

FormID: 0103188F sutchbiuld5 sutchv 0 I thought you seemed distressed, it's the recent attack isn't it, well I will send you some knights, don't worry about it.
__ずいぶんと疲弊していますね……おそらく昨今の襲撃に関してでしょう、違いますか? ご心配なく、じきに騎士団をあなたのもとへ送りましょう。
FormID: 0103189A sutchbiuld5 sutchw 0 Very good, I have noticed the troops are already here! Now, we must find out what the bandits are doing before they attack again!
FormID: 01031892 sutchbiuld5 sutchv2 0 To Sutch? I guess I could spare a couple of mercenary for you. Now, you can't say Skingrad wouldn't help Sutch!
__Sutchへ? 分かりました、兵士をそちらに派遣しましょう。SkingradがSutchを助けなかったとは言わせませんよ。
FormID: 01031894 sutchbiuld5 sutchv3 0 Oh, I am truly sorry, but... since the battle, we don't even have enough troops to secure the city, please forgive me...
FormID: 01031898 sutchbiuld5 sutchv5 0 What? Of course, I could probably spare a couple of mercenary, go ahead, back to Sutch. And fight for the empire!
__なんですって? もちろんです。傭兵団の一部を派遣いたしましょう。Sutchに戻り、帝国のため戦ってください。ご武運を!

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Last-modified: 2010-09-02 (木) 10:29:05