L10N/The_Blackwood_Company/1.02/Names/DIAL-02 のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 0100A042 LingBC11KillTheranir DIAL I'd prefer to kill you actually.
FormID: 0100A044 LingBC11SaveTheranir DIAL I think your plan is a good one.
FormID: 0100A047 LingBC11TheranirTopic DIAL Theranir
FormID: 0100A050 LingBC11ArenaRainmentTopic DIAL Arena Raiment
FormID: 0100A11D LingBCSkillRequirements DIAL Skill Requirements
FormID: 0100A543 LingBC11OfferHelp DIAL Offer Help
FormID: 0100A547 LingBC11AcceptSwimsSword DIAL [Keep sword for yourself]
FormID: 0100A54A LingBC11HelpedHim DIAL Helped Swims-on-Land
FormID: 0100A54C LingBC11OfferSwimsSword DIAL [Offer to let him keep it]
FormID: 0100AA39 LingBC11OfferSkooma DIAL [Offer the skooma]
FormID: 0100AA3B LingBC11OfferSkoomaBook DIAL [Get him to give up skooma]
FormID: 0100AA3D LingBC11ComeBackLater DIAL I need some time to think first.
FormID: 0100AA45 LingBC11JebukiTopic DIAL Jebuki
FormID: 0100AAEE LingBCSkillVerification DIAL Skill Verification
FormID: 0100DE97 LingBC04HelpOrum DIAL We are going to support the Orum gang.
FormID: 0100DE99 LingBC04HelpRenrijraKrin DIAL We'll help the Renrijra Krin.
FormID: 0100E0E6 LingBC03Directions DIAL Any idea where they are?
FormID: 0100E5E3 LingBC03FoughtMyWay DIAL I fought my way through.
FormID: 0100E5E5 LingBC03HereAboutSmugglers DIAL I'm here to find the lost smugglers.
FormID: 0100E5E7 LingBC03HelpYou DIAL I'm meant to attack Imperial troops?
FormID: 0100E5E9 LingBC03DontHaveAChoice DIAL Looks like I don't have a choice.
FormID: 0100EAEC LingBC03Delivery DIAL Deliver Ingredients
FormID: 0100F2AE LingBC04HaveSkooma DIAL I've got it all right here.
FormID: 0100F2B0 LingBC04DontHaveSkooma DIAL I haven't collected it all yet.
FormID: 0101086A LingBC05Help DIAL I'll lead you to safety.
FormID: 0101086C LingBC05Kill DIAL My orders are to kill everyone.
FormID: 01010873 LingBC05Follow DIAL Follow me.
FormID: 01010875 LingBC05Wait DIAL Wait here.
FormID: 01012110 LingBC06Accept DIAL I'll do this part of the contract.
FormID: 01012112 LingBC06Decline DIAL I'd prefer to skip this part.
FormID: 01012FDB LingBC06SignUp DIAL Sign Up
FormID: 01012FDD LingBC06SignUpAccept DIAL I'll do it.
FormID: 01015242 LingBC06HaveKey DIAL [Unlock wrist irons]
FormID: 01015247 LingBC06NoKey DIAL I don't have the key yet.
FormID: 01015256 LingBC06Beggar DIAL Escaped Prisoners
FormID: 01015258 LingBC06FugitiveInAsMAnyWords DIAL Yes.
FormID: 0101611B LingBC06WhatHelp DIAL Help with what?
FormID: 0101611D LingBC06HelpYes DIAL Sure, you can tag along.
FormID: 0101611E LingBC06HelpNo DIAL No, these bounties are all mine.
FormID: 01016122 LingBC06Follow DIAL Follow me.
FormID: 01016124 LingBC06Wait DIAL Wait here.
FormID: 0101A0E5 LingBC10PreviaTopic DIAL Previa
FormID: 0101A0E8 LingBC10GaltusPreviaTopic DIAL Galtus Previa
FormID: 0101A0EA LingBC10ToldYouHeLeft DIAL He told you why he went there?
FormID: 0101A0EC LingBC10WhereAreHisPapers DIAL Give his papers to me.
FormID: 0101A5DD LingBCArmourTopic DIAL Blackwood Armour
FormID: 0101A5DF LingBCAQExtraReward DIAL Extra Reward
FormID: 0101DD71 LingBC14GoThereNow DIAL Let's go there now.
FormID: 0101DD73 LingBC14PrepareFirst DIAL I want to prepare myself first.
FormID: 0101DD78 LingBC14SinweaverTopic DIAL Sinweaver
FormID: 0101DD7A LingBC14Directions DIAL Okay, where is Fieldhouse Cave though?
FormID: 0101DD7E LingBC14ComeWithMe DIAL Come with me.
FormID: 0101DD80 LingBC14StayHere DIAL You should wait here.
FormID: 0101F808 LingBC15WhoAreYou DIAL What? Who are you?
FormID: 0101F80A LingBC15SpareHim DIAL I will let you go free.
FormID: 0101F80C LingBC15WhatsGoingOn DIAL Hold on a moment, what's going on?
FormID: 0101F80E LingBC15HeWasATroll DIAL Huh? That was a troll.
FormID: 0101F810 LingBC15IDid DIAL I did, now that you mention it.
FormID: 0101F812 LingBC15KillHim DIAL I'm meant to kill you.
FormID: 010206D6 LingBC15AboutTheSkooma DIAL You lied to me about the Hist Sap.
FormID: 010206D8 LingBC15IDoTakeOffense DIAL I take offense at it.
FormID: 01020BCA LingBC15RizakarArrested DIAL Ri'zakar has been arrested!
FormID: 01020BCC LingBC15IKilledRizakar DIAL I killed Ri'Zakar in a duel.
FormID: 01022E1C LingBCBuyCuirass DIAL Cuirass - 8 Ebony
FormID: 01022E1F LingBCAQNevermind DIAL Nevermind.
FormID: 01022E21 LingBCBuyMagicCuirass DIAL Magic Cuirass - 8 Ebony, 4 Welkynd
FormID: 01022E23 LingBCBuyGreaves DIAL Greaves - 5 Ebony
FormID: 01022E25 LingBCBuyMagicGreaves DIAL Magic Greaves - 5 Ebony, 3 Welkynd
FormID: 01022E27 LingBCBuyGauntlets DIAL Gauntlets - 4 Ebony
FormID: 01022E28 LingBCBuyShield DIAL Shield - 5 Ebony
FormID: 01022E2A LingBCBuyMagicShield DIAL Magic Shield - 5 Ebony, 3 Welkynd Stones
FormID: 01022E2D LingBCBuyMagicGauntlets DIAL Magic Gauntlets - 4 Ebony, 3 Welkynd
FormID: 01022E2F LingBCBuyBoots DIAL Boots - 4 Ebony
FormID: 01022E31 LingBCBuyMagicBoots DIAL Magic Boots - 4 Ebony, 3 Welkynd
FormID: 01022E33 LingBCBuyHelmet DIAL Helmet - 3 Ebony
FormID: 01022E35 LingBCBuyMagicHelmet DIAL Magic Helmet - 3 Ebony, 2 Welkynd
FormID: 01023322 LingBC16WhatAmbush DIAL Attack? From who?
FormID: 010250BD LingBC17FightersGuildAttack DIAL Fighters Guild Assault
FormID: 010250C3 LingBC17JoinUsOrDie DIAL Join the Blackwood Company or die.
FormID: 01025AA1 LingBC17MissionCompleted DIAL The Fighters Guild is over.
FormID: 01025AA3 LingBC17WhoIsMyCommander DIAL I need a commander to help run things.
FormID: 01025AAA LingBCBenefitHistSap DIAL Hist Sap
FormID: 01025AC0 LingBCBenefitsNormalHistSap DIAL Normal Hist Sap
FormID: 01025AC2 LingBCBenefitsPowerfulHistSap DIAL Powerful Hist Sap
FormID: 01025AC4 LingBCBenefitsHistSapWeak DIAL Modified Hist Sap
FormID: 010275B2 LingBC18WhatHappened DIAL What happened here?
FormID: 010275B4 LingBC18BlankenmarchContract DIAL Blankenmarch Contract
FormID: 010275B9 LingBC18KillHim DIAL I'm here to kill you.
FormID: 010275BB LingBC18SpareHim DIAL I'll let you go free.
FormID: 01027AB6 LingBC19DuranContract DIAL Duran Hotspur Contract
FormID: 01027FA2 LingBC19IveComeToGetYou DIAL I'm here to rescue you.
FormID: 01027FA5 LingBC19DuranHiredMe DIAL Duran Hotspur hired me to save you.
FormID: 01027FA8 LingBC19IllKillYou DIAL I guess I'll just have to kill you then.
FormID: 01027FAA LingBC19IllConvinceYou DIAL I will save you from yourself.
FormID: 01027FAD LingBC19AcceptBribe DIAL Now we're talking. I like jewels.
FormID: 01027FAF LingBC19DeclineBribe DIAL I won't be dissuaded.
FormID: 01027FB2 LingBC19VampiresAreWeak DIAL Vampires are weaker than you think.
FormID: 01027FB5 LingBC19IJustKilledAllThoseVampires DIAL I just killed all those other vampires.
FormID: 01027FB7 LingBC19TheDisadvantagesAreGreat DIAL The disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
FormID: 01027FB9 LingBC19Disadvantages DIAL Fire, sunlight...the list goes on.
FormID: 01027FBF LingBC19GenelTopic DIAL Genel Corwidge
FormID: 01028992 LingBC20TalwinqueContract DIAL Talwinque Contract
FormID: 01028999 LingBC20Negotiate DIAL You've got a bounty on your head.
FormID: 0102899B LingBC20FromBlackwoodCompany DIAL Actually I'm from the Blackwood Company.
FormID: 0102899D LingBC20LetsFight DIAL I guess we'll have at it then.
FormID: 0102899F LingBC20LetsTalk DIAL I'm not planning on killing you.
FormID: 010289A1 LingBC20GiveMeYourRing DIAL Give me your ring.
FormID: 010289A3 LingBC20ICanPretend DIAL I can pretend I killed you if I have it.
FormID: 0102A37A LingBC21RenrijraContract DIAL Renrijra Krin Contract
FormID: 0102A37D LingBC21ToTheRenrijraKrin DIAL To the Renrijra Krin.
FormID: 0102A37F LingBC21ToTheCityGuard DIAL To the guards.
FormID: 0102A86A LingBC22CanulusContract DIAL Canulus Village Contract
FormID: 0102A86F LingBC22MortarTopic DIAL Mortar and Pestle
FormID: 0102AD72 LingBC07KillFarmAnimals DIAL Killing Farm Animals
FormID: 0102AD76 LingBC07WeWereHired DIAL We were hired by Fenrus Julium.
FormID: 0102AD78 LingBC07MakeCounterOffer DIAL Perhaps you could make a counter offer.
FormID: 0102AD7A LingBC07KillNelgoth DIAL I think I'll just complete my contract.
FormID: 0102AD7E LingBC07MarkOnMap DIAL Please mark it on my map.
FormID: 0102AD80 LingBC07LeaveEmpty DIAL I should be able to find my own way.
FormID: 010349F4 jawBC09Refusal DIAL I can't betray a client to an outlaw
FormID: 010349F5 jawBC09Manwithsword DIAL Who is this man?
FormID: 010349F7 jawBC09Illdoit DIAL I'll do it
FormID: 010349FB jawBC09finalrefusal DIAL I'm sorry, I just can't do it.

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