

FormID: 0310296C bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 I am still thinking about it. Let me sleep about it. Ask tomorrow.
FormID: 0310296D bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 What makes you think that I need company? I've spent months here alone. It's nice to have some quiet after the constant babbling on our ship.
FormID: 0310296D bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 1 So, no! Gah. Now would you please excuse me? I'm trying to enjoy the day.
FormID: 03102974 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 Security? By having people here hunted by a group of terrorists? No thank you! I'm not that insane yet!
FormID: 03102974 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 1 So, no! Gah. Now would you please excuse me? I'm trying to enjoy the day.
FormID: 03102975 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 Do you really believe they could teach me anything? No, I don't think so.
FormID: 03102975 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 1 So, no! Gah. Now would you please excuse me? I'm trying to enjoy the day.
FormID: 03102976 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 How could having a bunch of cat people around here help me get back to Pyandonea? Not at all. If they're here or not, it won't matter. So I prefer silence instead.
FormID: 03102976 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 1 So, no! Gah. Now would you please excuse me? I'm trying to enjoy the day.
FormID: 03102977 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 Do you really think you've done much for me? No, I don't think so. You've done nearly nothing, and the few bits of food were repaid greatly with the help you got from me. If anything I could make demands!
FormID: 03102977 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 1 So, no! Gah. Now would you please excuse me? I'm trying to enjoy the day.
FormID: 03102978 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 I'm sick of fishes and crab meat. If they're supplied with some other foods, and grow some crops here, well, alright. They may come.
FormID: 03102978 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 1 You really got me where it hurts.
FormID: 03102979 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar1BeginB 0 And why exactly should I share my island with them?
FormID: 03102981 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar2Reason4Food 0 Hm. I will think about it. Let me sleep over it first, alright? Come back tomorrow.
FormID: 0310297A bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar2Reason1Company 0 Hm. I will think about it. Let me sleep over it first, alright? Come back tomorrow.
FormID: 0310297F bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar2Reason2Security 0 Hm. I will think about it. Let me sleep over it first, alright? Come back tomorrow.
FormID: 03102980 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar2Reason3Learning 0 Hm. I will think about it. Let me sleep over it first, alright? Come back tomorrow.
FormID: 03102982 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar2Reason5WayHome 0 Hm. I will think about it. Let me sleep over it first, alright? Come back tomorrow.
FormID: 03102983 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6Tiridar2Reason6Responsibility 0 Hm. I will think about it. Let me sleep over it first, alright? Come back tomorrow.
FormID: 03102987 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoSecond1AllDone 0 Oh yes, it is.
FormID: 03102987 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoSecond1AllDone 1 I've already sent word and the potions to the individuals asked for a safe place to be.
FormID: 03102987 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoSecond1AllDone 2 Please go to Fort Oceanmoth and make sure they're alright, will you?
__では、Fort Oceanmothに行って彼らが無事に暮らしているかどうかを確認して下さい。
FormID: 03102987 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoSecond1AllDone 3 In theory everything should work as intended. But the Renrijra Krin proved to be unpredictable, able to foil even the most thought out plans.
__普通に考えれば、万事計画通り無事に進んでいるはずです。しかしRenrijra Krinは予想も付かない行動を取りますからね。どれだけ入念に作った計画でも裏をかかれる可能性はあります。
FormID: 03102988 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6IslandAllWell 0 Sure!
FormID: 03102989 bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6IslandAllWell 0 All ears are up!
FormID: 0310298A bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6IslandAllWell 0 This one is.
FormID: 0310298B bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6IslandAllWell 0 I'm physically unharmed.
FormID: 0310298C bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6IslandAllWell 0 Wheee!
FormID: 0310298D bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6IslandAllWell 0 Except that I lost my quietness, yes.
FormID: 0310298E bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoThird1AllWell 0 Great news! Thanks for helping us again.
FormID: 0310298E bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoThird1AllWell 1 I even got a little something for you. A Sigil Stone! An agent retrieved it from a quite big Oblivion gate, during a daedric attack on Gideon. Oh well, the Daedra really got their bottoms kicked in Black Marsh.
__つまらないものですが、お礼としてこのSigil Stoneをあなたにお渡ししましょう!Gideonの街がdeadraの軍勢から攻撃を受けていた際に、とあるエージェントが非常に巨大なOblivion Gateから取って来たものです。ええ、Black MarshにおけるDaedra達の侵攻は足下から突き崩されたんですよね。
FormID: 0310298E bgCQ6Refugium bgCQ6DoThird1AllWell 2 You deserve it. Put it to good use!
__ともあれ、このSigil Stoneはあなたのものです。良い目的のために役立てて下さいね。

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17