L10N/Windfall/1.0/Books/WFBookMedCenLedgerW の変更点


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**原文 [#text_en]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<FONT face=1>
Fredas 2nd
<FONT face=5>
Crassi Maro admitted suffering serious injury to his lower left leg after being attacked by a slaughterfish.
Leg amputated below the knee.
<FONT face=1>
Turdis 8th
<FONT face=5>
Tedril Andala admitted into the clinic suffering from decapitation.
Body pronounced deceased on arrival. Head was never really all that lively.
<FONT face=1>
Lordas 10th
<FONT face=5>
Unknown Argonian male arrived today; he has several deep wounds to his torso but has yet to regain consciousness.
Began rudimentary healing of wounds.
<FONT face=1>
Mordas 12th
<FONT face=5>
An Orc named Guaron Gorzog was admitted today after suffering a serious head injury from a shot from a hunter who mistook him for a large bipedal green boar. Gorzog has behaved very violently and appears to be suffering from some kind of delirium.
We anaesthetised him. Several blows were required.
<FONT face=1>
Tirdis 13th
<FONT face=5>
S'Baad operated on this morning. All fur balls were removed by lunch time.
<FONT face=1>
Midras 14th
<FONT face=5>
A High Elf woman, Fistir, arrived today after losing her leg in an accident involving a scythe and the season's harvest.
Found a new leg in the stockpile and grafted on successfully.
<FONT face=1>
Fredas 16th
<FONT face=5>
Local Redguard Torlin arrived unconscious after losing a leg in a bar fight.
Unable to find replacement leg in stock, limb replaced with the table leg. Torlin purchased the table for spare parts.
<FONT face=1>
Lordas 17th
<FONT face=5>
Unknown Khajiit male arrived suffering from serious sickness.
Anaesthetised and discharged after the sickness was found to be contagious.
<FONT face=1>
Tirdis 20th
<FONT face=5>
Bretonian Irbrand was admitted this morning after losing a leg to goblins in the wilderness.
Replacement was located and was ready to be grafted. Irbrand regained consciousness and ate leg in fit of beserker rage.
That was our last Size 3.
<FONT face=1>
Mordas 26th
<FONT face=5>
Gorzog pronounced deceased this morning following repeated administration of anaesthesia.
Nord named Kolfhe arrived after having his arm cut off somewhere in the city. Dog was sent to retrieve it.
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Middas 28th
<FONT face=5>
Two Imperials admitted after seriously wounding each other in a brawl.
One individual subsequently died.
<FONT face=1>
Monthly Summary
Admitted - <FONT face=5>12
<FONT face=1>
Discharged - <FONT face=5>6
<FONT face=1>
Deceased - <FONT face=5>3
<FONT face=1>
Probably Deceased - <FONT face=5>3
<FONT face=1>
Statistical Survival Rate - <FONT face=5>50 per cent.
<FONT face=1>
<FONT face=5>
Good work. Our survival rate has gone up a whole 50 per cent. I'm very proud of you all, there'll be a round of ale at the tavern later and no mistake.
On the business side of things, someone go find Bits-n-pieces and see if he has any more spare parts for us. See if those necros have anything to trade as well, we're running low on Sizes 3 through to 6.
<DIV align="right">Doc

**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。



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