L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Books/FGCContractMadStone の変更点

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*本文 [#c80d1540]

**原文 [#ffd12fde]
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Contract from Local Businessman (Name withheld)

Reward 500 Gold.
Support: You will be alone on this mission.

A Local Businessman recently had a rare Amulet stolen from his home, the Amulet is the Colovian Madstone and is believed to have been stolen by bandits that currently occupy Fort Strand. 

You are to search Fort Strand for the Colovian Madstone and bring it back to here at the Guild.

Fort Strand is just outside the Anvil City Walls to the East. 

Anvil Fighters Guild Clerk 

**訳文 [#tbe04b24]
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報酬:500 Gold

 この地のある商人が最近家から貴重なAmuletを盗まれた。AmuletはColovian Madstoneで、商人はこれがFort Strandを占拠する山賊どもによって盗まれたと確信している。

 Fort Strandを捜索してColovian Madstoneを発見し、ギルドまで持ち帰ること。

 Fort StrandはAnvilの市壁の真東すぐにある。



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