himself in an earth hole.
FormID: 03063108 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa1 2 That's his style.
FormID: 03063109 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa2 0 It's not the first time that the Daedroth has defaulted. Every couple of years the same procedure.
FormID: 03063109 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa2 1 I've heard six years ago Menta Na was banished by the Nerevarine. Another one who got a debt open.
__聞いたところによると、6年前にNerevarineによってMenta Naが滅ぼされたようだ。他の債務者によってな。
FormID: 03063109 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa2 2 Outside of your reach, though.
FormID: 0306310A bgSQ3Debts bgSQ3Debts5MentaNa3 0 Do not take care of him. Slay him.
__処理(take care of)をするんじゃない、抹殺(slay)するんだ。
FormID: 030A8316 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ4Debts1Ashes 0 Yes. Many years ago the count of Chorrol died. His remains are kept locked away in Castle Chorrol. I was already able to gather the key necessary to unlock his not-so-final resting place.
__もう何年もの昔、Chorrolの伯爵が死亡した。彼の遺骨はCastle Chorrolに厳重に保管されている。私はすでに、彼の「永眠ならざる」地の錠を開くのに必要な鍵を収集してある。
FormID: 030A8316 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ4Debts1Ashes 1 Bring me his ashes.
FormID: 030A89F9 bgSQ3Debts bgSQ4Debts1Ashes 0 You have found the ashes. Good. They will come in handy later. The count itself still has a role to play, and a debt to pay. Being dead does not save you. Well, not always.

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Last-modified: 2011-11-07 (月) 17:11:32