L10N/Windfall/1.0/Dialogue/WFNQ11T の変更点

FormID: 0100285F	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	0	I thought Shanur might feel that. Finally I can prove my love is genuine. I will meet Shanur in the basement.	
FormID: 01002860	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Start	0	Good job. There is no one better to prepare our defenses than Razz. We should be ready if Alexander should decide to attack.	
FormID: 01002860	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Start	1	Please accept these scrolls as payment for a job well done. Now, if you wouldn't mind, please check with Razz.	
FormID: 01002860	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Start	2	See if there is anything he needs to get the compound ready to defend itself. Thank you.	
FormID: 01050BA0	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Start	0	I have already discussed this with Todward. He knows how I feel about it. Why has he sent you?	
FormID: 01050BA2	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv1	0	Perhaps. Todward knows the history between Razz and I. I don't think it will do any good, but where shall I start.	
FormID: 01050BA4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv2	0	Razz is my husband. I loved him dearly, but I grew tired of his infidelity. Perhaps I should have known better.	
FormID: 01050BA4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv2	1	Still I was heart broken when he died. I could not bear to live without him, but I couldn't risk his cheating either.	
FormID: 01050BA4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv2	2	Perhaps it was selfish of me, but I raised his spirit so I could continue to have him by my side. 	
FormID: 01050BA4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv2	3	I would not resurrect his body as well. I was afraid he would cheat on me again, and I couldn't live with that.  	
FormID: 01050BA4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv2	4	But Todward knows all this. Explaining it to you will not make me change my mind.	
FormID: 01050BA6	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv3	0	Can you guarantee it? What assurances do I have that he will not break my heart again?	
FormID: 01050BA6	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv3	1	I will only resurrect Razz if he proves he can be faithful this time. Todward knows this, so talk to Razz.	
FormID: 01050BA8	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Faithful	0	Do you not think I have tried to convince her I will be faithful? Do you think I enjoy being in this state?	
FormID: 01050BA8	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Faithful	1	I have talked to Shanur. I have talked to Todward. I have talked to anyone who will listen. Nothing I say will matter.	
FormID: 01050BA8	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Faithful	2	There is only one way I know of to convince Shanur, and Todward has told me not to suggest it.	
FormID: 01050BAA	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv4	0	In Orc history you can find descriptions of a bonding ritual. The tradition is indeed ancient - it died out when Orsinium was founded. [TAB]	
__Orcの歴史に人脈作りの儀式についての詳細を見つけられるだろう。その伝統は本当に太古からのもので - Orsiniumが発見された時に廃れてしまった。[TAB]
FormID: 01050BAC	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv5	0	I know of this ritual. I could even perform it, I know most of the ancient ways. It would be like Razz to suggest it.	
FormID: 01050BAC	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv5	1	He knows it would satisfy my concerns. He also knows it can't be done without the ceremonial dagger.	
FormID: 01050BAD	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv5	0	Orcs had a bonding ritual. Orc's believe that their spirits merge, even though each retains their own body.	
__Orc達にはbonding ceremony、つまり人脈作りの儀式がある。Orc達は自らの身体を保ったままでさえ、魂が融合できると信じている。
FormID: 01050BAD	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv5	1	A special ceremonial dagger was made in two parts. One for each partner. During the ritual their spirits are merged.	
FormID: 01050BAD	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv5	2	If their love is pure, the power of their spirits merging would forge the two pieces into one dagger.	
FormID: 01050BAF	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv6	0	They both die, which is probably why Todward won't let me suggest it. He doesn't trust me any more than Shanur does.	
FormID: 01050BAF	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv6	1	That is the only way to prove I have learned my lesson. Talk to Shanur, I will submit to the ritual if she will. 	
FormID: 01050BB1	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv7	0	The ritual requires a special dagger made just for this purpose. This dagger hasn't been made since the First Age.	
FormID: 01050BB1	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv7	1	The skills needed to make the dagger have long since vanished. Without the dagger, the ritual can not be performed. 	
FormID: 01050BB1	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Conv7	2	Razz knows this. But if by some miracle he can produce one of these daggers, I will join him in the ritual. 	
FormID: 01050BB3	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	0	This certainly looks like the dagger. I must say I am simply amazed that you were able to find one. 	
FormID: 01050BB3	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	1	To the best of my knowledge, no one has made one of these since the first age. I will perform the ceremony.	
FormID: 01050BB3	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	2	Please ask Razz to meet me in the basement. As long as he goes through with the ceremony, I will be satisfied.	
FormID: 01050BB3	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	3	I will perform the resurrection shortly after the Bonding Ceremony. Thank you. 	
__Bonding Ceremonyの後すぐに復活を行います。ありがとう。
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	0	She is right, no one knows how to make these Daggers anymore. In fact no one has even seen one in ages.	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	1	But as luck would have it, there may be some that still exist. When Orsinium was founded not all Orcs were happy.	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	2	There were those that yearned for the nomadic ways of our ancestors. They were dedicated to the olds ways.	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	3	Legend has it that a group left Orsinium, looking for a land of their own where they could live as they pleased. 	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	4	No one ever heard from them again. Obviously they died off somehow. Historians believe that they had left the mainland.	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	5	If so, this Island may have been one possible destination. It makes sense, at the time there were only farming villages here.	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	6	During one of my few excursions around the hills to the south of here, I found a cave. 	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	7	If those Orcs came here, I believe they may have stayed in that cave. Being a spirit, I couldn't do much about it. 	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	8	If a Ceremonial dagger still exists, it will be there. Look at your map, hopefully the location is marked. 	
FormID: 01050BB4	WFNQ11T	WFNQ11Dagger	9	Look there for the dagger. Remember it will be in two pieces. If you can find the dagger, bring it to Shanur.	


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