L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Dialogue/bgAQ7Paintings-03 の変更点


FormID: 0306E809	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKanaane	1	Look at her! The color of her skin is like that of an Altmer, but her figure... well, she's equal to a fine Nord woman!	
FormID: 0306E80A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKanaane	0	All three sisters would have liked a picture of a fine Khajiit man more, but unfortunately we won only this one.	
FormID: 0306E80A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecKanaane	1	Our guests seem to like it, nevertheless. Shuravi won't complain.	
FormID: 0306E833	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	0	It was a great gift! While some people, like in the other inn, look down on these kind of pictures, let's be true to ourselves!	
FormID: 0306E833	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	1	It's what most people like to see! 	
FormID: 0306E833	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	2	A landscape? That's boring! Some house? Even more boring! 	
FormID: 0306E833	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	3	Hot lasses in lace, or equally hot Ohmes-raht prowling on a bed, that's something at least every second visitor loves!	
FormID: 0306E834	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	0	A what?	
FormID: 0306E834	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	1	An Aureal?	
FormID: 0306E834	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	2	Hm. I somehow got the feeling that she's no Altmer. Close enough for me, though.	
FormID: 030B4794	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	0	I know, I know. I should have forbidden Jariv to hang up his painting, but it's so humiliating for a Golden Saint I just couldn't resist. 	
__分かってる!分かってるよ!Jarivに絵を飾らせるのは禁止しておくべきだったさ!でもあんな格好、Golden Saintにとっては大層な屈辱だろう?それが分かっているから私も反対出来ないんだ。
FormID: 030B4795	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTessLace	0	You don't see Aureals like this at all. Ever. I don't know what threats they used to force Tesserayiel into this clothing, but I kind of like it. Shows that even those great warriors are not merged with their armor.	
FormID: 0306E824	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelerya	0	A daedroth I met a long time ago, a lifetime ago.	
FormID: 0306E824	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelerya	1	I don't know how her picture found it's way into Cloud Ruler Temple, as if she's still out there, knowing what I do. Not a comforting thought.	
__どんな経緯でその絵がCloud Ruler Templeに持ち込まれたのかは知らないが、彼女に自分の行動を見張られているような気分だよ。あまり気持ちの良い事ではないな。
FormID: 030EC7B4	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVelerya	0	Oh? That picture? I don't know who sent it. It was to delivered to someone in Kvatch, but whoever should get it, refused to accept the parcel. It would be a waste to throw the painting away, so I hang it up instead.	
FormID: 0306E825	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVrjekka	0	That's Vrjekka. We had a lot of fun in ages past. Girls hanging out together, doing a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.	
FormID: 0306E825	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVrjekka	1	She's a servant of Molag Bal, and knows some very interesting techniques.	
__彼女はMolag Balの従者なの。すごく興味深いテクニックの持ち主よ。
FormID: 0306E825	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVrjekka	2	In my dreams, when I have to spend a night all alone, I sometimes can hear the screams of her partners again. Ah well, the good, old times.	
FormID: 0306E825	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecVrjekka	3	I don't know what she's doing, what fate did befall her. Haven't seen her for ages. Not after our little group had to split, [QUOTE]the third one[QUOTE] fell from grace, and I was banished from my old pleasure pocket.	
FormID: 0306E823	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshWalk	0	A what?	
FormID: 0306E823	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshWalk	1	No. It's just an imaginary painting. You can paint things that don't exist, like butterflies with bird wings.	
FormID: 0306E823	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecTeshWalk	2	It was a free gift. Spices up the dark corners up there a bit. Nothing more, nothing less.	
FormID: 0306E815	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	0	Rythe himself painted her while on a visit in Elsweyr.	
FormID: 0306E815	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	1	I'm usually more a fan of Dark Elves, but I must say Rythe did a great work. She's naughty, yet shows no naughty bits. Natural and wild, yet no shock for any Imperial wandering by.	
__私はDark Elfを描いた絵の方が好きなんですが、こればかりはRytheの傑作だと言わざるを得ませんね。本当の彼女は下品ですけれど、この絵からは下品さは微塵も感じません。自然味と野性味だけが描かれています。この絵ならばその辺のImperialが見てもショックを受ける事は無いでしょうね。
FormID: 0306E815	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	2	For most, that is.	
FormID: 0306E816	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	0	While I agree that a fur carpet would be more fitting, this picture does have a place in here.	
FormID: 0306E816	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	1	Now if only Khajiit last longer, and would probably even able to work with me here. Could be quite a lot of fun.	
FormID: 0306E816	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	2	I fear though I have to stick with Daedra for now.	
FormID: 030B479C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	0	It's alright, I guess. At least it's unlikely that my hubby will ever meet her. And visitors see through our different fur color that it's not me. My hubby was always fascinated with us.	
FormID: 030B479C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	1	And at least it's no picture of a bald person, like some mer or anything. That would have hurt.	
FormID: 030B479D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	0	I know, it's kind of odd having this painting here. Unfortunately my wife doesn't agree to have a painting made of her, even if she's clothed, so I had to look for a substitute.	
FormID: 030B479D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMameria	1	There's nothing more beautiful than Ohmes-raht, aren't there? I'm just so happy that I met my M'kendri!	
FormID: 0306E817	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMerendin	0	This is Cyrodiil. While a lot of Ayleid cities became ruins, I think they look good on paintings. Haven't heard of one with a flame on it, though.	
FormID: 0306E818	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMerendin	0	Unlike visitors of that other tavern my guests expect some style in pictures, no nude women. Therefore I've dumbed that half naked monstrosity and used only the smaller picture someone donated to me.	
FormID: 0306E819	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecMerendin	0	Ah yes, it's the headquarter of the Stranded Light, isn't it? Looks a bit better than I expected a ruin half submerged in swamp to look like.	
__ああ、Stranded Lightの本部の絵ですか?沼地に半分埋まったような遺跡のわりに、なかなか立派に見えますね。
FormID: 0306E81A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	Ah yes, our Lord Sanguine. No picture can do him justice.	
__ええ。われらがLord Saunguineの絵よ。けれど彼を良い風に描く絵は皆無ね。
FormID: 0306E81A	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	1	What mortals do not understand is that without Sanguine's sphere and influence, they had died out long ago. Don't damn the obvious.	
FormID: 0306E81B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	Some sort of joke by Karashivuel.	
FormID: 0306E81B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	1	I had never anything to do with Sanguine. That's Turumerin's business, not mine.	
FormID: 0306E81B	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	2	At least it entertains visitors, I guess. If they don't oogle about me, that is.	
FormID: 0306E81C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	I like the picture. Reminds me on Morrowind behind-the-curtains.	
FormID: 0306E81C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	1	Sanguine isn't part of the [QUOTE]Four Corners Of The House Of Troubles[QUOTE] - Malacath, Mehrunes Dagon, Sheogorath and Molag Bal. Those are the evil princes.	
__もともとSanguineは、Malacath・Mehrunes Dagon・Sheogorath・Molag Balのような[QUOTE]Four Corners Of The House Of Troubles[QUOTE]に列せられる邪悪なprince達とは違います。
FormID: 0306E81C	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	2	Debauchery? Passion? I don't see anything with them. And obviously the tribunal neither, or we would have had five corners of trouble.	
__Sanguineは彼らやtribunalとは違って道楽も情熱といった要素を司っています。さもなければ私達は彼を5番目のcorners of troubleとして扱っている事でしょう。
FormID: 0306E81D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	A picture of Sanguine? So that's what on the painting!	
FormID: 0306E81D	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	1	Interesting. Ah well, looks good enough for the corner.	
FormID: 0306E81E	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	In a storm a lifeless husk, it's hands still cluthing the painting, landed on the shores of Mount Shroom.	
__その絵は、Mount Shroomに到着する前、嵐の中、息も絶え絶えの男が描き続けていたものです。
FormID: 0306E81E	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	1	I've sacrificed the husk to the Mountain, and nailed the painting on my wall.	
__私はMount Shroomに上陸した際に彼を山への生贄として捧げました。それ以来、ずっと壁に飾っているのですよ。
FormID: 030B4796	bgAQ7Paintings	bgAQ7PSpecSanguine	0	Through entities like Turumerin Sanguine gets a bad reputation. He's about enjoying life, all kinds of enjoyments. And yes, even crossing some borders better left uncrossed.	

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