

FormID: 02005706 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 0 In the practice room you may increase your reputation by practising your skills on the targets. Each spell you cast on the target will increase your reputation a small amount.
FormID: 02005706 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 1 Also. you may have run afoul of groups of hostile necromancers and conjurers. Arch-mage Traven banned the practice of necromancy.
FormID: 02005706 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 2 Those mages who persist in practicing the arts of necromancy are therefore enemies of the Mages Guild.
FormID: 02005706 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 3 Similarly there are mages who would prefer to practice their craft without the direction of the Mages Guild. They attack any who is not one of them.
FormID: 02005706 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 4 As such the Mages Guild has to do what it can to combat these outlaws. You will gain a lot of reputation in the guild for killing them.
FormID: 02005706 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 5 Deliver the robes or cloaks of any necromancer or conjurer you kill to me for a small reward and to gain reputation within the guild.
FormID: 02005708 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroPracticeJobs 0 Do you have the robes of any necromancers or conjurers that you have killed?
FormID: 0200570C LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroNecroRobes 0 Good work. The world is that much safer because of your efforts. You are rewarded with gold for each robe you hand over to me.
FormID: 02005710 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroConjurerRobes 0 Nicely done. Your work is appreciated by the Mages Guild. Take this gold for each robe you hand in. Know too that your reputation throughout the guild has icnreased because of your actions.
FormID: 020057E0 LingMGFacRepNecro LingMGNecroNevermind 0 Very well.

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Last-modified: 2009-06-16 (火) 01:36:50