

bgPBQ8LetterObj Edit

原文 Edit

<div align="center"><font face="4" COLOR="ffcc66">Dear Spirit Sister,<br>  <br>
<div align="left"><font face="4" COLOR="ffcc66">I do not know when I last seen you, heard your voice. I have been away quite a while. There comes a time when you're weary of the world, when a strawberry loses it's sweetness, passion it's tingling, the sun it's warmth, and even the sea it's soothing nature.<br>
For a long time I was merely a statue for others to look upon. Yet these times have passed. They change again, and you awake, like a newborn mortal, hungry for life again.<br>
I was brought back out of ulterior motives, but I'm not unhappy about it. Now I'm an object in art! Painted, instead of merely drifting through time. And I'm living at one of the most beautiful places you can imagine: Zendria. Not it's old fortress self, but now a ruin on an island. There's water everywhere. You'd love it here.<br>
Why I sent you this letter: I want to let you know that I'm alright. Again. And I want to thank you again for what you did for me back then.<br>
Please give the bearer of this message the sword you're keeping safe for me. Others need it more than myself.<br>
<div align="right"><font face="4" COLOR="ff0000">With love,<br>

訳文 Edit

<div align="center"><font face="4" COLOR="ffcc66">親愛なる魂の姉妹へ、<br>  <br>
<div align="left"><font face="4" COLOR="ffcc66">最後に貴女を見た時のこと、貴女の声を聞いた時のことは覚えていません。とても長い間離れ離れになっていました。貴女がこの世で疲れ果てる時が、イチゴがその甘さを失い、情熱が、陽光の暖かさが、海の穏やかな状態でさえ失われる時が来るのです。<br>
私はよからぬ心によって呼び戻されましたが、不満は抱いていません。今や、私は芸術の対象なのです! ただ時の中を漂う代わりに、描かれているのです。そして、私は貴女が想像し得る最も美しい場所の一つで生きています。Zendriaで。古い要塞ではなく、今は島にある廃墟と化しています。水が至る所にあります。貴女はそこが気に入ることでしょう。<br>
<div align="right"><font face="4" COLOR="ff0000">親愛をこめて、<br>

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:16