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editlog - 現在との差分 (all)

ページ名 L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgZXQXivDialog-01 (閲覧)
投稿者ID 5fqZQBbJF5O
投稿日 2013-05-03 (Fri) 22:36:55
差分情報 [ 差分 | 現在との差分 | ソース ]
現在との差分行 追加:0, 削除:0

FormID: 03007626	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Oh. Another one taking a look at the imprisoned Xivilai. Great. Just... great.	
FormID: 030C48DF	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	I'm free? I can't believe it. Thank you!	
FormID: 0301773A	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	There's something that needs to be done. A disturbance in the north need to be cleared.	
FormID: 0302E550	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to the 19 Voids!	
__19 Voidsにようこそ!
FormID: 0306539E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Oh honey, do you know how ... tempting you were?	
FormID: 0306539E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	It took me a lot of willpower to not jump under the blanket with you and have some fun.	
FormID: 0306539E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Tell you what: Sheogorath, Haskill and their rules be damned!	
FormID: 0306539E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	If you're sleeping the next time before me, I will give into my needs. And we will have a lot of fun.	
FormID: 0306539E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	4	Now if you excuse me, I need to... cool down.	
FormID: 0303C905	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	There's another Xivilai in the north waiting for your attention.	
FormID: 0303C907	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Firu has been kept in suspense long enough. Time to deal with her situation.	
FormID: 03049762	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You were the one that freed me, are you not?	
FormID: 030C9BCA	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	No. I'm sorry, but. No. It hurts too much. Speaking with you. Seeing you. Please go and leave me dwell in darkness and despair.	
FormID: 0304A52E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You had a few nice words for Teshekru, I heard.	
FormID: 0304A52E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	This halls have quite an echo, don't they?	
FormID: 0304A52E	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Don't let her feel too comfortable. Last time I had dealings with Daedra Seducer feeling comfortable things got messy.	
__いいか。あまり奴を安心させては駄目だぞ。以前会ったDaedra Seducerも、つけ上がらせたせいであまり素敵な事にならなかったんだ。
FormID: 0304A52F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Even more charming to the Seductress, aren't you?	
FormID: 0304A52F	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	A word of warning: Get too close to her and I'll likely have to mop up your remains.	
FormID: 0304A532	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	I like how you talk to that Teshekru. Always nice to see when others are able to see through their deceptive behaviour.	
FormID: 0304A532	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Makes an honest Xivilai feel proud.	
FormID: 0304A533	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Ha! I love how you treat Teshekru. Finally someone else realizing what's in store with her.	
FormID: 0304A533	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	And that she's not to be trusted. On the contrary. All this sweet talking, playing the harmless and mistreated Damsel. What a joke.	
FormID: 0304D5FD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Oh dear. I know it sounds funny when I call someone horny, considering what horns I've got, but really.	
FormID: 0304D5FD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Why on Mundus do you make this dance around that Daedra Seducer? Are you so prone to her charms?	
FormID: 0304D5FD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	Haven't you had other women, like, ever? Anytime? Or why, arg! You're playing with a fire likely to burn you.	
FormID: 0304D5FD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	I don't like to get sentimental but I don't want to imagine you as a crispy snack. And that's where you're heading.	
FormID: 0304D5FE	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Oh dear. I know it sounds funny when I call someone horny, considering what horns I've got, but really.	
FormID: 0304D5FE	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Why on Mundus do you make this dance around that Daedra Seducer? Are you so prone to her charms?	
FormID: 0304D5FE	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	I mean, you're a woman yourself. I'd expected behaviour like yours from a hormone-driven teenager. Or why, arg! You're playing with a fire likely to burn you.	
FormID: 0304D5FE	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	I don't like to get sentimental but I don't want to imagine you as a crispy snack. And that's where you're heading.	
FormID: 0304D5FF	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You know what I'd like to do?	
FormID: 0304D5FF	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Hug you.	
FormID: 0304D5FF	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	But then likely Tesserayiel or Zerreshju would look funny at me. And we don't want that, do we?	
FormID: 0304D5FF	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	I'm very glad that you're not falling for Teshekru's charms. Woman or not. Maybe there's hope after all?	
FormID: 0304D600	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You know what I'd like to do?	
FormID: 0304D600	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Hug you.	
FormID: 0304D600	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	2	But then likely Tesserayiel or Zerreshju would look funny at me. And we don't want that, do we?	
FormID: 0304D600	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	3	I'm very glad that you're not falling for Teshekru's charms. In this Aureal and Mazken are right, sometimes men have a harder time resisting someone. Maybe there's hope after all?	
FormID: 0304FF08	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to Fog Slope, stranger.	
__Fog Slopeへようこそ、stranger。
FormID: 030C9BCB	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to Fog Slope, searcher.	
__Fog Slopeへようこそ、searcher。
FormID: 030C9BCC	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to Fog Slope, finder.	
__Fog Slopeへようこそ、finder。
FormID: 030C9BCD	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to Fog Slope, acquirer.	
__Fog Slopeへようこそ、acquirer。
FormID: 03060058	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to our little farm, stranger.	
FormID: 03077E6C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Welcome to the New Sheoth outpost of the Stranded Light!	
__ようこそ、Stranded LightのNew Sheoth支部へ!
FormID: 0307CA88	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	You've done some great work in Chorrol, dealing with Chandra, the other Chandra, and all this fluff. If you aren't already, I hereby name you Diplomat of the Stranded Light.	
__あなたはChorrolで素晴らしい働きをしてくれましたね。Chandraの対処、そしてもう一人のChandraを失敗させました。もしまだそうでないなら、あなたをStranded LightのDiplomatに任命しましょう。
FormID: 0307CA88	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	1	Wear the title proudly.
FormID: 0307D853	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Time to talk about Taints of Order.	
FormID: 03086A3B	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	I don't want any more silver longswords!	
__もうこれ以上silver longswordはいらんぞ!
FormID: 03086A3C	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Do you want to buy a silver longsword? I've got lots of them!	
__Silver Swordが欲しいのか? たくさんあるぞ!
FormID: 03086A3D	bgZXQXivDialog	GREETING	0	Nothing to see here, move along.	

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