L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povsswonderdoc2 の変更点


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// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が3つづつ。
<font face=5>
As you have found this room perhaps you are worthy enough to be told another of my secrets.
Many years ago a strange old man knocked on my door.  I assumed he had come to buy potions from me as so many do.  He would not come in but pressed a small card into my hand and told me to guard it with my life.
Well I am not an ex member of the Glenmoril witches' coven for nothing.  I could tell at once that the card spelled danger.  Whether the danger was to me or anyone who found it I did not know but I was not going to keep it on my premises.  I took it to a friend of mine, Slythe Serengi of Shetcombe Farm, and with his permission locked it in a chest outside his house.  I kept the key to that chest.
If you feel like establishing more about the card, take the key to Shetcombe Farm.  You are welcome to the card.  It is a fact that I want nothing to do with it.


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
<font face=5>
As you have found this room perhaps you are worthy enough to be told another of my secrets.
Many years ago a strange old man knocked on my door.  I assumed he had come to buy potions from me as so many do.  He would not come in but pressed a small card into my hand and told me to guard it with my life.
Well I am not an ex member of the Glenmoril witches' coven for nothing.  I could tell at once that the card spelled danger.  Whether the danger was to me or anyone who found it I did not know but I was not going to keep it on my premises.  I took it to a friend of mine, Slythe Serengi of Shetcombe Farm, and with his permission locked it in a chest outside his house.  I kept the key to that chest.
If you feel like establishing more about the card, take the key to Shetcombe Farm.  You are welcome to the card.  It is a fact that I want nothing to do with it.


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