L10N/(CUO)FightersGuildContracts/1.2/Books/FGCContractBraviMonster の変更点


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*本文 [#b103788d]

**原文 [#gd1dbd9b]
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Contract from Bravil Guard.

Reward 500 Gold.
Support: You will be alone on this mission.

Citizens of Bravil are afraid to go to the Imperial City by road after several Knights were found on the road near Robbers Glen Cave. Their throats had been torn out. Citizens claim the blood ran like a river down the path back towards Bravil for 3 days before it was washed away by rain. 

Citizens of Bravil are calling the creature that did this The Bravil Monster and they believe it hides in Robbers Glen Cave.

Even the Bravil Guard dare not enter Robbers Glen Cave and deal with creature that did this to the brave Knights. So I am giving you the job of dispatching this it. 

Make sure all your equipement is in good working order and take as many potions as you can carry. The Bravil Monster is very dangerous and will tear your throat out in a heart beat if you let your guard slip. You will need to be at your best to face it. Unfortunately no other member of the guild wants to help you on this mission, they all have.....erm...important prior engagements. 

So you are on your own. 
Good Luck

Bravil Fighters Guild Clerk

**訳文 [#h1b207e7]
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報酬:500 Gold.

 Bravilの市民は、数名の騎士の遺体がRobbers Glen Caveの近くの路上で発見されて以来、Imperial Cityへの道路を使用することを怖れている。彼らの喉は切り裂かれており、市民達は雨で血が洗い流されるまでの三日に渡って、血が河のようにBravilに向けて流れ下っていたと主張している。

 Bravil市民は、『Bravilの怪物』と呼ばれるこの魔獣が、Robbers Glen Caveに潜み棲んでいると信じている。

 Bravil衛兵隊ですら、Robbers Glen Caveに進入し、勇敢な騎士達にこの無残な運命をもたらした魔獣に立ち向かうことに尻込みしている。故に我は、貴公にこの任を与えるものである。
 Bravil衛兵隊ですら、Robbers Glen Caveに侵入し、勇敢な騎士達にこの無残な運命をもたらした魔獣に立ち向かうことに尻込みしている。故に我は、貴公にこの任を与えるものである。





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