

ibgSLCXQ1Ordered Edit

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Stranded Light Courier</div>

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<FONT face="2">Danger near Bruma neutralized!</div>

<DIV align="left"><FONT face=1>Unkown to many, a new threat has revealed itself near Bruma, on the ancestral roads leading to Sancre Tor: a Xivilai preyed on unwary wanderers deep in the Jerall mountains. More so, the Xivilai didn't merely caused destruction, as servants of Mehrunes Dagon do, but instead tried to change the flow of Magicka in the region. While the reasons for this are as yet unknown, what can be said is that this Xivilai was a servant of the Daedric Prince Jyggalag.<p>

Jyggalag is an entity mostly unknown, and only through interviewing a Golden Saint of the Stranded Light could we learn that Jyggalag is the Daedric Prince of Order, the very enemy of Sheogorath. While Sheogorath's reputation certainly isn't the best, it should be pointed out that Jyggalag is opposed to any elements of free will. While Mehrunes Dagon may try to kill the body, Jyggalag goes even further: He's in for the mind, that which makes people different from crystals.<p>

Luckily after learning of the danger, a member of the Stranded Light was able to banish the Xivilai and disrupt whatever plans it had. While the Stranded Light is above all an organization not meant to compete with the Fighters or Mages Guild, or even the Imperial Legion, when the need arises the Stranded Light has members able to take care of threats even as great as the Xivilai was.

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:16