L10N/Myths_and_Legends_Weapon2/2.4.8/Books/BookMalJournal の変更点

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*題名 [#x76934fd]
**原題 [#n754424d]

**訳題 [#bb24d2a1]

*本文 [#e4697529]

**原文 [#text_en]
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[This decrepit journal, a half decayed tome of crumpled papers bound together with bits of tattered string, appears quite old.  Upon closer inspection, it is apparent that it is not so much ancient as it is deteriorated, as if it has been exposed to the harsh elements for a brief yet intense period of time.  Most of the pages are either stained with what appears to be blood, moldy from lying on the damp ground for too long, or simply filled with the seemingly pointless thoughts of its deceased owner.  A few entries towards the end, however, appear of some value:]
Entry 119:  
It has been a long and boring journey down the Thir river, but we have finally reached Narsis.  I was afraid that our precious cargo we 'intercepted' back in Old Ebonheart from those guards bound for Mournhold would tempt some of the newer members, but I guess they have undying loyalty to us for freeing them.  
Indeed, I'm beginning to trust each of them, for it is apparent to me now that their loyalties lie with Black Marsh and the resistance rather than their own greed.  Perhaps when we return to Stormhold and procure some much needed supplies and payment for these artifacts, then I will send some of the gold back to my contacts in the Twin Lamps.
Flicks-His-Tongue just informed me that we have docked in Narsis, so it looks like we'll begin unloading the cargo and making our way by road over the border.... hopefully no complications will arise.
Entry 120:  
Scales-Like-Jewels says she is afraid that we will be caught, that we should stay here in Narsis for a while.  I tried to tell her everything would be okay, that they would not know to look for a band of harmless-looking Argonians, but she seems to think otherwise.  As beautiful and mature as she is, I think sometimes she can be too naive and paranoid... but perhaps she is right.  
Regardless, I promised to her that once we did arrive in Stormhold and were payed for our services, that I would relinquish leadership over to someone else, perhaps Hates-Elves, so that her and I could go off somewhere together.  Maybe I could even take a small bit of the earnings and buy a nice swamp somewhere....
Entry 121: 
 How lucky we are!  While passing us on the road, a young Argonian told us that there was a barricade at the border, apparently looking for a group of escaped slaves who had stolen something from the King!  These weapons were supposed to be bound for the Museum, where did Helseth get involved!?  Regardless, it was good that we were warned, for we would have strolled straight into an ambush!
Now we travel slowly through the wilderness, making our way west along the border with Black Marsh.  I decided our best option would be to travel into Cyrodil, then make our way south a good deal, then turn back east and go into Black Marsh.  
It's going to be a much longer journey, especially since we have to travel through the Valus mountains nearly the whole way, but it is certainly better than being caught and executed... or returned to Vvardenfell and having to work on that cursed Dren Plantation again!  I know Scales-Like-Jewels would rather kill herself, and, frankly, so would I.
Entry 122:
 [Though short, this entry was apparently written very quickly and carelessly, and what could have been made out from the scribble is obscured by dried blood.]
Entry 123:  
The night is so dark.  We ran for a long time, and I think we lost them, but it is pointless.  Scales-Like-Jewels is dying, her beautiful scales covered in dark mud from our scramble up the mountain and through this blasted forest.  We are too old for this.
Oh how I wish I had listened to her and laid low in Narsis for a while... none of this would have happened.  Of all our luck, why did that patrol have to be in the exact same place as us?  I don't know why Scales-Like-Jewels and I fled... perhaps I am not as loyal as I thought.  I just took one of the artifacts with me and ran... 
All I really want to do is live happily with her for the rest of my life, but even that won't happen anymore, because she won't be able to make it out of these mountains... and neither will I.  The cold is bad enough, but she was hit by a stray arrow that the guards fired after us.... I hope the rest of our group did better than we did... at least they stayed behind and fought, giving their lives for the resistance, like we should have done.
This shrine we stopped at is very strange.  It looks like the other wayshrines that are numerous throughout this province, but I can't find any of the symbols used to depict the Nine Divines.  Perhaps it is an even more ancient shrine... either way, it at least provides some sanctity in these wild mountains.
Entry 124:  
Scales-Like-Jewels is dead, and I think I will be soon as well.  The rain is so cold... yet it is refreshing.  I welcome it... it is at least better than what could have happened if we were caught.  
The most remarkable thing happened when I set the staff down on the shrine... it lit up with an eerie light, as if it is meant to be here.  The blue light it casts now is amazing, the sparkling reflections of it dance in the soft rain, scattering fragments of heavenly light around the dark forest.  It even dances upon Scales-Like-Jewels' perfect scales... she is even beautiful in death.
I wonder, was this all fated to occur?  Were we meant to acquire this staff and bring it here?  It is too perfect, lying there untouched in its resplendent glory.  If this was my destiny... perhaps it is not so bad... at least Scales-Like-Jewels and I died together...  I hope whoever stumbles upon us and that staff will have a better fate....
[There are no more entries.]


**訳文 [#text_ja]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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項目 119:
それはThir riverを下る長くて退屈な旅だったが、最終的にはNarsisにたどり着くことが出来た。私達が最も恐れていたのは、大事な荷物を'横取りされた'Old EbonheartのGuardたちがMournholdで新しい仲間たちを懐柔することだったが、彼らが私達を裏切ることはないと確信していた。 
実際、私は信じていた。彼らは自身の欲望よりも、Black Marshへの敵対心から忠誠を抱いていることが私の目から見ても明らかだったからだ。できれば私達がStormholdに戻った時、必要な物資の調達とこのブツの報酬を貰ったら、いくらかの金を渡してTwin Lampsに送り返してやるつもりだ。
項目 120:  
Scales-Like-Jewelsが捕まることを恐れているようなので、しばらくここNarsisに滞在したほうがいいだろう。私は彼女に全て順調だと教えようとした。彼らはharmless-looking Argonians一団を捜している事を知らないはずだが、彼女は他の事を言っているように見える。彼女は年相応に成熟した美しさをもっているが、時々神経質すぎて異常に見える・・・しかし、恐らく彼女は正常だ。
項目 121: 
今、私達は荒野を通ってゆっくりと旅している。Black Marshの国境、西側に沿って。私達にとって最良の選択肢はまずCyrodilに行き、次に南へずっと進み、次は東に折り返してBlack Marshに入ることだと決めた。
これはとても長い旅行だ。特に私達の旅路のほとんどは、ずっとValus mountainsを通っていかなければならなかった。しかし、捕まって死刑になるか・・・Vvardenfellに連れ戻され、再び忌々しいDren Plantationの所で働かされるより遥かにマシだ!それならScales-Like-Jewelsに殺してもらったほうがいい、いや、正直にいうと、そうして欲しい。
項目 122:
項目 123:  
私達が泊まった神殿はとても奇妙だった。それはこの国によくある神殿に似ていたが、Nine Divinesをあらわすシンボルが見あたらなかったのだ。恐らくかなり古い神殿だ・・・何にしても、この荒れた山に少なくとも何か神聖なものをもたらしていた。
項目 124:  


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