L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-91 の変更点

FormID: 011BFFE6	1emmQuest1	904Parents6	1	And then let's pray that horned helmets will never become latest fashion in a cultivated area like Cyrodiil!	
__あとは、Cyrodiil みたいな文化の進んだ地域で角付き兜が最新ファッションになるような事がないよう、祈るばかりね…。
FormID: 011BFFE7	1emmQuest1	904Parents6b	0	Indeed it is! Just think of it - Solstheim crowded with men all looking like if they were raised in a barn.	
__全くその通りよね! Solstheim がまるで納屋で生まれ育ったような男性でひしめき合ってる光景なんて想像したくないもの。
FormID: 011BFFE7	1emmQuest1	904Parents6b	1	Still... I think it would be a good idea to find my father another Minotaur horn for his helmet. 	
__とはいえ、それでもパパの兜作りの為にもう1本 Minotaur Horn を探すのは悪くない考えだと思うわ。
FormID: 011BFFE7	1emmQuest1	904Parents6b	2	Considering the amount of Minotaurs in the vicinity, it shouldn't take that long, really!	
__この辺りには Minotaur がそれなりに沢山いるはずだから、手に入れるのにそれほど時間は掛からないはずよ!
FormID: 011BFFE5	1emmQuest1	904parents6c	0	You have? Great! Let's send it to my dad - he will be so happy for it.	
FormID: 011BFFE5	1emmQuest1	904parents6c	1	And then let's pray that horned helmets will never become latest fashion in a cultivated area like Cyrodiil!	
__あとは、Cyrodiil みたいな文化の進んだ地域で角付き兜が最新ファッションになるような事がないよう、祈るばかりね…。
FormID: 011C06C0	1emmQuest1	905Runar1	0	I have been reluctant to tell you, but... he has started to write letters to me. He... well, he wants to see me. And he is very persistent.	
FormID: 011C06C2	1emmQuest1	905Runar2	0	Of course I have told him that I have no interest in him - that I love you and that we are engaged. But that seems to make him even more eager...	
FormID: 011C06C2	1emmQuest1	905Runar2	1	He simply doesn't take no for an answer, and he even says that if I don't meet him, he is going to stalk me to Oblivion and beyond.	
__拒否を拒否と受け取らない人なの。それに、「会わないならば Oblivion の果てまで追いかけてやる」って。
FormID: 011C06C2	1emmQuest1	905Runar2	2	I think he is horrible - doesn't he even think of his wife and children?	
FormID: 011C06C2	1emmQuest1	905Runar2	3	I have told him in my letters that he should think of them instead of me, but he just goes on and on about how much he adores me and desires me.	
FormID: 011C06C2	1emmQuest1	905Runar2	4	And now... he has written to me again. He is at the Tiber Septim hotel in the Imperial City, and he wants me to meet him there - for old time's sake!	
__それで、今日もまたあいつから手紙が届いたわ。今は Imperial City の Tiber Septim Hotel に滞在しているから、私に来て欲しいって。前と全く同じパターンだわ!
FormID: 011C06C2	1emmQuest1	905Runar2	5	Of course I don't want to meet that bastard - but how am I going to stop him from behaving like this?	
FormID: 011C06C5	1emmQuest1	905Runar3	0	Oh sweetheart! Would you? 	
FormID: 011C06C5	1emmQuest1	905Runar3	1	Would you go to the Tiber Septim hotel and talk to him? If he just meets you... well, if he just meets you, I'm sure he'll understand...	
__Tiber Septim Hotel に行って、あいつを話をつけてくれるの?でも…あいつもあなたと会えばちゃんと納得してくれるはずね。
FormID: 011C06C6	1emmQuest1	905Runar3b	0	Seriously, I don't think that will help. I'm so sorry that I haven't told your earlier, but this has been going on for quite some time now...	
FormID: 011C06C6	1emmQuest1	905Runar3b	1	I feel so sorry for his family, and I feel that I'm running out of options... I don't know how to handle this on my own.	
FormID: 011C06C8	1emmQuest1	905Runar4	0	He will understand why I couldn't possibly care for him when I have met someone as wonderful as you. I really do love you - so much. 	
FormID: 011C06CA	1emmQuest1	905Runar5	0	Oh, sweetheart, don't be shy! I'm sure it will take you less than a minute to convince Runar that he should leave me alone.	
__ちょっと、そんなにオドオドしないでよ!あなたなら、 Runar に私を放っておくよう説得するのに一分も掛からないはずよ。
FormID: 011C06CA	1emmQuest1	905Runar5	1	It worked excellently the last time the two of you met, now didn't it?	
FormID: 011C06CC	1emmQuest1	905Runar6	0	Therefore, I think we should do it the same way this time. I wait at the Merchant's Inn while you go to Tiber Septim hotel.	
__だから、今回も同じようにするべきだと思うわ。あなたが Tiber Septim Hotel に行ってる間、私は Merchant's Inn で待ってるから。
FormID: 011C06CC	1emmQuest1	905Runar6	1	In fact, I'll leave right now, and then you can pick me up once you have dealt with him.	
FormID: 011C06CE	1emmQuest1	905Runar10	0	Eh? Haven't I seen you before?	
FormID: 011C06D1	1emmQuest1	905Runar10	0	Absolutely! I always have time for a beautiful lady like yourself. So, what's on your mind? Maybe we could sit down and have a drink, just you and I?	
FormID: 011C06D2	1emmQuest1	905Runar11a	0	So YOU are her fiancé? Pardon me, but I must admit I had expected someone more... impressive.	
FormID: 011C06D2	1emmQuest1	905Runar11a	0	So YOU are her fiance? Pardon me, but I must admit I had expected someone more... impressive.	
FormID: 011C06D2	1emmQuest1	905Runar11a	1	 I don't want to sound rude,but...you don't exactly match the description she gave me in her letters. But, of course she has always been exaggerating	
__失礼な物言いに聞こえたならすまないが、お前は Vilja が手紙で書いてた男とは全然違うじゃないか。まぁ、あの娘が何でも大げさに言うのはいつもの事か…。
FormID: 011C06D2	1emmQuest1	905Runar11a	2	Quite frankly, I cannot understand why she would want someone like you when she could have, well, me...	
FormID: 011C06D3	1emmQuest1	905Runar11b	0	Vilja's fiancée? A girl? Look... what's wrong with you women nowadays?	
FormID: 011C06D3	1emmQuest1	905Runar11b	0	Vilja's fiancee? A girl? Look... what's wrong with you women nowadays?	
__Vilja の婚約者だって?だがあんたは女だろう?まったく最近の女達ときたら、どうかしちまったのか?
FormID: 011C06D3	1emmQuest1	905Runar11b	1	Why would any female prefer one of their own sex when they could have someone like... me?	
FormID: 011C06D3	1emmQuest1	905Runar11b	2	Look,sweetie, it's not too late for you yet. Vilja is a pretty girl,but you, you are a beauty. How about the two of us spending the evening together?	
__なぁ、かわいこちゃん。今ならまだ遅くないぜ。確かに Vilja は可愛い奴だったが、あんたも綺麗だ。俺と一緒に夕食でも食べに行かないか?
FormID: 011C06D3	1emmQuest1	905Runar11b	3	I'll teach you everything worth knowing about the difference between men and women. It will be a lesson you will never forget.	
FormID: 011C06DB	1emmQuest1	905Runar12	0	If you are a man of world, I'm sure you realize just how little difference that makes. I mean, life is more than just about obligations, eh?	
FormID: 011C06DA	1emmQuest1	905Runar12	0	Well, you see, my wife doesn't really understand me. And the kids are a nuisance. I'm sure I would be a lot happier together with someone like you.	
FormID: 011C06D7	1emmQuest1	905Runar12b	0	And you are a joke! Why would Vilja want you? Just look at me... my face... my biceps!	
__冗談を言うなって!どうして Vilja がお前の事なんか好きになるはずがあるんだ?俺の顔を見てみろ!俺の腕の筋肉を見てみろ!
FormID: 011C06D8	1emmQuest1	905Runar12b	0	Oh, what a lovely sense of humor you have! Honestly, I do not mind - I know that deep in their hearts, all women secretly want a scumbag.	
FormID: 011C06DC	1emmQuest1	905Runar13a	0	What?! But... but... I have a wife and three children! I don't want to fight! For their sake, show some mercy! I am too young to die!	
FormID: 011C06DF	1emmQuest1	905Runar13b	0	Pathetic? Me? That's an inexcusable accusation! C'mon, when did you last see biceps like mine? I'd beat  up someone like you any day, for sure!	
FormID: 011C06DE	1emmQuest1	905Runar13b	0	Pathetic? Me? Look, I don't normally beat up women, but I am going to make an exception for you! What do you think of that?	
FormID: 011C06E1	1emmQuest1	905Runar14	0	I... I will leave her alone. She doesn't mean that much to me anyway. I'll return home to my wife and children. Instantly!	
__分かった…。 Vilja にはもう近付かない。どちらにせよあの子は俺の事なんて何とも思ってないんだな。カミさんと子供達の所に戻るよ。すぐにな!
FormID: 011C06E3	1emmQuest1	905Runar14b	0	No! No! I'm getting out of here! 	
FormID: 011C06E9	1emmQuest1	905Runar20	0	Oh I bet that when he could see for himself how strong and handsome and brave you are, he realized that it would be pointless to continue to stalk me	
FormID: 011C06EC	1emmQuest1	905Runar20	0	Oh I bet that when he could see for himself how beautiful and intelligent you are, he realized that it would be pointless to continue to stalk me	
FormID: 011C06EB	1emmQuest1	905Runar21	0	Thank you for dealing with this! I knew I could trust your judgment and that you would stay calm. Myself, I think I would have killed him. 	
FormID: 011C1499	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparr	0	Look, I'm really not in the mood for this. Let's do it later.	
FormID: 011C149A	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparr	0	Here? You must be completely insane. Let's do it later, somewhere else.	
FormID: 011C149B	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparr	0	Here? You must be completely insane. Let's do it later, somewhere else.	
FormID: 011C1494	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparr	0	Here? Don't you think there are enough things in the neighborhood to practice our fighting skills on?	
FormID: 011C149C	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparr	0	This might be fun!	
FormID: 011C1498	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparrYes	0	This might be fun!	
FormID: 011C1497	1emmQuest1	7emmGameSparrNo	0	That sounds like a better idea.	


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