

FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 10 0 Raminus Polus has asked that I speak with Irlav Jarol about assisting with his research.
__Raminus PolusからIrlav Jarolの研究の手伝いについて話してきて欲しいと頼まれた。
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 20 0 I need to find the Ayelid ruins of Vahtacen and speak with Skaleel. Vahtacen is located southwest of Cheydinhal. It is on the western side of the Reed River at the uppermost part of the river.
__Ayleid ruins of Vahtacenを探し、Skaleelと話をする必要がある。
__Ayleid ruins of Vahtacenを探し、Skaleelと話をする必要がある。VahtacenはCheydinhalの南西に位置している。そこはReed Riverの上流のひとつで川の西側だ。
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 30 0 A room in Vahtacen contains a pillar that reacts to magic. I need to figure out how it works, but I must be careful so that I am not harmed. It's been suggested that I should stay away from anything but simple, single-effect spells.
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 35 0 Skaleel may have some reference material for deciphering the Ayleid symbols in Vahtacen.
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 37 0 Denel has offered to find translations of the inscriptions on the walls of Vahtacen.
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 40 0 I've solved the puzzle of the pillar, opening up more of the ruins of Vahtacen.
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 50 0 I've found an object deep within Vahtacen.
FormID: 00035F28 MG10Vahtacen 100 0 I have delivered the artifact to Irlav Jarol.
__遺物をIrlav Jarolの元へ届けた。

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Last-modified: 2010-05-01 (土) 12:47:06