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Spell Book
Curse of Exhaustion
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To exhaust the subject simply add 3 strawberrys to a mix of spider poison, mash these together and apply heat for a while. Then mix together Ogre teeth and rat meat and add these to your heated mixed. Leave until the smell becomes over powering then pore on to the spell book page that is to absorb the curse.   
Ensure the correct protective charms are used at all times.

訳文 Edit

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Spell Book
Curse of Exhaustion(体力消耗の呪い)
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対象を疲れ果てさせるためには、strawberry3つとspider poison1つを混ぜ合わせ、押し潰したらしばしの間加熱すべし。終わったらOgre teethとrat meatを加えること。その後は強烈な匂いが立ちこめるようになるまで放置。そして呪文書のページに呪いを吸着させれば完了となる。

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Last-modified: 2009-06-18 (木) 21:51:05