L10N/Rise_of_Sheogorath/1.2/QuestStages/DASheogorath のバックアップの現在との差分(No.2)

FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	10	0	Sheogorath's followers have told me to speak with Ferul Ravel if I wish to have the Daedra summoned. [You must be level 2 to begin this quest.]
__Sheogorathの信徒は、Daedraを呼び出したいのならば、Ferul Ravelと話すようにと言った。[このクエストをはじめるにはレベル2以上でなければなりません]
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	20	0	A sheet at the Temple of Mad's Shrine states that in order to summon S
__Sheogorathの召喚に必要なものは、Temple of Madの神殿に置いてある一枚の紙に記されている。
__Sheogorathを呼ぶために必要なものは、Temple of Madの神殿に置いてある一枚の紙に記されている。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	20	1	Ferul Ravel has told me I'll need a lesser soul gem, a head of lettuce, and some yarn as an offering at the statue of Sheogorath.
__Ferul RavelはSheogorathの神像へのささげ物として、lesser soul gem、lettuceを一玉、yarnが幾つか必要だろうと語った。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	30	0	After I left the requested items at the Shrine, Haskill spoke to me. He told me of the settlement of Border Watch. I am to simulate a prophecy by committing two acts. I should speak to the shaman in the settlement to learn about the K'Sharra prophecy.
__Shrineに必要とされたアイテムを捧げるとHaskillが話しかけてきた。彼はBorder Watchの集落について話した。2つのことを遂行して、ある予言の内容をまねることになる。そのK'Sharraの予言について知るために、集落のシャーマンと話す必要がある。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	30	1	After I left the requested items at the Shrine, Sheogorath spoke to me. He told me of the settlement of Border Watch. I am to simulate a prophecy by committing two acts. I should speak to the shaman in the settlement to learn about the K'Sharra prophecy.
__Shrineに必要とされたアイテムを捧げるとSheogorathが話しかけてきた。彼はBorder Watchの集落について話した。2つのことを遂行して、ある予言の内容をまねることになる。そのK'Sharraの予言について知るために、集落のシャーマンと話す必要がある。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	40	0	The shaman Ri'bassa has told me of the K'Sharra Prophecy. The first sign is vermin infestation. The second sign is plague, and all the livestock are supposed to die. I will need to find a way first to create an infestation of vermin.
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	45	0	Ri'bassa has suggested I stay at the Border Watch Inn, which apparently has a large collection of cheeses.
__Ri'bassaは、Border Watch Innに滞在してはどうかと言った。どうやら、そこにはチーズの大コレクションがあるらしい。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	47	0	I've placed the Olroy Cheese into the cooking pot. The smell coming from it is astounding.
__Olroy Cheeseを料理ポットのなかに置いた。驚くほどににおってくる。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	50	0	I have used cheese to lure many rats into Border Watch. I should speak with Ri'bassa to see if he believes this to be part of the prophecy.
__Border Watchに多くのネズミを引き寄せるために、チーズを使った。Ri'bassaと話し、これが予言の一部と信じるかどうか確かめなくては。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	60	0	I have killed all the livestock in Border Watch.
__Border Watchの家畜を全て殺した。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	60	1	I have poisoned the grain supply in the town of Border Watch. This has killed all the livestock.
__Border Watchの町のえさ箱に毒を盛った。これは全ての家畜を殺した。
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	65	0	Haskill has congratulated me for simulating the first two signs of the K'Sharra Prophecy. I am to go to the center of town to await the final sign.
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	65	1	Sheogorath has congratulated me for simulating the first two signs of the K'Sharra Prophecy. I am to go to the center of town to await the final sign.
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	70	0	I have witnessed the Plague of Fear. I should return to the Shrine.
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	70	1	I have witnessed Sheogorath create the Plague of Fear. I should return to the Shrine.
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	100	0	Haskill has rewarded me for my efforts by giving me Wabbajack. 
FormID: 000146AD	DASheogorath	100	1	Sheogorath has rewarded me for my efforts by giving me Wabbajack. 

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