L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/QuestStages/LingBC21Renrijra のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0102A379	LingBC21Renrijra	10	0	The Renrijra Krin have hired us for a contract to hunt down and kill a traitor. One of their mages ran off with several stocks of skooma and joined the conjurers residing in Fort Blackboot. I am to go there and kill him. If I find any of the skooma left then I should also bring it back as the Renrijra Krin will probably pay a bonus for it.
FormID: 0102A379	LingBC21Renrijra	20	0	
FormID: 0102A379	LingBC21Renrijra	30	0	I was rewarded for completing the contract to kill the traitor. I also brought back the skooma and decided to turn it over to the Renrijra Krin in exchange for a bonus.
FormID: 0102A379	LingBC21Renrijra	40	0	I was rewarded for completing the contract to kill the traitor. I also brought back the skooma but decided to turn it over to the city watch instead of giving it to the Renrijra Krin.

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