

FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 10 0 Jauffre is worried that the Bruma Guard will not be able to defend Bruma from a full-scale attack by the Mythic Dawn and their daedric allies. He suggested that I try to obtain support from the other cities of Cyrodiil. Perhaps I can persuade the Elder Council in the Imperial City or the guilds to help as well.
__JauffreはBruma守備隊だけではMythic Dawnとその仲間のdaedraによる全面攻撃からBrumaを守りきれないだろうと危惧している。彼はCyrodiilの他の都市から援軍を募ろうと提案した。もしかしたらImperial CityのElder Councilやギルドも協力するよう説得できるかもしれない。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 20 0 I spoke to the Countess of Anvil. She said she would be glad to send help, if only her own city wasn't threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Anvil and then talk to the Countess again.
__Anvilの伯爵夫人と話した。もし街がOblivion Gateの脅威から開放されれば喜んで援軍を送る、と彼女は言った。Anvilの外のGateを閉じた後、再度伯爵夫人と話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 21 0 I spoke to the Countess of Anvil. She promised to send some of her best soldiers to help defend Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 22 0 I spoke to the Count of Skingrad. He said he would be glad to send help, if only his own city wasn't threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Skingrad and then talk to the Count again.
__Skingradの伯爵と話した。もし街がOblivion Gateの脅威から開放されれば喜んで援軍を送る、と彼は言った。Skingradの外のGateを閉じた後、再度伯爵と話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 23 0 I spoke to the Count of Skingrad. He promised to send some of his best soldiers to help defend Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 24 0 I spoke to the Countess of Chorrol. She said she would be glad to send help, if only her own city wasn't threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Chorrol and then talk to the Countess again.
__Chorrolの伯爵夫人と話した。もし街がOblivion Gateの脅威から開放されれば喜んで援軍を送る、と彼女は言った。Chorrolの外のGateを閉じた後、再度伯爵夫人と話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 25 0 I spoke to the Countess of Chorrol. She promised to send some of her best soldiers to help defend Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 26 0 I spoke to the Count of Bravil. He said he would be glad to send help, if only his own city wasn't threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Bravil and then talk to the Count again.
__Bravilの伯爵と話した。もし街がOblivion Gateの脅威から開放されれば喜んで援軍を送る、と彼は言った。Bravilの外のGateを閉じた後、再度伯爵と話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 27 0 I spoke to the Count of Bravil. He promised to send some of his best soldiers to help defend Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 28 0 I spoke to the Count of Leyawiin. He said cannot send aid to Bruma with an Oblivion Gate threatening his own city. I should close the gate outside Leyawiin and then talk to the Count again.
__Leyawiinの伯爵と話した。自分の街がOblivion Gateの脅威にさらされているのにBrumaへ援軍を送るわけにいかない、と彼は言った。Leyawiinの外のGateを閉じた後、再度伯爵と話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 29 0 I spoke to the Count of Leyawiin. He promised to send soldiers to help defend Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 30 0 I spoke to the Count of Cheydinhal. He said he would be glad to send help, if only his own city wasn't threatened by an Oblivion Gate. I should close the gate outside Cheydinhal and then talk to the Count again.
__Cheydinhalの伯爵と話した。もし街がOblivion Gateの脅威から開放されれば喜んで援軍を送る、と彼は言った。Cheydinhalの外のGateを閉じた後、再度伯爵と話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 31 0 I spoke to the Count of Cheydinhal. He promised to send some of his best soldiers to help defend Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 32 0 I spoke to Savlian Matius of the Kvatch guard. He would like to send help to Bruma, but he cannot spare the troops until the city is completely retaken from the daedra.
__Kvatchの衛兵、Savlian Matiusと話した。彼は援軍をBrumaに送りたいとは思ってはいるが、街がDaedraから完全に奪還されるまでは兵士を割くことはできないという。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 33 0 Savlian Matius thanked me again for my help in retaking Kvatch, and promised to send whatever troops he could spare to help defend Bruma.
__Savlian MatiusはKvatch奪還への協力について再度感謝し、Brumaの防衛のために可能な限り軍勢を派遣するということを約束してくれた。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 40 0 I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Anvil. I should speak to the Countess about sending aid to Bruma now that Anvil is no longer directly threatened.
__Anvilの外にあるOblivion Gateを閉じた。Anvilへの直接的な脅威は無くなったので、Brumaへと救援を送ってもらうことについて伯爵夫人に話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 41 0 I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Skingrad. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Skingrad is no longer directly threatened.
__Skingradの外にあるOblivion Gateを閉じた。Skingradへの直接的な脅威は無くなったので、Brumaへと救援を送ってもらうことについて伯爵に話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 42 0 I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Chorrol. I should speak to the Countess about sending aid to Bruma now that Chorrol is no longer directly threatened.
__Chorrolの外にあるOblivion Gateを閉じた。Chorrolへの直接的な脅威は無くなったので、Brumaへと救援を送ってもらうことについて伯爵夫人に話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 43 0 I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Bravil. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Bravil is no longer directly threatened.
__Bravilの外にあるOblivion Gateを閉じた。Bravilへの直接的な脅威は無くなったので、Brumaへと救援を送ってもらうことについて伯爵に話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 44 0 I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Leyawiin. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Leyawiin is no longer directly threatened.
__Leyawiinの外にあるOblivion Gateを閉じた。Leyawiinへの直接的な脅威は無くなったので、Brumaへと救援を送ってもらうことについて伯爵に話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 45 0 I closed the Oblivion Gate outside of Cheydinhal. I should speak to the Count about sending aid to Bruma now that Cheydinhal is no longer directly threatened.
__Cheydinhalの外にあるOblivion Gateを閉じた。Cheydinhalが直接的な脅威にさらされることは無くなったので、Brumaへと救援を送ってもらうことについて伯爵に話すべきだ。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 50 0 I spoke to Chancellor Ocato, the head of the Elder Council. He was unable to promise any soldiers from the Imperial Legions, since they are all tied down in the provinces fighting the daedric invasion. He suggested I ask the Counts and Countesses of Cyrodiil for help.
__元老院の議長であるChancellor Ocatoと話した。帝国軍の兵士は各属州で侵略してくるDaedraと戦うのにかかりきりであるため、議長は兵士の派遣を承諾してはくれなかった。かわりに彼はCyrodiilの伯爵達に助けを求めてみたらどうかと提案してきた。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 90 0 The Countess of Bruma urged me to obtain any additional help that I can find. She fears that her troops will be overwhelmed before I can close the Great Gate.
__Brumaの伯爵夫人は更なる協力を探してくるよう強く求めてきた。彼女はGreat Gateが閉じられる前に自分の軍勢が壊滅させられてしまうのではないかと恐れている。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 95 0 I have obtained allies from everyone that might help. Bruma is as well-defended as possible.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 121 0 I commanded the Countess of Anvil to send troops to Bruma in the name of Martin Septim.
__Martin Septimの名において軍隊をBrumaに派遣するようAnvilの伯爵夫人に命じた。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 123 0 I've commanded the Count of Skingrad to send soldiers to Bruma to defend Martin.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 125 0 I have ordered the Countess of Chorrol to send troops to Bruma.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 127 0 I ordered the Count of Bravil to send soldiers to Bruma in the name of the Emperor.
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 129 0 Under the authority of Martin Septim I gave orders to the Count of Leyawiin to send soldiers to Bruma.
__Martin Septimの権限の下、Brumaへ兵士を派遣するようLeyawiinの伯爵に命令を与えた。
FormID: 0001E72D MQ11 131 0 I ordered the Count of Cheydinhal to send some of his soldiers to help defend Bruma, but perhaps it wouldn't hurt if I closed the gate any way.

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Last-modified: 2010-03-05 (金) 18:49:50