L10N/Oblivion_Collectible_Cards/1.7/Books/SLFurnitureCat のバックアップ差分(No.2)

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**原文 [#xb3ee06c]
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<font face=2><DIV align="center">Collectible Cards Furniture<br>
<font face=3><DIV align="left">Are you a passionate collector? Is your collection growing without a proper place to display it? We have a solution ? furniture designed specifically for displaying collectible cards. You don't have to keep them in a chest anymore. Display them for all your visitors to admire!<br><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="left">Are you a passionate collector? Is your collection growing without a proper place to display it? We have a solution &#65533; furniture designed specifically for displaying collectible cards. You don't have to keep them in a chest anymore. Display them for all your visitors to admire!<br><br>
The furniture is available from these merchants:<br><br>
Norbert Lelles<br>
Lelles' Quality Merchandise, Anvil<br><br>
The Fair Deal, Bravil<br><br>
Novaroma, Bruma<br><br>
Borba gra-Uzgash<br>
Borba's Goods and Stores, Cheydinhal<br><br>
Northern Goods and Trade, Chorrol<br><br>
Jensine's "Good as New" Merchandise, Imperial City - Market District<br><br>
The Copious Coinpurse, Imperial City - Market District<br><br>
Best Goods and Guarantees, Leyawiin<br><br>
Colovian Traders, Skingrad<br><br>
<font face=2><DIV align="center">Furniture Catalogue<br>
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Display case, type 1</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_dc1_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- two sliding glass doors protect the items inside<br>
- suitable for larger houses due to its dimensions<br>
- ideal for displaying 16 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Display case, type 2</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_dc2_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- glass door protect items inside<br>
- fits easily into a smaller room<br>
- ideal for displaying 8 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Display case, type 3</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_dc3_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- glass door protect items inside<br>
- ideal for displaying 14 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Card rack, type 1</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_cr1_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- subtle design<br>
- two different wood colours<br>
- easy access to all displayed items<br>
- ideal for displaying 12 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Bookshelf, type 1</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_bs1_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- suitable for narrow areas<br>
- multiple pieces can easily create a row when placed side-by-side<br>
- ideal for displaying 9 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Wall Shelf, type 1</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_sh1_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- wooden backplate, metal brackets<br>
- ideal for displaying 5 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Wall Shelf, type 2</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_sh2_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- glass backplate, metal brackets<br>
- ideal for displaying 5 cards
<font face=1><DIV align="center">Wall Shelf, type 3</DIV><br>
<font face=3><DIV align="center"><IMG src="Book/SLCards/cat_sh3_490x400.dds" width=490 height=400> </DIV>
<DIV align="left">- suitable for very small areas<br>
- wooden backplate, metal brackets<br>
- ideal for displaying 2 cards

**訳文 [#oa7588d5]
// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。

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