

FormID: 0117F3C9 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I swear to you my friend, if anyone tries to harm that sweet girl, I will tear them limb from limb.
FormID: 0117F3CA 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Kind of stuck-up, that one. Right before you got here I told the funniest joke about an Argonian maid, and she didn't even crack a smile.
FormID: 0117F3CF 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 She's the one you'd want to talk to if you actually need something to get done around here.
FormID: 0117F3D0 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Clever girl. I've taught her everything I knew.
FormID: 0117F3CC 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Seems like a nice enough kid. I've met worse.
FormID: 0117F3CD 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I can sense a good, decent person in there, somewhere.
FormID: 0117F3CE 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Need to practice more.
FormID: 0117FAA5 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He is slow to anger but fierce with his axe.
FormID: 0117FAB4 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Please... you make me blush!
FormID: 0117FAAA 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I am proud to help her with her daily tasks.
FormID: 0117FAAE 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 My best friend.
FormID: 0117FAAB 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 We could... well, get to know each other much, much better.
FormID: 0117FAB9 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He's such a sweet man. I do enjoy his company.
FormID: 0117FAB8 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 He thinks he's so much better than everyone else!
FormID: 0117FAB6 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I've heard him talk and talk and talk. Haven't heard anything useful yet, though.
FormID: 0117FAB1 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Quite a character - and quite an impressive fighter.
FormID: 0117FAB3 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 I've got stuff to do. Don't bother me.
FormID: 0117FAB5 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 No sense of humor! Hell of a warrior, though.
FormID: 0117FAB2 1emmQuest1 ViljaPlayerOpinion 0 Almost seems like another nord to me.
FormID: 01135096 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Yes, he is a scum-bag, isn't he!
FormID: 01135097 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I completely agree with you.
FormID: 01159FCB 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I could turn him into a frog... or a toad. What do you prefer? I can never make up my mind in such decisions...
FormID: 01159FCC 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Well, I could always turn him into a skull...
FormID: 01159FCD 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Well, I could teach you some harmful spells... Perhaps some kind of curse... That could do the trick!
FormID: 01159FCE 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I think he's a filthy rat... Uh... Or a toad... Yes, a toad... no, no... A filthy toad-rat! That's it!
FormID: 0117A85D 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Rather distasteful fellow, actually.
FormID: 0117B615 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Rather distasteful fellow, actually.
FormID: 0117A863 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Stupid. Just plain stupid.
FormID: 0117A861 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I'm sure he can provide very highly detailed descriptions of women.
FormID: 0117A862 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Aargh... I could kill him!
FormID: 0117A865 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Pretty stupid.
FormID: 0117A85F 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 A big, fat liar.
FormID: 0118018D 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 A big, fat liar.
FormID: 011342C7 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 He's an ass. There's no excuse for his behaviour.
FormID: 0117B619 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 He's an ass. There's no excuse for his behaviour.
FormID: 011349A0 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Terrible. Just terrible.
FormID: 011349A4 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Revolting!
FormID: 011349A9 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I can't imagine why someone would act the way he does.
FormID: 01140326 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 He's a moron. One of these days he'll be taught a lesson.
FormID: 01140327 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 What a fool! I hope he is happy with himself.
FormID: 01140328 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I'd stay away from him if I were you. There's something very wrong with that man.
FormID: 011417BD 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Pathetic coward!
FormID: 011417BE 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Awful!
FormID: 011417BF 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 I'm afraid I haven't given it much thought. I'm rather busy, you understand.
FormID: 011417C6 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Don't mind him. He's not right in the head... poor fellow.
FormID: 011417C1 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 Oh, you poor dear.
FormID: 011417C2 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 That fetcher. Only he would stoop so low.
FormID: 011598DB 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 If you ever need a friendly ear, I'm always available, night or day.
FormID: 0117B613 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 If you ever need a friendly ear, I'm always available, night or day.
FormID: 011598E0 1emmQuest1 ViljaRunaropinion 0 What an idiot.

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Last-modified: 2011-06-30 (木) 06:31:08