

FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 121 0 You can't afford to add Amozabael at this time.
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 135 0 You can't afford to add Amozabael at this time.
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 149 0 You can't afford to add Amozabael at this time.
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 163 0 You can't afford to add Amozabael at this time.
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 177 0 You can't afford to add Amozabael at this time.
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 28 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Thieves Guild. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
__AmozabaelはThieves Guildのメンバーではない。彼のために50gold支払うか?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 28 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 28 2 No
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 35 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Fighters Guild. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
__AmozabaelはFighters Guildのメンバーではない。彼のために50gold支払うか?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 35 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 35 2 No
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 42 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Fighters Guild. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
__AmozabaelはFighters Guildのメンバーではない。彼のために50gold支払うか?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 42 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 42 2 No
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 49 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Mages Guild. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
__AmozabaelはMages Guildのメンバーではない。彼のために50gold支払うか?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 49 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 49 2 No
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 56 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Mages Guild. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
__AmozabaelはMages Guildのメンバーではない。彼のために50gold支払うか?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 56 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 56 2 No
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 63 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Blades Faction. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 63 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 63 2 No
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 70 0 Amozabael is not a member of the Dark Brotherhood. Would you like to admit him for 50 gold?
__AmozabaelはDark Brottherhoodのメンバーではない。彼のために50gold支払うか?
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 70 1 Yes
FormID: 01000CE7 aaDremoraFriendScript Messagebox 70 2 No
FormID: 01008289 aaDremHorseOwn Messagebox 17 0 This spell is only effective inside the Tower of Pain, or the Circle of Fire and Pain.
__このスペルはTower of PainまたはCircle of Fire and Painの内部でのみ有効だ。
FormID: 0100828D aaDremQuest Messagebox 29 0 Your sleep is restless. Visions of terrible suffering haunt your dreams, but who's suffering? That is not clear, only that there is a great injustice in the torture you witness.
FormID: 0100828D aaDremQuest Messagebox 35 0 Again your dreams are filled with terrible suffering. This time things are clearer, a Dremora is beckoning you for your help. His haunting red eyes tell of his mistreatment at the hands of his captors.
FormID: 01009D74 aaScriptedWarGateScript Message 14 0 This gate is opened elsewhere.
FormID: 0100DFFB aaEbonyRockScript Message 109 0 You find nothing of use.
FormID: 0100DFFB aaEbonyRockScript Message 16 0 Try again later
FormID: 0100DFFB aaEbonyRockScript Message 41 0 You find nothing of use.
FormID: 0100DFFB aaEbonyRockScript Message 58 0 You find nothing of use.
FormID: 0100DFFB aaEbonyRockScript Message 75 0 You find nothing of use.
FormID: 0100DFFB aaEbonyRockScript Message 92 0 You find nothing of use.
FormID: 01014608 aaOBgateMessageScript Messagebox 3 0 You can not use the gate at this time.
FormID: 0101499A aaTortureCageScript Message 22 0 Cage is opened by a switch.
FormID: 010164D3 aaExecFollowScript Message 16 0 This target is too powerful for you to command.
FormID: 01016B73 aaAddAmozRingsScript Messagebox 16 0 Amozabael's comand ring 2 and 3 have been removed. All his commands can now be accessed through one ring. His stats can be accessed through Amozabael's Stats Scroll.
__Amozabael's comand ring 2および3が取り除かれた。彼に対するいっさいの命令は1個の指輪から出す事が可能になる。彼のステータスを確認するにはAmozabael's Stats Scrollを使えば良い。
FormID: 01016B73 aaAddAmozRingsScript Messagebox 44 0 You have been blessed with Smiarotiel's afterglow.
__あなたはSmiarotiel's afterglowによって祝福された。
FormID: 01016B73 aaAddAmozRingsScript Messagebox 50 0 Smiarotiel's afterglow effects have worn off.
__Smiarotiel's afterglowの効果は失われた。
FormID: 010175F0 aaPortcullisDoor Message 22 0 This gate is opened elsewhere.
FormID: 01017901 aaCloakSwitch Message 16 0 You have uncloaked the Sigil Stone.
__Sigil Stoneの覆いを剥ぎ取った。
FormID: 01017901 aaCloakSwitch Message 18 0 You may not use this switch at this time.
FormID: 0101908E aaAmozRingScript3 Messagebox 65 0 Which stats would you like to view?
FormID: 0101908E aaAmozRingScript3 Messagebox 65 1 Attributes
FormID: 0101908E aaAmozRingScript3 Messagebox 65 2 Combat Skills
__Combat Skills(戦闘スキル)
FormID: 0101908E aaAmozRingScript3 Messagebox 65 3 Magic Skills
__Magic Skills(魔法スキル)
FormID: 0101908E aaAmozRingScript3 Messagebox 65 4 Stealth Skills
__Stealth Skill(隠密スキル)
FormID: 0101908E aaAmozRingScript3 Messagebox 65 5 Exit
FormID: 0101A2B6 aaAlchSorterVanilla Message 11 0 Please be patient while your ingredients are stored.
FormID: 0101A2B6 aaAlchSorterVanilla Messagebox 6 0 Would you like to put away your ingredients?
FormID: 0101A2B6 aaAlchSorterVanilla Messagebox 6 1 Yes
FormID: 0101A2B6 aaAlchSorterVanilla Messagebox 6 2 No
FormID: 0101CFBD aaArenaGateXXScript Message 3 0 This gate is opend remotely
FormID: 0101E859 aaDaedraSoulGemScript Message 2 0 You have captured a Daedra soul.
FormID: 0101F777 aaOWRevealItems Messagebox 18 0 The Widow Karolack has died. She was essential to you in completing the Dremora Companion Quest. You can no longer complete this quest.
__The Widow Karolackが死亡した。彼女はDremora Companion Questを進める上で不可欠な人物だった。あなたはこれ以上このクエストを進められない。
FormID: 0101F942 aaExecutionersMazeSpell Message 14 0 You must lead the target into the maze holding area.
FormID: 01021B78 aaPotionSorterVanilla Message 9 0 Please be patient while your potions are stored.
FormID: 01021B78 aaPotionSorterVanilla Messagebox 4 0 Would you like to put away your potions?
FormID: 01021B78 aaPotionSorterVanilla Messagebox 4 1 Yes
FormID: 01021B78 aaPotionSorterVanilla Messagebox 4 2 No
FormID: 01028A9D aaExecutionerStaySpell Message 12 0 This target is too powerful for you to command.
FormID: 0102982A aaDeadlandsPortal2Script Message 12 0 This portal is closing, and is not accessable.
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 22 0 bloodwell 01
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 31 0 bloodwell 02
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 40 0 bloodwell 03
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 49 0 bloodwell 04
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 58 0 bloodwell 05
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 67 0 maze 02
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 76 0 maze 03
FormID: 0102B604 aaRandomDestSpell Message 85 0 maze 04
FormID: 0102C564 aaDremCageScript SetActorFullName 12 0 Mehrunes Dagon
FormID: 0102C564 aaDremCageScript SetActorFullName 28 0 Mehrunes Dagon
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Message 100 0 You have made your choice, you will not receive this offer again.
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Message 112 0 You have made your choice, you will not receive this offer again.
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 19 0 You gaze deeply into Dagon's crystal ball. As it trembles slightly you wait for something, anything to happen, but nothing does.
__あなたはDagon's crystal ball(Dagonの水晶球)を覗き込んだ。球がかすかに震えるたびに何が起きるのだろうと期待したが、何も起きずに終わった。
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 23 0 Are you sure you want to gaze into Dagon's crystal ball?
__Dagon's crystal ball(Dagonの水晶球)を覗き込む決心はついた?
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 23 1 Yes
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 23 2 No
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 30 0 You dare to gaze into Dagon's crystal ball with so little infamy? You will pay for your mistake.
__その程度の悪名でDagon's crystal ball(Dagonの水晶球)を覗き込むなど身の程知らずだと思わなかったのか?過ちは償われねばならない。
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 41 0 You dare to gaze into Dagon's crystal ball with so little infamy? You will pay for your mistake.
__その程度の悪名でDagon's crystal ball(Dagonの水晶球)を覗き込むなど身の程知らずだと思わなかったのか?過ちは償われねばならない。
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 52 0 Again you dare to gaze into Dagon's crystal ball with so little infamy? You will pay for your mistake.
__さして悪名も積まず、再びDagon's crystal ball(Dagonの水晶球)を覗き込むつもりだったのか?過ちは償われねばならない。
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 61 0 Again you dare to gaze into Dagon's crystal ball with so little infamy? You will pay for your mistake.
__さして悪名も積まず、再びDagon's crystal ball(Dagonの水晶球)を覗き込むつもりだったのか?過ちは償われねばならない。
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 71 0 Lord Dagon has smiled upon you yet again. You have been granted the power to summon the Axe of Mehrunes Dagon once a day for 60 seconds. Will you accept this gift?
__Lord Dagonがあなたに微笑みかけ、1日1回60秒間限定でAxe of Mehrunes Dagonを召喚する能力を身につける事を許された。この贈り物を受け取るつもりはあるか?
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 71 1 Yes
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 71 2 No
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 78 0 Lord Dagon has smiled upon you. You have been granted the power of Summon Mehrunes Razor, which allows you to summon the Razor of Mehrunes Dagon once a day for 120 seconds. Will you accept this gift?
__Lord Dagonがあなたに微笑みかけ、1日1回120秒間限定でthe Razor of Mehrunes Dagonを召喚する能力を身につける事を許された。この贈り物を受け取るつもりはあるか?
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 78 1 Yes
FormID: 010314AB aaDagonCBallSCRIPT Messagebox 78 2 No
FormID: 01033DF3 aaOBCageSwitch Message 22 0 You have released a caged prisoner.
FormID: 01033DF3 aaOBCageSwitch Message 25 0 You may not use this switch at this time.
FormID: 01033DF3 aaOBCageSwitch Message 27 0 The caged prisoner has already been released.
FormID: 010348D2 aaSpellAltarScript Message 6 0 You need a spell making orb to use this station.
__この祭壇を使うためにはspell making orbが必要だ。
FormID: 01036D2C aaRandomDestSpell09 Message 22 0 bloodwell 01
FormID: 01036D2C aaRandomDestSpell09 Message 31 0 bloodwell 02
FormID: 01036D2C aaRandomDestSpell09 Message 40 0 bloodwell 03

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Last-modified: 2009-08-11 (火) 21:09:17