

FormID: 030C56A6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 3 You haven't all required resources.
FormID: 030B2BB5 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 Let's see...
FormID: 030B2BB5 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 1 You have found a suitable place.
FormID: 030B2BB5 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 2 You have found enough people willing to live in the city.
FormID: 030B2BB5 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 3 You haven't all required resources.
FormID: 030B2BB6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 Let's see...
FormID: 030B2BB6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 1 You have found a suitable place.
FormID: 030B2BB6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 2 You have found enough people willing to live in the city.
FormID: 030B2BB6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 3 You have all required resources.
FormID: 030B2BB6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 4 Which means everything is ready. I'll send an old friend of mine to plant the spores this time. You will go to Merendin. Tell them it should take the city about five days to be grown. They should be ready.
FormID: 030B2BB6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 5 And you will come back in five days. To me. Don't go near the city, this will only disturb the spores. So check with me first. I let you know if the city is ready or not.
FormID: 030B2BBB bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 Your city is still developing. Come back later.
FormID: 030B32CC bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 The tower is still in development. Come back later.
FormID: 030B32CE bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 You are searching for a soul to grow your tower. Good luck.
FormID: 030B2BBC bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 Good news! The city should be ready. Go to it and enjoy the view!
FormID: 030B2BBC bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 1 Oh. I hope everything is alright. You should check with Ranis Avani. She can tell you what's going on there, what may need to be done. Or if everything is going to collapse in a puddle of mud.
__おお。全く問題が無いといいんだが。Ranis Avaniに確認してくるべきだな。彼女はその地で何が起こっていて、何をすべきなのかを知っているはずだ。さもなければ、全てが泥沼の中で台無しになってしまう。
FormID: 030B32CD bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 0 Congratulations to your own Telvanni Tower. You clearly proved to be worthy for it.
FormID: 030B32CD bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MStatus 1 Enjoy. You'll find it in Mir Corrup's center, on the small island in it's lake. I doubt you will miss it, though.
__楽しんで来てくれ。その塔はMir Corrupの中心にある。その街の湖の小さな島にあるんだ。
FormID: 030B2496 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia0Start 0 Alright, tell me what happened to the place. So I know if it is suitable.
FormID: 030B2496 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia0Start 1 Let's begin easy, shall we? When was Mir Corrup first reported as a city?
__簡単なのから始めようか?Mir Corrupが街として、最初に記述されたのはいつの事だ?
FormID: 030B2497 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia1A 0 Next question: In which era was Mir Corrup last mentioned as a city?
__次の質問だ。Mir Corrupが街として、最後に記述されたのはどの時代だ?
FormID: 030B2498 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia1B 0 Next question: In which era was Mir Corrup last mentioned as a city?
__次の質問だ。Mir Corrupが街として、最後に記述されたのはどの時代だ?
FormID: 030B2499 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia1C 0 Next question: In which era was Mir Corrup last mentioned as a city?
__次の質問だ。Mir Corrupが街として、最後に記述されたのはどの時代だ?
FormID: 030B249A bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia2A 0 Going from the end of that era backwards, how many years passed before the era ended that Mir Corrup was last seen?
__あの時代の最後からさかのぼってみた時、Mir Corrupが最後に確認された時代の終わりから、どのくらいの年が経っている?
FormID: 030B249B bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia2B 0 Going from the end of that era backwards, how many years passed before the era ended that Mir Corrup was last seen?
__あの時代の最後からさかのぼってみた時、Mir Corrupが最後に確認された時代の終わりから、どのくらいの年が経っている?
FormID: 030B249C bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia2C 0 Going from the end of that era backwards, how many years passed before the era ended that Mir Corrup was last seen?
__あの時代の最後からさかのぼってみた時、Mir Corrupが最後に確認された時代の終わりから、どのくらいの年が経っている?
FormID: 030B249D bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3A 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B249E bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3B 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B249F bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3C 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B24A0 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3D 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B24A1 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3E 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B24A2 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3F 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B24A3 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3G 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B24A4 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia3H 0 And why was the city abandoned back then?
FormID: 030B24A5 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia4A 0 And what happened around the same time, that affected the city? Caused it to vanish?
FormID: 030B24A6 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia4B 0 And what happened around the same time, that affected the city? Caused it to vanish?
FormID: 030B24A7 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia4C 0 And what happened around the same time, that affected the city? Caused it to vanish?
FormID: 030B24A8 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia4D 0 And what happened around the same time, that affected the city? Caused it to vanish?
FormID: 030B24A9 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia4E 0 And what happened around the same time, that affected the city? Caused it to vanish?
FormID: 030B24AA bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia4F 0 And what happened around the same time, that affected the city? Caused it to vanish?
FormID: 030B24AB bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia5A 0 So concerning who exactly did undo Mir Corrup, whom did they serve?
__誰がMir Corrupを完全に消滅させたのかとても気になるな。それに一体誰のために?
FormID: 030B24AC bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia5B 0 So concerning who exactly did undo Mir Corrup, whom did they serve?
__誰がMir Corrupを完全に消滅させたのかとても気になるな。それに一体誰のために?
FormID: 030B24AD bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia5C 0 So concerning who exactly did undo Mir Corrup, whom did they serve?
__誰がMir Corrupを完全に消滅させたのかとても気になるな。それに一体誰のために?
FormID: 030B24AE bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia5D 0 So concerning who exactly did undo Mir Corrup, whom did they serve?
__誰がMir Corrupを完全に消滅させたのかとても気になるな。それに一体誰のために?
FormID: 030B24AF bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia5E 0 So concerning who exactly did undo Mir Corrup, whom did they serve?
__誰がMir Corrupを完全に消滅させたのかとても気になるな。それに一体誰のために?
FormID: 030B24B0 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia5F 0 So concerning who exactly did undo Mir Corrup, whom did they serve?
__誰がMir Corrupを完全に消滅させたのかとても気になるな。それに一体誰のために?
FormID: 030B24B1 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia6A 0 Alright, hm, let's see...
FormID: 030B24B2 bgAQ9Star bgAQ9MTrivia6B 0 Alright, hm, let's see...

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Last-modified: 2011-05-01 (日) 05:39:15