

FormID: 0002427B FGD00JoinFG FGJoin1 0 Excellent. You are now an Associate in the Fighters Guild. You should report to either Azzan in Anvil or Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal for contracts.
__すばらしい。これであんたの戦士ギルドの身分は Associate になったよ。契約については、 Anvil の Azzan か Cheydinhal の Burz gro-Khash のどちらかに話をするんだね。
FormID: 0002427C FGD00JoinFG FGJoin1 0 Fine. You are now an Associate in the Fighters Guild. For contracts, speak either with me or with Burz gro-Khash in Cheydinhal. Good luck to you.
__よしっ。これでお前の身分は戦士ギルドの Associate になったぜ。契約に関しては、俺か Cheydinhal の Burz gro-Khash に話をするんだ。健闘を祈ってるよ。
FormID: 0002427D FGD00JoinFG FGJoin1 0 Good, I guess. You're now an Associate in the Fighters Guild. Report to me or Azzan in Anvil for contracts. And don't screw up.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 16:47:10