

FormID: 01005053 HCIngredSorterScript Message 7 0 Estirdalin is sorting your alchemical ingredients into the jars on the shelf.
FormID: 01005096 HCConduitSpellScript Message 3 0 You grip the Hoarfrost Conduit tightly...
__君はHoarfrost Conduitを強く握り締めた…。
FormID: 01005096 HCConduitSpellScript Messagebox 5 0 The Hoarfrost Conduit cannot be used while in combat.
__Hoarfrost Conduitを戦闘中に使用することはできません。
FormID: 0100509A HCUpdateCheck01QuestScript Messagebox 17 0 The Hoarfrost Conduit's teleportation ability is now accessed via a Lesser Power.
__現在、Lesser Powerを通してHoarfrost Conduitの空間転移能力を使用できます。
FormID: 010062A9 HCJammedDoor Messagebox 3 0 This door is jammed, and will not open.
FormID: 010062F4 HCHeldDoor Messagebox 3 0 Some dark force is holding this door closed. The creature responsible must be nearby...
FormID: 01006B45 HCSealedDoor01 Messagebox 3 0 This door has been sealed, and will not open until restoration work on the keep is complete.
FormID: 01009ED5 HCChapelAltaroftheNine Messagebox 10 0 You've already received your blessing this day.
FormID: 01009ED5 HCChapelAltaroftheNine Messagebox 12 0 Rejoice! Through faith, your afflictions are banished!
FormID: 01009ED5 HCChapelAltaroftheNine Messagebox 7 0 The altar lies dark and empty of the Grace of the Nine.
FormID: 0100A805 HCPortalToKvatchDummyActivatorScript Messagebox 3 0 Nothing happens when you attempt to use this portal.
FormID: 0100C022 HCGTRopeRock01SCRIPT Messagebox 12 0 I'm not going to attempt collapsing this tunnel until I'm sure Annelie Mannick is not on the other side.
__Annelie Mannickがこの奥にいないことを確信するまでは、洞穴を崩壊させるつもりはない。
FormID: 0100C022 HCGTRopeRock01SCRIPT Messagebox 16 0 I'm not going to attempt collapsing this tunnel with Annelie Mannick on the other side!
__Annelie Mannickがこの奥にいるにもかかわらず、洞穴を崩壊させるつもりなどない!
FormID: 0100C022 HCGTRopeRock01SCRIPT Messagebox 8 0 I don't think I should attempt collapsing this tunnel until I know exactly what I'm dealing with.
FormID: 0100EC7D HCTrigZoneMinotaurLand01Script Messagebox 7 0 Minotaur landing
FormID: 01010ED2 HCTithesFINScript Message 10 0 Weekly tithes have been added to your money box in Hoarfrost Castle.
__毎週の十分の一税がHoarfrost城のあなたのMoney Boxに加えられます。

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Last-modified: 2009-06-23 (火) 02:15:46