

FormID: 00028AC9 MS16B MS16Choice6A 0 Indeed. What is the point of my tale? Albert Jemane builds Weatherleah way out in the middle of nowhere.
__俺の話のポイントは何かというと。Albert Jemaneは人里離れた所にWeatherleahを作り上げた。
__確かに。要点をはっきり言おう。Albert Jemaneは人里離れた所にWeatherleahを建てた。
FormID: 00028AC9 MS16B MS16Choice6A 1 He was a thief, not a farmer. The only reason to establish such a place would be to stay out of the Chorrol Guard's sight.
FormID: 00028AC9 MS16B MS16Choice6A 2 I believe that the item Albert stole, which rightly belongs to me, was hidden at the Weatherleah settlement.
FormID: 00028AC9 MS16B MS16Choice6A 3 Unfortunately, the notorious Redguard Valley Ogres ransacked the place and probably took all of the loot back with them.
__残念なことに、悪名高いRedguard Valley Ogre達は、その場所を略奪して、おそらく奴らは盗品と一緒に戻ったんだろう。
__運悪く、悪名高いRedguard Valley Ogre達がそこを襲撃した。そしておそらく戦利品をすべて持ち帰っただろう。
FormID: 00028AC9 MS16B MS16Choice6A 4 If you were to obtain this item, somehow, and bring it to me, I would pay you very well for it.
FormID: 00028AC9 MS16B MS16Choice6A 5 I can get you started by telling you where the Ogres live. The rest is up to you.
FormID: 00028BA7 MS16B MS16Choice7A 0 Yes, yes! This is indeed the Honorblade of Chorrol, finally delivered back to us after all these years!
__おお、それだ!本当にChorrol of Honorbladeだ、これだけの年月を経てようやく私達の元へ届いた!
__おお、それだ!本当にHonorblade of Chorrolだ、これだけの年月を経てようやく私達の元へ戻った!
FormID: 00028BA7 MS16B MS16Choice7A 1 So this tale has a happy ending after all, at least for you. Money cannot buy happiness, they say, but we know better.
FormID: 00028C79 MS16B MS16BStolenItem 0 You have it? Let me see it!
FormID: 0008DAA2 MS16B GREETING 0 You've made your choice... now leave me be.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 17:03:30