

FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 10 0 I've found a jade amulet with the inscription [QUOTE]For Kayleen[QUOTE] in the possession of a Goblin boss. This must have been stolen from someone. I should hold onto it until I locate the owner.
__Goblinの親玉が所有していた[QUOTE]Kayleenへ[QUOTE]と刻まれたJade Amuletを見つけた。誰かから盗んだ物に違いない。持ち主に出会うまで持っておくべきだろう。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 20 0 I've come upon a sad Breton named Corrick Northwode at Harm's Folly settlement. It seems a goblin war party attacked his home, killed his wife and retreated back to their lair, Exhausted Mine. Now he wants me to go there and recover his wife's Jade Amulet.
__Harm's Follyの集落で、Corrick Northwodeという名の悲しげなBretonに偶然出会った。goblinの戦闘集団が彼の家を襲撃して妻を殺し、奴らの隠れ家である Exhausted Mineに帰ったようである。今、彼はそこに行き妻のJade Amuletを取り戻してもらいたいという。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 30 0 I've recovered Kayleen's Jade Amulet. I should return it to Corrick at Harm's Folly.
__KayleenのJade Amuletを取り戻した。Harm's FollyのCorrickにこれを返すべきだろう。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 100 0 Corrick Northwode was overjoyed to get back his wife's Jade Amulet. He thanked me by rewarding me with gold he had recovered from Exhausted Mine long ago.
__Corrick Northwodeは、妻のJade Amuletが戻ってきた事に歓喜した。そして彼が以前Exhausted Mineから取り戻した金を感謝のしるしとして渡してくれた。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 200 0 With Corrick's death, it's impossible to complete this quest.
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 210 0 I've met a Breton named Corrick Northwode at Harm's Folly. He asked me to head to a town and purchase some supplies for him. Apparently he is a little worried about Goblins from the nearby Exhausted Mine attacking his farm. I agreed to purchase the supplies for him.
__Harm's FollyでCorrick NorthwodeというBretonに出会った。彼は街に行き、いくつかの品物を購入してきて欲しいと私に頼んで来た。どうやら、ここから遠くないExhausted Mineに居るGoblin共が、彼の居ない間に農場を襲撃する事に少々困っているらしい。私は品物を買いに行く事に同意した。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 214 0 Corrick Northwode thanked me for showing such kindness and purchasing his supplies. He gave several lumps of gold that he had found in Exhausted Mine long ago.
__Corrick Northwodeは品物を購入してきた事と親切な行いに対し感謝していた。彼はずいぶん昔にExhausted Mineで見つけた数塊りの金をくれた。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 220 0 I've met a Breton named Corrick Northwode at Harm's Folly. He asked me to head to a town and purchase some supplies for him. Apparently he is a little worried about Goblins from the nearby Exhausted Mine attacking his farm. However I declined to purchase the supplies for him. He then asked me if I would be willing to kill the goblin boss in Exhausted Mine in exchange for a reward. I agreed to do that for him.
__Harm's FollyでCorrick NorthwodeというBretonに出会った。彼は街に行き、いくつかの品物を購入してきて欲しいと私に頼んで来た。どうやら、ここから遠くないExhausted Mineに居るGoblin共が、彼の居ない間に農場を襲撃する事に少々困っているらしい。しかしながら、私は彼のために品物を購入してくる事は断った。彼は、それなら報酬と引きかえにExhausted Mineのgoblin bossを殺す気があるかどうかを私に尋ねてきた。彼のために引き受けることを同意した。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 222 0 I've killed the Goblin boss in Exhausted Mine. I can head back to Corrick Northwode and tell him his farm is safe.
__Exhausted MineでGoblin bossを殺した。Corrick Northwodeに戻り、農場が安全であると彼に伝えることとしよう。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 224 0 Corrick Northwode was extremely gracious to me for killing the Goblin boss in Exhausted Mine. As a reward he gave me some gems that he had recovered in Exhausted Mine long ago.
__Corrick NorthwodeはExhausted MineのGoblin bossを殺した私にとても親切だった。報酬として彼はずいぶん昔にExhausted Mineで採掘したいくつかの宝石をくれた。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 226 0 I've met a Breton named Corrick Northwode at Harm's Folly. He asked me to purchase some supplies for him. Apparently he is a little worried about Goblins from the nearby Exhausted Mine attacking his farm while he is gone. However I declined to purchase any supplies for him. He then asked if I would be willing to kill the Goblin boss in Exhausted Mine however I declined to do that as well.
__Harm's FollyでCorrick NorthwodeというBretonに出会った。彼はいくつかの品物を購入してきて欲しいと私に頼んで来た。どうやら、ここから遠くないExhausted Mineに居るGoblin共が、彼の居ない間に農場を襲撃する事に少々困っているらしい。しかしながら、私は彼のために品物を購入してくる事は断った。彼は、それなら報酬と引きかえにExhausted Mineのgoblin bossを殺す気があるかどうかを私に尋ねてきたが、それも同様に断った。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 228 0 I've met Corrick Northwode again. It turns out that since I refused to purchase supplies for him he had to head into town to do it himself. Since I had also refused to kill the Goblin boss in Exhausted Mine a Goblin war party had attacked his home, killed his wife and headed back to their lair. Now Corrick Northwode wants me to head to the mine and retrieve his wife's Jade Amulet.
__再びCorrick Northwodeに出会った。私が品物の購入を拒否したので、彼自身がそのために町に向かわなければならなかった事は分かった。また、Exhausted MineのGoblin bossを殺すことも拒否した後に、Goblinの一団が彼の家を襲撃して、妻を殺し、彼等の住処へ戻って行ったとの事だ。Corrick Northwodeは私に鉱山に行き、彼の妻のJade Amuletを取り戻して来ることを望んでいる。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 230 0 I've agreed to recover his wife's Jade Amulet. Apparently it is a normal Jade Amulet with the words [QUOTE]For Kayleen[QUOTE] engraved upon it. It might be possible that a jeweller in the Imperial City would be able to forge a fake amulet to match this desciption. Or perhaps I should consider hiring several Fighters Guildmembers from the Cheydinhal Fighters Guild to do the fighting for me.
__彼の妻のJade Amuletを取り戻すことに同意した。どうやらそれは[QUOTE]For Kayleen[QUOTE]と表面に刻まれたごく普通のJade Amuletのようだ。 Imperial Cityの宝石商ならこの刻み文字に合う偽のお守りを作るのは可能だろう。あるいは、ともすると戦いを行うためにCheydinhal Fighters Guildから数人のFighters Guildmembersを雇う事も考えなければならない。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 231 0 I have ordered a fake jade amulet to be made by a jeweller in the Imperial City. She said I can pick it up two days after the day that I ordered it.
__Imperial Cityの宝石商に偽のjade amuletを作成するよう注文をした。彼女は注文の2日後に手にする事が出来ると言った。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 232 0 The fake amulet should be ready for pick up from the jeweller's store now.
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 233 0 I have been given the fake jade amulet by the jeweller. Now I just have to try and trick Corrick into thinking that it is the real thing. I just hope my luck and skill with talking are high enough to be able to convince him that it is the real thing.
__宝石商から偽のjade amuletを受け取った。今度はCorrickを騙し、これが本物であると思い込ませるように仕向けなければならない。これが本物であると彼に確信させる事が出来る程、私の話術と運が高い事をただ願うだけである。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 234 0 I was able to trick Corrick Northwode into thinking that the fake amulet I gave him was the real thing. Under this misconception he rewarded me with some gems he had recovered from Exhausted Mine some time ago.
__Corrick Northwodeを欺き彼に渡した偽のamuketが本物であると信じさせる事が出来た。この誤解の中で、彼は報酬としてずいぶん昔にExhausted Mineで採掘したいくつかの宝石を渡してくれた。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 236 0 I tried to trick Corrick Northwode into thinking that the fake amulet was the real thing however he saw through my ruse. Incensed, he flew into a rage however I was able to calm him down. He told me to leave. I won't be getting any reward for this.
__Corrick Northwodeを欺き彼に渡した偽のamuketが本物であると信じさせようと試みたが、彼は私の策略を見抜いた。酷く怒らせてしまい、彼は怒りでかっとなってしまったが私はなんとか彼の怒りを沈めることが出来た。彼は私に立ち去るよう命じた。報酬は得られないだろう。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 238 0 I attempted to trick Corrick Northwode into accepting the fake amulet in place of the real one. However he saw through my ruse. Incensed, he flew into a rage and attacked me. Perhaps he may have something on his body that he was planning on rewarding me with.
__Corrick Northwodeを欺き彼に渡した偽のamuketが本物であると信じさせようと試みたが、彼は私の策略を見抜いた。酷く怒らせてしまい、彼は怒りでかっとなって攻撃してきた。きっと、彼は報酬に渡すつもりだった物を体の何処かに持っているかも知れない。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 240 0 I hired some members of the Fighters Guild to kill the goblins in Exhausted Mine. They should be finished in a couple of days and will return with the amulet.
__Exhausted Mineでgoblin共を殺すため、 Fighters Guildで数人の団員達を雇った。彼等は2日程で終わらせなければならず、amuletを持ち帰ってくるだろう。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 242 0 The Goblin Boss is now dead. I can claim the amulet from its body.
__Goblin Bossは死んだ。その体からamuletを得ることが出来る。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 244 0 I have Kayleen's Jade Amulet. I should return it to Northwode Corrick at Harm's Folly.
__Kayleen's Jade Amuletを手に入れた。Harm's FollyのNorthwode Corrickにこれを返す必要がある。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 246 0 Corrick Northwode was overjoyed to get back his wife's Jade Amulet. He thanked me by rewarding me with gems he had recovered from Exhausted Mine long ago.
Corrick Northwodeは彼の妻のJade Amulet取り戻した事にとても喜んでいた。彼はずいぶん昔にExhausted Mineで採掘したいくつかの宝石で報いることで、私に感謝していた。
FormID: 00185FE8 SQ03 248 0 I declined to help Corrick Northwode again. He told me to leave him alone.
__再びCorrick Northwodeを助ける事を断った。彼は放っておいてくれと私に言った。

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Last-modified: 2010-03-05 (金) 18:59:05