L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-11 の変更点


FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	2	Additionally tearing a robe open from the back, while you're carried, usually ends up pretty messy.	
FormID: 031101C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	3	Or so I've heard.	
FormID: 030ED5DA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	0	Do you think I've got anything to do with a picture like this? No, I wouldn't dare to do so. Karashivuel would rip me to pieces.	
FormID: 030ED5DA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	1	Do not underestimate the impact this little scene had. Well, not the painting, but the reality behind. It changed the course of history. Without it Mehrunes Dagon's plot may have been successful. Or may have failed even quicker.	
__けれど、あの絵に描かれているような光景の持つ影響力は過小評価しない方がいいね。絵それ自体が問題じゃないんだ。問題は、あれが描かれた背景の方さ。あの一件がなければMehrunes Dagonの企みは成功してしまっていたか、あるいはもっと早期の段階で失敗に終わっていたかもしれない。そのくらいのインパクトはあった。
FormID: 030ED5DA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	2	Let me say just one thing: The painting is very tame. I once had the task to clean the mess a Daedra Seducer caused in the Isles. It wasn't pretty. Oh please, don't even try looking offended.	
__一言だけ私見を述べさせてもらうならば、あの絵は全然迫力が足りないね。昔IslesでとあるDaedra Seducerが引き起こした災難の後始末を担当した事があったけれど、本当に嫌な仕事だったよ。おっと、別にあなたに対して悪気があって言っているわけじゃないよ。気に触ったのならごめんね。
FormID: 030ED5DA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarNaughty	3	You should know how some of your kind are.	
FormID: 030ED5DB	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarTame	0	Don't know much about it.Doesn't it show Velerya and her former lover or pupil or something? At least they're both clothed!	
FormID: 031101C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarTame	0	Let me say only one thing: His friends didn't have as much luck as he had.	
FormID: 031101C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1VelMarTame	1	There are certain games that shouldn't be played. The price you have to pay is just too high, and in the end you will always loose.	
FormID: 030ED5D8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	0	Are you prepared for the truth?	
FormID: 030ED5D8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	1	One of our associates in Elsweyr painted it. We knew she was going to Cyrodiil, and would try to undo the Suthay Decree. Which suits us - it distracts public attention from other newcomers in the Empire.	
__あの絵を描いたのはElsweyrにいるギルド見習いの一人だよ。RevendriがCyrodiilに来てSuthay Decreeを廃止しようする事は、実は当時から知っていたんだ。だって好都合だったからね。彼女らが帝国中の注目を集めてくれれば、私達はさほど目立たずに受け入れられるだろうから。
FormID: 030ED5D8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	2	Therefore we were ready to spread the news a bit.	
__そういう事情もあったから、Suthay Decree廃止のニュースを広める準備はあらかじめ出来ていたんだ。
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	0	History won't do you justice. It wasn't exactly her who ended the Suthay Decree. You did all the work, and she's got the fame for it. A bad deal if you ask me.	
__歴史が常に真実を語るとは限らない、という事ですね。Suthay Decree廃止の本当の立役者は彼女ではなくあなたですよね。実際に骨を折ったのも全部あなたです。私に言わせればひどいただ働きですよ。
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	1	Nothing that is uncommon for you. The rebuilding of Mir Corrup? That was the Stranded Light!	
__まあ、あなたのただ働きはそれだけに止まりませんけれどね…。Mir Corrupの復興にしてもそうです。だって、手柄は全部Stranded Lightに横取りされていますし。
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	2	Or not?	
FormID: 031101B9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Revendri	3	The picture itself is great, shows a willingness to fight she didn't really had.	
FormID: 030ED5D7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	0	Don't know anything about it. This one eludes me. Which is kind of strange. Oh well.	
FormID: 030ED5D7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	1	Only thing I heard is that the Ohmes-raht pictured there used them as payment. Strange, if you ask me.	
FormID: 031101B0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	0	Did you saw the full painting? Not just the wood carving? It's beautiful, the Magicka surrounding this realm as huge cloud in it's background, a night full of light.	
FormID: 031101B0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	1	Though there is something shady about it. In my time I've visited many places in this world, and I could swear it's not Elsweyr in the background. Looks like Tamriel's west coast to me.	
FormID: 031101B0	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Kiyana	2	Painted in a time she wasn't allowed to be there. Very strange.	
FormID: 030ED5D5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Arriasha	0	I've received some reports of her. She's now residing in Bliss, her mind being the property of Lord Sheogorath. I don't know how she came into the Isles, and why. The painting was drawn before she went there, that's the only thing I know.	
__彼女に関する報告はいくつか聞いているよ。今はBlissにいるけれど、精神はLord Sheogorathの支配下にあるんでしょ?私は彼女がIslesまでやって来た理由を知らないし、どうやってIslesまで辿り着いたのかも知らないんだけれどね。唯一分かるのは、この絵が彼女のIsles行きの前に描かれたものだという事だけだ。
FormID: 030ED5D5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Arriasha	1	I have nothing to do with the painting. She's just another Mages Guild member who went astray.	
__彼女は道を誤ったMages Guild員の1人に過ぎない。ただそれだけの事だよ。第一、この絵に関して私はノータッチだし。
FormID: 031101A4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Arriasha	0	I know what you're going to think, but in my opinion portraits are boring. They're only showing a small part of a person. Maybe an important one, they're still incomplete though.	
FormID: 031101A4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1Arriasha	1	As for the mage in question, I've never met her, and never heard of her. Hard to say anything about her. Must be mad, that's for sure. I mean, wearing a black heavy robe in a desert? Come on!	
FormID: 030ED5D6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1JobealaWaterwalk	0	It's a bit of a trick to be honest. I constructed the image in my head, after seeing her walk around here for some time. Combined with a clothing I once saw in Elsweyr.	
FormID: 030ED5D6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1JobealaWaterwalk	1	I let her walk on water in my painting, because, well, she is a mage. And most mages can walk on water. Although I am not sure if she's aware that the painting is fictional.	
FormID: 031101AA	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1JobealaWaterwalk	0	She's a sweet young woman. Now that the Suthay Decree has been lifted, she could have had a great future in Cyrodiil. Instead she's trapped in Merendin, not walking on water as the picture suggests.	
__彼女は優しい娘さんですね。Suthay Decreeも廃止された事ですし、本来ならばCyrodiilでの暮らしをもっと謳歌出来るはずなのに、Merendinに縛り付けられていて可哀想です。あの湖面を歩く絵のように自由に振舞う事は許されていませんからね。
FormID: 0310D0C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	0	Oh. I must confess I'm responsible for this, hm, accident. I can't remember - was he a customer, or an applicant, I don't know anymore. What I do recall is that I was asked or paid to paint him.	
FormID: 0310D0C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	1	I know the picture is horrible. Let me paint whatever you ask, I'll find the beauty of it. Even when we're talking about Mazken like Zerreshju.	
FormID: 0310D0C8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	2	But males? Let's just say there's still a cultural blockade in my mind. I can't find any beauty in them. They have their place, which is to serve and to praise us, not being glorified on a canvas. That's abhorrent.	
FormID: 0310D0C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	0	Oh. I must confess I'm responsible for this, hm, accident. I can't remember - was he a customer, or an applicant, I don't know anymore. What I do recall is that I was asked or paid to paint him.	
FormID: 0310D0C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	1	I know the picture is horrible. Let me paint whatever you ask, I'll find the beauty of it. Even when we're talking about Mazken like Zerreshju.	
FormID: 0310D0C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	2	But, uhm, lets just say there is one certain thing I feel uneasy to glorify on canvas. A cultural blockade in my mind, likely, it's just something I don't find any beauty in. And that's on the picture.	
FormID: 0310D0C9	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	3	I'd better say no more about this.	
FormID: 031101B5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	0	This picture doesn't do anything for me. [QUOTE]Oh, a Bosmer in the wilderness[QUOTE], that's like [QUOTE]oh, a rat in the sewers[QUOTE]. As uncommon as sand at the sea.	
FormID: 031101B5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	1	Uhm. Of course this doesn't apply to all Bosmer. A painting of you would be lovely. It's just him. And this picture. Leaves me cold. I'm sure you understand.	
FormID: 031101B6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	0	This picture doesn't do anything for me. [QUOTE]Oh, a Bosmer in the wilderness[QUOTE], that's like [QUOTE]oh, a rat in the sewers[QUOTE]. As uncommon as sand at the sea.	
FormID: 031101B6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityBosmer	1	Bosmer are strange creatures to begin with. If a Bosmer invites you for dinner, then run away!	
FormID: 0310D0C6	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityUntyr	0	Some kind of mer? Oh, I don't know. Not my painting. I've heard it was made in Black Marsh, but that's everything I know. Never even seen it myself.	
__mer(Elf)の一種かな?私の描いた絵でもないし、よく分からないや。分かっているのはその絵がBlack Marshで描かれたという事くらいで、実際に鑑賞した経験もないしね。
FormID: 031101B8	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityUntyr	0	That's Untyrrien, he's a smith in Mir Corrup. Just keep your eyes open, and you'll see the similarities.	
__あの絵のモデルはUntyrrienですね。Mir Corrupの鍛冶師です。よく観察すれば、彼の絵だと分かるはずですよ。
FormID: 0310D0C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	0	Does your question imply that I'm responsible for this image?	
FormID: 0310D0C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	1	I am not! I've spoken with an Aureal from Elsweyr, who had the 'honor' of listening to a concert of this bard. Let's just say she had to flee, because otherwise she would have struck him down where he stood.	
FormID: 0310D0C7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	2	His musical talents seem to be a blessing of Lord Sheogorath. Made to drive others insane.	
__この吟遊詩人の音楽の才能は、どうやらLord Sheogorathの加護によるものみたいだね。聴いた者を狂気に駆り立てるんだ。
FormID: 031101B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	0	Oh. Apparently he wasn't able to live by his music, so now he's taking care of the guard quarter in Mir Corrup. He still sings a lot. Probably the reason only a few are ever going into the quarter.	
__ああ、どうやら絵の中の彼は音楽だけでは食べていけなかったようですね。だから今はMir Corrupでguard quarter(衛兵詰所)の世話をしている、と。歌だけは相変わらずたくさん歌っていますよね。そのせいで詰所に足を運ぶ人が随分少ないそうですけれど。
FormID: 031101B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	1	Quite a shame. The guard quarter is the second most interesting place in Mir Corrup, only inferior to our tower. Nonetheless I can understand why no one goes there.	
__まったく、恥ずかしい話ですよ。衛兵詰所はこのMir Corrupでは私たちの塔の次に目を引く建物だというのに、誰も近付こうとしないのでは勿体ないです。
FormID: 031101B7	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1ParityTherian	2	Oh and Velerya ordered him to stay away from the Red Navel. Should tell you something.	
__おっと!そういえばVeleryaは彼をRed Navel出入り禁止にしたそうですね。あなたも見習うべきではないですか。
FormID: 0310D0C5	bgAQ7Paintings	bgZQPaintings1SpiderDaedra	0	These creatures are usually servants of Mephala. Considering that Mephala is very popular among Dunmer, it's not that surprising to see a picture of them from time to time.	

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