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*本文 [#g3a99e53]
**原文 [#e88b6bf0]
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Contract from Gemellus Axius of the Imbel Estate.
Reward 500 Gold.
Support: Additional Members will be sent to help you if they are available.
This is another odd contract from the Earl of Imbel Servant and is legal so the Fighters Guild will carry it out. I wonder why these Vampires even interest him. I guess that is information we do not need to know.
Black Marsh Vampires are trying to get a foot hold in this area and to aid this effort are inviting local Vampire gangs to join them. We have been given a number of contracts designed to stop them succeeding. The second of which is to kill the Black Marsh Leader who has arrived in this area recently. You are to go to Fanacas and kill the Black Marsh Leader.
Fanacas is North of Cheydinhal.
Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Clerk
**訳文 [#tf56f43e]
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Cheydinhal Fighters Guild Clerk
契約主:Imbel領のGemellus Axius
報酬:500 Gold.
Black Marsh Vampireがこの地方に橋頭堡を築き、在地のVampire集団に合流を呼びかけている。我々はこの阻止のため、多くの契約を結んだ。第二の契約は、最近この地方を訪れたBlack Marsh Vampireの首領を討ち取ることである。Fanacasに赴き、Black Marsh Vampireの首領を斃すこと。