L10N/The_Pirate_Isles/0.7/Books/aaaJNFDSPIParleyNote1 の変更点


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*本文 [#u2debcd2]

**原文 [#zc685fb4]
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Greetings Captain<br>
Some information I picked up in Cape Yakudra<br>
The Infamous Pirate Ezekial Solomon and his Crew have been captured and executed in Cape Yakudra. Their bodies have been left swinging from the gallows as a reminder to other Pirates of what their fate may be.<br>
The word is that the Legion have confiscated the Soul Hunter; Captain Solomon's famous weapon. They have it locked away in the Yakudran Castle pending studies by the Arcane University. What a prize that weapon would be to any Pirate! Unfortunately the only way that I can think of to gain access to the Castle is to get arrested while in Cape Yakudra. Therefore acquiring the Soul Hunter would mean a successful escape from the jail and the theft of the weapon.<br>
Some trivia for you perusal Captain.<br>
The Pirate (from the Ayleid &#65533;peirat&#65533;s&#65533;, which means &#65533;the one who undertakes&#65533;, &#65533;the one who tempts fortune&#65533;) acts for his own account, he is an outlaw who crosses the Seas and who plunders, violates and often kills without distinction of race or nationality. If he is caught, he is hanged high and short. High so that everybody sees him, and short to save on rope!<br>
The Privateer acts on a letter of mark delivered in the name of his Sovereign (often, he isn&#65533;t even warned about it). This letter is a document by which a country recognizes him as an auxiliary military force. The Privateer acts for the service of his country. If he is captured, he shows his letter of mark, which allows him to avoid the rope. But some little scrupulous Privateers take advantage of this official paper to plunder and kill innocent traders, much like Pirates. Piracy is as old as the waves and still permeates our culture in any place riches or fame cross with the open Seas.<br>
The Freebooter (or &#65533;Brother of the Coast&#65533;, from Dwemer &#65533;vrijbuiter&#65533;; which means literally &#65533;free booty maker&#65533;) is a Privateer of the Abecean.<br>
The Buccaneer (derived of the Ayleid &#65533;boucan&#65533;) was originally a hunter of wild animals. They trade animal skins and smoked meats (the smoking process is called &#65533;boucanage&#65533; learned from the Ayleid).<br>
The Smuggler is engaged in the clandestine business of prohibited goods for which they did not settle the customs duties.<br>
I hope this is to your interest. Good luck Captain.

**訳文 [#a6e0aeab]
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Cape Yakudraで聞いた情報を幾つか<br>
悪名高き海賊Ezekial Solomonと彼のクルーはCape Yakudraで捕らえられて、処刑されました。彼らの体は他の海賊への威嚇のため、絞首台で今も揺れています。<br>
悪名高き海賊Ezekial Solomonと彼のクルーはCape Yakudraで捕らえられて、処刑されました。彼らの体は他の海賊への見せしめのため、絞首台で今も揺れています。<br>
伝えたいことは、軍がSolomon船長の有名な武器Soul Hunterを押収したという事です。Arcane Universityに研究のため輸送されるまで、Yakudran Castleに保管されています。その武器はどんな海賊にとっても、素晴らしい武器になります。残念ながら、Cape Yakudraで逮捕されてYakudran Castleへ入る以外に、その武器を手に入れる方法は無いでしょう。したがって、Soul Hunterを手に入れるという事は、武器を盗んで、脱獄に成功する事を意味します。<br>
Freebooter(戦争・騒乱等で金品を盗む略奪者) (または、Brother of the Coast[浜辺の兄弟団]、ドワーフ語ではvrijbuiter[訳注:本来はオランダ語]の意味は自由に略奪する物)はAbecean海のPrivateerである。<br>
Buccaneer[バッカニア](Ayleid boucanを使う海賊) は元々、野生動物を狙うハンターでした。動物の皮や燻製にした肉を売っていた。(燻製方法はboucanageと呼ばれ、Ayleidから伝わった):[訳注boucanについて。肉を薫製するための木枠の事。17世紀に豚等を捕まえ、燻製にして船乗りに売っていた強盗団が、後に海賊になり、Buccaneerと呼ばれた。Buccaneerも海賊の事を表す]<br>


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