

FormID: 0003355A FGConversations advancementFG 0 You've cleared every contract we've got on the books. That's some good work. You're now promoted to Champion of the Fighters Guild.
__帳簿に記された全ての依頼をこなしたようだな。なかなかやるじゃないか。お前はFighters GuildのChampionへと昇進したぞ。
FormID: 0003355A FGConversations advancementFG 1 You outrank me, now, so there's certainly no more I can do for you. You might check with an old friend of yours, though.
FormID: 0003355A FGConversations advancementFG 2 Rumor has it that Oreyn's looking for you. You didn't hear it from me, though. Good work, and good luck. REC Orc M[CRLF];oh-RAIN
FormID: 0003355B FGConversations advancementFG 0 You've been doing a good job, and under a lot of scrutiny. I've been authorized to promote you to the rank of Guardian. Good work.
FormID: 0003355C FGConversations advancementFG 0 You've done good work, and you deserve better than your current rank. I'm restoring your previous rank of Guardian. Congratulations.
FormID: 0003355D FGConversations advancementFG 0 Look, I can't promote you. Not now. You'll need to get some contracts completed, and then I can do it.
FormID: 0003355E FGConversations advancementFG 0 Your accomplishments are impressive. Because of this, I bestow upon you the rank of Warder of the Fighters Guild.
__目を見張る成果だな。これにより、お前にFighters GuildのWarderのランクを授けることとする。
FormID: 0003355F FGConversations advancementFG 0 Your service to the guild has not gone unnoticed. Henceforth, you will carry the rank of Defender. Bear the title proudly.
FormID: 00033562 FGConversations advancementFG 0 You're due for advancement. I hereby name you Protector of the Fighters Guild.
__お前の昇進が決まったぞ。これによりお前をFighters GuildのProtectorに任命する。
FormID: 00033563 FGConversations advancementFG 0 You've done well. Because of your efforts, you have achieved the rank of Swordsman of the Fighters Guild.
__よくやってくれた。この尽力で、お前はFighters GuildのSwordsmanのランクに就くことになったぞ。
FormID: 00033565 FGConversations advancementFG 0 Looks like it is time for a promotion. Due to your performance, I name you Journeyman of the Fighters Guild.
__昇進の時が来たようだな。この働きにより、Fighters GuildのJourneymanに任命するこことする。
__昇進の時が来たようだな。この働きにより、Fighters GuildのJourneymanに任命することとする。
FormID: 00033567 FGConversations advancementFG 0 You have done well so far. I hereby promote you to Apprentice. Good luck.
FormID: 0003356F FGConversations advancementFG 0 I'm sorry. You're not yet ready for a promotion. Keep completing contracts, and take care of any assigned duties.

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 16:46:36