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FormID: 01003048 aaNoThanks DIAL No __違います FormID: 0101BB21 aaDagonsDeadlands DIAL Dagon's Deadlands? __Dagon's Deadlandsとは? FormID: 0101BB23 aaWhyUs DIAL But why us? __でも、どうして自分たちが? FormID: 0101F770 aaGiveItems DIAL Give her the items __アイテムを差し出す FormID: 0102E386 aaWaitHere DIAL Wait here __ここで待ってて FormID: 0102E387 aaContinue DIAL Continue __続けよう FormID: 01032B8B aaNo DIAL No __いいえ FormID: 01032B8D aaIAmTheNewRulerOfThisPlane DIAL I am the new ruler of this plane __自分はこの地の新しい統治者です FormID: 01032B8F aaMaybe DIAL Maybe __恐らくは FormID: 01032B90 aaThatsnoneofyourconcern DIAL That's none of your concern __あなたは知らなくてもいいことだ FormID: 01032B94 aaWhatdoyouwantmetodo DIAL What do you want me to do? __何をして欲しいのですか? FormID: 01032B96 aaVerywellwaithere DIAL Very well, wait here. __結構だ、ここで待っていてください FormID: 010348CD aaGivehimthecrystalball DIAL Give him the crystal ball __Crystal Ballを渡す FormID: 010370EB aaEnchanOrb DIAL Enchanting Orb __Enchanting Orbのことですが FormID: 01039D33 aaPickUpItems DIAL Pick up weapons and armor __武器と鎧を拾って下さい FormID: 01039D35 aaEquipItems DIAL Equip armor and weapons __鎧と武器を装備して下さい FormID: 0103BCB8 aaOkthanksfortheinfo DIAL Ok thanks for the info __教えてくれてありがとう FormID: 0103BCBC aaWhyhavntyoureportedthisbefore DIAL Why havn't you reported this before? __何故もっと早く報告しなかったのですか? FormID: 0103BCBE aaNoyouhavegivinmewhatineed DIAL No, you have given me what I need __いいえ、貴方は必要としたことを教えてくれました FormID: 0103BCC1 aaSoundsgoodleadtheway DIAL Sounds good lead the way __良い考えです、先導してください FormID: 0103D9E7 aaYes DIAL Yes __はい FormID: 0103D9ED aaNotTonight DIAL No __いいえ FormID: 0103F0DF aaComewithme DIAL aaComewithme FormID: 010418A4 aaNonothingelse DIAL No, nothing else __いえ、何でもありません FormID: 0104ADD9 aaNothingThanks DIAL Nothing, thanks. __結構です、ありがとう。 FormID: 01053579 aaWhatKindOfHole DIAL What kind of security hole? __警備の隙とはどのようなものですか? FormID: 0105357B aaSoundsLikeAGoodPlan DIAL Sounds like a good plan __良さそうな案ですね FormID: 0105B0E1 aaLetsGoGetKear DIAL Let's go get Kear __Kearを捕らえに行きましょう FormID: 0105C77B aaLethimin DIAL Let him in __中に入れるように FormID: 0105C77C aaKillhim DIAL Kill him! __殺しなさい! FormID: 0105C77F aaServices DIAL Services? __サービス? FormID: 0105E4E5 aaNotbadIcoulduseyourservices DIAL Not bad, I could use your services __悪くありません、サービスを受け入れましょう FormID: 0105E4E7 aaThisisgarbage DIAL This is garbage __駄作ですね FormID: 0105E4EA aaMakeitso DIAL Make it so __そうしなさい FormID: 0105E4EC aaGoodgetlost DIAL Good get lost! __よろしい、去れ! FormID: 0105E4EE aaYouwontleaveherealive DIAL You wont leave here alive! __生きて帰れると思うな! FormID: 0105E4F2 aaSpecialOffer DIAL Special offer? __特注品? FormID: 0105E4F4 aaIlldoit DIAL I'll do it __分かりました FormID: 0105E4F6 aaNotmystyle DIAL Not my style __私の好みではありません FormID: 01060CD7 aaGivehimthesoulgems DIAL Give him the soul gems __彼にsoul gemを渡す FormID: 01060CD9 aaIllaskhim DIAL I'll ask him __彼に尋ねてみます FormID: 01066DC1 aaSendhelpforthesmithy DIAL Send help for the smithy __鍛冶師に手伝いを送ることについて FormID: 0106719D aaHealSelf DIAL Heal self __自分を回復するように FormID: 0107DB1E aaVeryWell DIAL Very well __了解しました FormID: 0108091C aaAfraidICantDoThat DIAL Afraid I can't do that __そうはいくものか FormID: 0108E749 aaFun DIAL Fun __プライベート FormID: 0108E74A aaBusiness DIAL Business __仕事 FormID: 0108E74F aaPortal DIAL Portal to the dead tower __the dead towerへとつながるポータル FormID: 010BF98F aaHowDoWeGetThere DIAL How do we get there? __どうすればたどり着けますか? FormID: 010C2D2F aaResuce DIAL We have come to rescue you __あなたを救助しに来ました FormID: 010C2D31 aaAmozIdea DIAL It was Amozabael's idea, not mine __Amozabaelの発案です。私ではありません。 FormID: 010DBC3F aaTellherabouttheloveletter DIAL Tell her about the love letter __ラブレターのことを話す FormID: 010DD8C4 aaTellhimwhathappend DIAL Tell him what happend __何が起こったか話す FormID: 010F3155 aaTellherabouttheDeadlands DIAL Tell her about the Deadlands __Deadlandsでの出来事を話す FormID: 010F3157 aaWhatitemsdoyouneed DIAL What items do you need? __どのようなアイテムが欲しいのですか? FormID: 010F596C aaYesIhavethem DIAL Give her the items __アイテムを差し出す FormID: 01140108 aaWhatsgoingonhere DIAL What's going on here? __ここで何が起きているのですか?
FormID: 01003048 aaNoThanks DIAL No __違います FormID: 0101BB21 aaDagonsDeadlands DIAL Dagon's Deadlands? __Dagon's Deadlandsとは? FormID: 0101BB23 aaWhyUs DIAL But why us? __でも、どうして自分たちが? FormID: 0101F770 aaGiveItems DIAL Give her the items __アイテムを差し出す FormID: 0102E386 aaWaitHere DIAL Wait here __ここで待ってて FormID: 0102E387 aaContinue DIAL Continue __続けよう FormID: 01032B8B aaNo DIAL No __いいえ FormID: 01032B8D aaIAmTheNewRulerOfThisPlane DIAL I am the new ruler of this plane __自分はこの地の新しい統治者です FormID: 01032B8F aaMaybe DIAL Maybe __恐らくは FormID: 01032B90 aaThatsnoneofyourconcern DIAL That's none of your concern __あなたは知らなくてもいいことだ FormID: 01032B94 aaWhatdoyouwantmetodo DIAL What do you want me to do? __何をして欲しいのですか? FormID: 01032B96 aaVerywellwaithere DIAL Very well, wait here. __結構だ、ここで待っていてください FormID: 010348CD aaGivehimthecrystalball DIAL Give him the crystal ball __Crystal Ballを渡す FormID: 010370EB aaEnchanOrb DIAL Enchanting Orb __Enchanting Orbのことですが FormID: 01039D33 aaPickUpItems DIAL Pick up weapons and armor __武器と鎧を拾って下さい FormID: 01039D35 aaEquipItems DIAL Equip armor and weapons __鎧と武器を装備して下さい FormID: 0103BCB8 aaOkthanksfortheinfo DIAL Ok thanks for the info __教えてくれてありがとう FormID: 0103BCBC aaWhyhavntyoureportedthisbefore DIAL Why havn't you reported this before? __何故もっと早く報告しなかったのですか? FormID: 0103BCBE aaNoyouhavegivinmewhatineed DIAL No, you have given me what I need __いいえ、貴方は必要としたことを教えてくれました FormID: 0103BCC1 aaSoundsgoodleadtheway DIAL Sounds good lead the way __良い考えです、先導してください FormID: 0103D9E7 aaYes DIAL Yes __はい FormID: 0103D9ED aaNotTonight DIAL No __いいえ FormID: 0103F0DF aaComewithme DIAL aaComewithme FormID: 010418A4 aaNonothingelse DIAL No, nothing else __いえ、何でもありません FormID: 0104ADD9 aaNothingThanks DIAL Nothing, thanks. __結構です、ありがとう。 FormID: 01053579 aaWhatKindOfHole DIAL What kind of security hole? __警備の隙とはどのようなものですか? FormID: 0105357B aaSoundsLikeAGoodPlan DIAL Sounds like a good plan __良さそうな案ですね FormID: 0105B0E1 aaLetsGoGetKear DIAL Let's go get Kear __Kearを捕らえに行きましょう FormID: 0105C77B aaLethimin DIAL Let him in __中に入れるように FormID: 0105C77C aaKillhim DIAL Kill him! __殺しなさい! FormID: 0105C77F aaServices DIAL Services? __サービス? FormID: 0105E4E5 aaNotbadIcoulduseyourservices DIAL Not bad, I could use your services __悪くありません、サービスを受け入れましょう FormID: 0105E4E7 aaThisisgarbage DIAL This is garbage __駄作ですね FormID: 0105E4EA aaMakeitso DIAL Make it so __そうしなさい FormID: 0105E4EC aaGoodgetlost DIAL Good get lost! __よろしい、去れ! FormID: 0105E4EE aaYouwontleaveherealive DIAL You wont leave here alive! __生きて帰れると思うな! FormID: 0105E4F2 aaSpecialOffer DIAL Special offer? __特注品? FormID: 0105E4F4 aaIlldoit DIAL I'll do it __分かりました FormID: 0105E4F6 aaNotmystyle DIAL Not my style __私の好みではありません FormID: 01060CD7 aaGivehimthesoulgems DIAL Give him the soul gems __彼にsoul gemを渡す FormID: 01060CD9 aaIllaskhim DIAL I'll ask him __彼に尋ねてみます FormID: 01066DC1 aaSendhelpforthesmithy DIAL Send help for the smithy __鍛冶師に手伝いを送ることについて FormID: 0106719D aaHealSelf DIAL Heal self __自分を回復するように FormID: 0107DB1E aaVeryWell DIAL Very well __了解しました FormID: 0108091C aaAfraidICantDoThat DIAL Afraid I can't do that __そうはいくものか FormID: 0108E749 aaFun DIAL Fun __プライベート FormID: 0108E74A aaBusiness DIAL Business __仕事 FormID: 0108E74F aaPortal DIAL Portal to the dead tower __the dead towerへとつながるポータル FormID: 010BF98F aaHowDoWeGetThere DIAL How do we get there? __どうすればたどり着けますか? FormID: 010C2D2F aaResuce DIAL We have come to rescue you __あなたを救助しに来ました FormID: 010C2D31 aaAmozIdea DIAL It was Amozabael's idea, not mine __Amozabaelの発案です。私ではありません。 FormID: 010DBC3F aaTellherabouttheloveletter DIAL Tell her about the love letter __ラブレターのことを話す FormID: 010DD8C4 aaTellhimwhathappend DIAL Tell him what happend __何が起こったか話す FormID: 010F3155 aaTellherabouttheDeadlands DIAL Tell her about the Deadlands __Deadlandsでの出来事を話す FormID: 010F3157 aaWhatitemsdoyouneed DIAL What items do you need? __どのようなアイテムが欲しいのですか? FormID: 010F596C aaYesIhavethem DIAL Give her the items __アイテムを差し出す FormID: 01140108 aaWhatsgoingonhere DIAL What's going on here? __ここで何が起きているのですか?