

1emmAntidotenotes Edit

原文 Edit

<font face=5>Ingredients for strong poison antidote<br>
3 Aloe Vera Leaves<b>
2 Apples<b>
5 Bergamot Seeds<b>
5 Mandrake Roots<b>
2 Minotaur Horns<b>
2 Shy Roots of Hunger - Falanu might have<b>
3 Glowing Wisp Stalk Caps - Red Ruby Cave or Falanu might have<b>

訳文 Edit

<font face=5>強力解毒剤のレシピ<br>
Aloe Vera Leaves 3個<b>
Apple 2個<b>
Bergamot Seeds 5個<b>
Mandrake Root 5個<b>
Minotaur Horn 2個<b>
Shy Root of Hunger 2個(Falanuなら持っているかも)<b>
Glowing Wisp Stalk Caps 3個(Red Ruby Cave で採集可能。Falanuも持っているかも)<b>

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Last-modified: 2011-08-12 (金) 06:44:11