

FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 Master, there is some trouble near the Oblivion gate. Some guards from Cheydinhal have found the gate in Dagon's Temple, and are staging a take over.
__主よ、Oblivion gateの近くで小競り合いが起きております。Dagon様の神殿にあるgateがCheydinhalの衛兵どもに発見され、侵攻を受けたのです。味方は劣勢に立たされております。
FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 1 Epzaos has taken some troops down there to fend off the attackers for now. He told me to give you this staff.
FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 2 You must use the portal in the alchemy room to travel to Dagon's Temple, then use the staff on the door to the temple to destroy it.
__alchemy roomのポータルを使いDagon様の神殿へ転移したら、神殿の入口扉に向かいこの杖の力を解き放ち下さいませ。
FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 3 You must be out side the temple entrance when you use it, or you will risk collapsing the entrance on yourself.
FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 4 Make sure that no guards escape back to Cheydinhal alive. You must ensure that word of the gate doesn't get back there.
FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 5 I'm giving you a scroll that will allow you to return to the deadlands after the entrance is destroyed, and all the guards have been dispatched.
FormID: 01077710 aaInfiltration GREETING 6 Be careful, none of us wants any harm to come to you. Now go quickly, do not delay!
FormID: 0107A4F1 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 I'm glad you're back, we really need the help. We have stopped them here, but I fear others have made their way around the south side of the island.
FormID: 0107A4F1 aaInfiltration GREETING 1 Follow me to the slaughter. We'll gut them like pigs, and leave their remains for the scamps to play with...
FormID: 0107D3D2 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 This is the entrance to the underground cave network that leads to the Sigil Tower entrance.
__この扉の先にある地下洞窟は、Sigl Towerの入口へと繋がっております。
FormID: 0107D3D2 aaInfiltration GREETING 1 It was sealed up long ago to prevent anyone from gaining access to the sigil stone that anchors the Oblivion gate in Dagon's Temple.
__sigil stoneはOblivion gateをDagon様の神殿に繋ぎ止めておく『碇』です。誰の手にも触れさせぬ為、この扉は長きにわたって封印されてきました。
FormID: 0107D3D2 aaInfiltration GREETING 2 I don't know how these knights have discovered its location, but I wouldn't put it past Kear to have informed them somehow.
FormID: 0107D3D2 aaInfiltration GREETING 3 Make your way through the cave to the tower, and secure the Sigillum Sanguis.
__洞窟を抜けtowerへと向かって下され。Sigillum Sanguisの守備をお願いいたしますぞ。
FormID: 0107D3D2 aaInfiltration GREETING 4 Make sure to kill all the knights in the cave and the tower. We can't have them reaching the stone, and collapsing this connection to Dagon's Temple.
FormID: 0107D3D2 aaInfiltration GREETING 5 I'll search the rest of the island for any knights that may have broken off from the main attackers. Go now and make them bleed for their intrusion!
FormID: 0107DACD aaInfiltration GREETING 0 Master... I never expected to see you here. I understand the entrance to the tower has been unsealed, and mortals are trying to gain access.
FormID: 0107DACD aaInfiltration GREETING 1 We don't get visitors often as we are pretty well isolated from the mainland. Espically not tasty mortals! I can't wait to devour their flesh.
FormID: 0107DACD aaInfiltration GREETING 2 I hear them comming, oh I'm so excited. Prepare for battle!
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 Well that was a piece of cake. Those puny mortals didn't stand a chance.
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 1 Now I just have to drag a few of their corpses back to my room for late night snacking.
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 2 You're welcome to join me you know. Even if you aren't hungry, if you know what I mean. I'll give you a key to my room incase you want to suprise me.
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 3 And don't bother running to snowflake for more teleport scrolls. I have just what you need right here.
__それと、これからはsnowflakeにteleport scrollsを貰いに行くような煩わしい手間は必要ありません。必要な物はここに有りますので。
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 4 No silly not that, well not right now anyway. It's a spell that will let you travel between Tamriel and the Deadlands.
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 5 You must be outside to use it, as it opens a little known conduit between this realm and Tamriel.
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 6 As long as the gate remains anchored in Dagon's Temple the spell will allow you to travel back and forth at will.
FormID: 0108A2A3 aaInfiltration GREETING 7 And there's plenty of room for that big sexy Dremora Amozabael too. Now you two come see me real soon, and we can have some fun...
FormID: 0108E191 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 Thank Dagon someone is here to deal with these knights. They have over run the Temple, and I fear it is only a matter of time before they find us.
FormID: 0108E191 aaInfiltration GREETING 1 You have to do something quickly, they must not reach the dungeon interior.
FormID: 0108E192 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 Quickly, make your way into the Temple. They'll destroy everything!
FormID: 0108E193 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 No time to talk, get in there!
FormID: 0108E194 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 What are you waiting for? You're not scared of them are you?
FormID: 0108E74E aaInfiltration GREETING 0 We've done it. The attempt by the knights to close the gate has failed. I eliminated the few others that were wandering the island.
FormID: 0108E74E aaInfiltration GREETING 1 I take it by the smile on your face that you met Smiarotiel. She's quite a woman, and very loyal. You could do a lot worse haha.
FormID: 0108E750 aaInfiltration aaPortal 0 So now you want your own private portal over there? Haha, I'll see what I can do.
FormID: 0108E750 aaInfiltration aaPortal 1 I think the guards can install one on the upper balcony in the master bedroom without too much trouble. Look for it in a day or two.
__衛兵たちに言って、master bedroom上のバルコニーにポータルを設置させましょう。それならあまり問題はないかと思われます。明日か明後日にはお目にかけられる事でしょう。
FormID: 0108E751 aaInfiltration GREETING 0 Yes master?

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Last-modified: 2009-09-05 (土) 17:40:37