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*題名 [#n9855078]
**原題 [#vce6b6b8]

**訳題 [#y1b35057]

*本文 [#y0ee49bb]

**原文 [#text_en]
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<BR>Myths and Legends: 
<br>Volume 4
<br>  by Draskal Ratden
These collected volumes are the result of my travels throughout Tamriel, where I have spent my life listening to the many wonderful myths and legends that are abundant throughout our magnificent world.  Though I am no adventurer, I truly do believe many of these stories are based on fact, though how much of them is true and how much the fantastical elaboration of imagination, I cannot say, for I am just another conduit through which they shall live.
While traveling through the scenic region of Niben Bay, I always make a point to stop at Silverhome on the Water in Bravil.   The hospitality of Gilgondorin, the Altmer proprietor, is top-notch and he always carries a fine selection of local brew.  It was there that a beggar known locally as &#65533;Wretched Aia&#65533; stopped me, asking for alms.  In response, I offered her a septim and a pint of Bravil's finest.  I was then recompensed with the pitiful woman's harrowing tale of misfortune, which I dutifully record here.<br>
- Orne's Folly -
Once the wife of Antonius Gammell Orne, a ranking archer in the Imperial Legion, Aia enjoyed all the modern comforts of domestic life in the Talos Plaza of the Imperial City.  As a soldier's wife, Aia often found herself anxiously awaiting her husband's return from dispatches all over Cyrodiil.  One fateful day, Antonius returned from a grim mission his regiment had carried out in Western Cyrodiil.  Though physically uninjured, no soldier returns from the battlefield without wounds.  So it was with Antonius.
The mission was unprecedented in all the history of the Empire.  The Legion would march on one of its own cities, slaughtering all who resisted, literally burning the settlement from the map.  Wild rumors of the macabre had been circulating around the small village of Hackdirt for years, but after the disappearance of a cadre of legion detectives sent to investigate the disturbances, Count Valga of Chorrol was compelled to present the request for troops and their ghastly purpose to Chancellor Ocato.  
Given only the explanation that the elder council believed the village to represent a grave threat to the stability of the Empire, Orne's regiment was sworn to secrecy and dispatched to Hackdirt on a mission of war.
Few accounts of the actual events that transpired at the razing of Hackdirt nearly thirty years ago remain today.  Most of the regiment was lost, and those who survived either dropped out of all records and knowledge or were committed to the imperial asylum at Renato Island, South of the Niben.  
Upon his return home, Antonius carried with him a bow which he claimed as a trophy of the mission.  The bow was covered with a thick and slimy membrane which emitted a powerful odor of rotting fish that could be smelled from halfway across the district.  Despite its repulsive state, Antonius compulsively kept the bow close to him, as if in fear of its influence.  
Moreover, Antonius' behavior became more erratic with each day.  He began to spend more and more time down at the Imperial City Waterfront, associating with pirates and sailors from ports unknown.  He soon found himself unable to sleep at night, plagued constantly by nightmares of the things he saw in that village as well as other things, horrific and unrecognized by his conscious mind.  
He often complained of voices speaking in a hideous language that spoke to the soul.  Deprived of sleep and tormented with visions of unspeakable horror, Antonius wandered the streets at night, muttering in the strange language.  He soon became a topic of local disdain and suspicion.  
One night, Aia awoke hearing strange chanting out in the street.  Only vaguely recognizable as Antonius' a voice rang out across the plaza, crying "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgahnagl fhtagn!"  
Aia emerged from their Imperial City apartment to find a wild-eyed Antonius stripped bare, wearing only the mysterious bow he brought out of Hackdirt, and covered in strange markings carved deep into his own flesh.  Accused of daedra worship, Antonius and Aia were chased from the city into the night.
For days, Antonius led their escape, shrieking hysterically, blindly scrambling across the countryside.  Though their pursuers had been lost on the outskirts of Weye, they continued on, Antonius never dropping his frantic pace.  
They ran day and night, avoiding the road and any settlements as they pushed ever west across Cyrodiil, making sure to pass far south of Hackdirt. When they reached the shores of the Abecean, they collapsed from exhaustion near the ruins of the ancient Ayleid city of Beldaburo, south of the mouth of the majestic Brena River separating Cyrodiil from Hammerfell.  
Aia awoke at dawn to find her husband standing between the arches leading to the door of the fallen Ayleid city.  With tears streaming down his face and a maniacal grin, he promised he would find a place for them beneath the waves of the Abecean.  
Though he begged her to join him, Aia refused, sensing the passing of the last shreds of human reason within Antonius.  Taking only the mysterious bow, he turned from her, shrieking to the sky, "Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!" and plunged west into the sea, diving straight to the bottom.  
She watched him swim to depths hidden from sight and scanned the western horizon, willing him to resurface.  Antonius never emerged from the Abecean's depths.  
He departed west from Beldaburo descending into the depths of the Abecean, never to be seen again.  Some say that if you venture out to the ruin of Beldaburo at night, a pale and eerie light may be seen moving under the ocean near the place where Orne was last seen.  But perhaps the ultimate fate of the bow and its wielder is perhaps best left to the uncharted abyss of Nirn.
While most of my stories concern the supernatural and unexplained  influences upon man and mer, as those are inherent aspects in nearly  any myth or legend worth telling, few of them could be considered tales  of true horror. The following tale of dread and the unspoken terrors of  an ancient evil is not one of them.  
It describes the location of an  ancient blade of tremendous power, said to be wielded by the leader of  a group of four foul beasts, known only by the chillingly mundane yet  entirely fitting name of The Horsemen. I first heard this story in my  younger years while traveling through the lustrous city of Chorrol,  and, though I never discerned her name, I shall never forget the look  of pure fright on the face of the old woman who recited it to me.
- The Sword of the Four -
Far  north of the town of Chorrol, in the untamed wilderness of the  unexplored areas of the county, sitting quietly atop a rugged mountain,  lies the home of an ancient evil. Within this decrepit ruin  precariously aloft the mountain's peak dwell some of the most  horrifying monsters known, or perhaps, more fittingly, unknown, to  Tamriel. 
Those who know of these beings refer to them with dreadful  names which represent the virulent extent of their unending malice;  War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. These cruel beings know no mercy  for the weak nor sympathy for humankind, for they are genuine monsters  of pervasive malevolence.<br>
If one of these abhorrent beings can  truly be labeled any more pernicious than the rest, the one known as  Death is considered the worst, for he is the epitome of all darkness on  Tamriel. Those who claim to have seen the haunting figure floating  through the night say he rides upon a pale, sickly horse, garbed in  tattered, black robes darker than night. Always in his icy grip is his  bladed weapon, an intimidating tool forged from some unknown dark ore,  covered with strange images guilded in gold, said to depict the end of  Nirn itself.
It is said that to glimpse Death and his companions  is to look into the endless void of Oblivion itself, that to witness  these Horsemen is to be confronted with the maddening clutch of one's  own mortality. While nobody knows how old these beings are, this story  has been passed down from countless generations, a fact which verifies  suspicions of their immortal nature.
 Nobody ever dares to venture that  far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the  shrine of Hermaeus Mora. And for good reason, too, for it is not rare  for inhabitants of Chorrol to wake screaming in the night from  unexplained nightmares of the end of days, as if the very thoughts of  the Horsemen had descended from their lair to taint the minds of  mortals.
Though the citizens of Chorrol understandably choose  not to speak of the subject, I find the idea of a foul presence  dwelling in an ancient ruin intriguing. Perhaps these so-called  Horsemen are nothing but a convincing facade created by bandits to  frighten the superstitious townspeople. Or perhaps they are a group of  vampires, maintaining the illusion of greater dread to keep interlopers  from entering their lair. 
But maybe there truly are immortal beings  dwelling in that old ruin north of Chorrol, whose eternal enmity  towards humanity will never be extinguished... and has perhaps not even  been truly witnessed yet. But I do know one thing; I will certainly  never venture too far along the path north of Chorrol, and would  certainly never enter an Ayleid ruin in the area. Beware that place,  dear reader, for, whatever it is, there is something wrong about it.

**訳文 [#text_ja]
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<BR>Myths and Legends: 
<br>Volume 4
<br>  by Draskal Ratden
私は風光明媚なNiben Bay地方を旅する時、必ずBravilのSilverhome on the Waterで一時休憩をはさむ。主人のGilgondorinのもてなしは最高で、その上とびきりの地酒を出してくれるのだ。そしてある日の事、宿を訪ねると一人の乞食が施しを求めて声を掛けてきた。彼女は地元でWretched Aiaと呼ばれる乞食であった。私は彼女の申し出を受け入れ、1septimの金貨と1パイントのBravil's finestを与えたのだが、そのおかげで彼女の悲惨かつ不運な身の上話を聞く機会を得た。以下に、なるべく聞いた通りに忠実に書き連ねて行こうと思う。<br>
- Orne's Folly -
AiaはかつてAntonius Gammell Orneの妻であった。AntoniusはImperial Legion有数の射手であり、彼女もImperial CityはTalos Plazaで近代的で快適な地域生活を謳歌していた。兵士の妻の常として、Aiaもまた、Cyrodiil中の戦地に派遣される夫の無事を願いつつ、帰りを待ってばかりいた。そして運命の日が訪れた。その日、Antoniusは西Cyrodiil地方での厳しい任務から部隊を引き連れ帰還した所であった。兵士たちには身体の怪我こそ無かったものの、皆一様に心の傷を負っていた。Antoniusも同様であった。
ただ[Quote]Elder Councilはこの村を帝国の秩序にとって重大な脅威であるとみなしている[Quote]という説明だけでOrneの部隊は守秘義務を負わされ、戦いの任務のためHackdirtへと派遣された。
この、およそ30年前に起きたHackdirt虐殺に関しては、現在ほとんど記録が残っていない。参加部隊のほぼ全てが行方不明となり、生還した者たちについてもみな公式の記録から抹消された。消息を知る者も残っていない。また、南NibenにあるRenato Islandの収容所に収監された者もいた。
Antoniusは戦利品の弓を携えて、任務から戻って来た。その弓はぬめぬめした厚い膜に覆われ、Temple Districtの外れから中心部までの距離でさえはっきり分かるほど強烈な腐臭を放っていた。弓は大変おぞましい物であったが、Antoniusは手放した時の祟りを恐れてか、肌身離さず持っていた。
そして日を追うごとにAntoniusには奇行が目立つようになっていった。Imperial CityのWaterfront地区まで繰り出して過ごす時間が多くなり、そこで見知らぬ異国の海賊や船乗りたちと交流を持った。間もなく夜も眠れなくなり、悪夢にうなされるようになった。悪夢出てきたのは諸々の事柄とあの村の光景であった。それは彼の意識下に、恐ろしく得体の知れないものとして刻み込まれていた。
そしてある夜、Aiaは外の街路から響いてくる奇妙な歌声で眠りから起こされた。ぼんやりとしか分からなかったが、おそらくAntoniusであろう声の主は、plaza中に響き渡るほどの大声でこう叫んでいた。[Quote]Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgahnagl fhtagn!(ふんぐるい むぐるうなふ くとぅるふ るるいえ うが=なぐる ふたぐん!)[Quote]。
Aia emerged from their Imperial City apartment to find a wild-eyed(血走った目で) Antonius stripped bare(裸のままで), wearing only the mysterious bow he brought out of Hackdirt, and covered in strange markings carved deep into his own flesh(体に奇妙な紋様が刻まれて).  Accused of daedra worship(daedra崇拝のかどで), Antonius and Aia were chased(追い回された) from the city into the night.
For days, Antonius led their escape, shrieking hysterically(ヒステリックな奇声をあげて), blindly scrambling(脇目もふらず急いだ) across the countryside.  Though their pursuers had been lost on the outskirts(町外れ) of Weye, they continued on, Antonius never dropping his frantic pace(気違いじみた調子).  
They ran day and night, avoiding the road and any settlements as they pushed ever west across Cyrodiil, making sure to pass far south of Hackdirt. When they reached the shores of the Abecean, they collapsed from exhaustion(力尽きて卒倒した) near the ruins of the ancient Ayleid city of Beldaburo, south of the mouth of the majestic Brena River separating Cyrodiil from Hammerfell.  
それからは昼夜の区別なく逃走を続けた。途中に見える街道も集落も全て無視してCyrodiilをずっと西に進み、Hackdirtのはるか南を目指した。やがて彼らAbecean海の岸辺に辿り着いたが、Beldaburo遺跡の近くで力尽きて卒倒してしまった。Beldaburo遺跡は古代Ayleidの都市であり、CyrodiilとHammerfellとを隔てる大河、Brena Riverの河口の南岸に位置していた。
Aia awoke at dawn to find her husband standing between the arches leading to the door of the fallen Ayleid city.  With tears streaming down his face and a maniacal(熱狂的な、狂気じみた) grin(歯を見せてニッコリと笑う), he promised he would find a place for them beneath the waves of the Abecean.  
Though he begged her to join him, Aia refused, sensing the passing of the last shreds of human reason(人間としての理性のひと欠片さえ残っていないと) within Antonius.  Taking only the mysterious bow, he turned from her, shrieking to the sky, "Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!" and plunged(飛び込んだ) west into the sea, diving straight to the bottom.  
夫は妻に同行を求めて追いすがったが、Aiaは拒否した。もはやAntoniusには人間としての理性のひとかけらさえ残っていないという事が彼女にも分かってしまったのである。正体不明の弓だけを手に、彼は妻から背を向けると虚空に向かって[Quote]Ia Cthulhu F'htagn!(いあ くとぅるふ ふたぐん!)[Quote]と叫び、まっすぐ海へと飛び込んだ。
She watched him swim to depths hidden from sight and scanned the western horizon, willing him to resurface(再び浮かび上がるように).  Antonius never emerged from the Abecean's depths.  
He departed west from Beldaburo descending into the depths of the Abecean, never to be seen again.  Some say that if you venture out(危険を承知で進む) to the ruin of Beldaburo at night, a pale(かすかな) and eerie(薄気味の悪い) light may be seen moving under the ocean near the place where Orne was last seen.  But perhaps the ultimate fate of the bow and its wielder is perhaps best left to the uncharted(地図に載っていない、未知の) abyss(奈落の底) of Nirn.
While most of my stories concern the supernatural and unexplained  influences upon man and mer, as those are inherent(生まれつきの) aspects in nearly  any myth or legend worth telling, few of them could be considered tales  of true horror(本当の恐怖としてはみなされていない). The following tale of dread(恐怖) and the unspoken terrors(言い表せぬほどの恐怖) of  an ancient evil is not one of them(他とは一味違うぜ)).  
It describes the location of an  ancient blade of tremendous(途轍もない) power, said to be wielded(行使された) by the leader of  a group of four foul(下品な、悪い、ひどい) beasts(けだもの), known only by the chillingly(冷たく、ぞくっとさせられて)) mundane(ありふれた、平凡な) yet  entirely fitting name of The Horsemen(しかしぴったりと合ったHorsemenという呼び名). I first heard this story in my  younger years while traveling through the lustrous(輝かしい、光沢のある) city of Chorrol,  and, though I never discerned(識別する、みつける、明確にする) her name, I shall never forget the look  of pure fright(純粋な恐怖) on the face of the old woman who recited(物語る) it to me.
- The Sword of the Four -
Far  north of the town of Chorrol, in the untamed wilderness(未開の荒野) of the  unexplored areas(未踏の地域) of the county, sitting quietly atop(頂上に静かに佇んで) a rugged mountain(険しい山),  lies the home of an ancient evil. Within this decrepit(老朽化した) ruin  precariously(不安定な) aloft(上方へ、高く) the mountain's peak dwell some of the most  horrifying(恐ろしい) monsters known, or perhaps, more fittingly, unknown, to  Tamriel. 
Those who know of these beings refer to(〜を参照する 〜に注意を向ける) them with dreadful  names which represent the virulent(悪性の、毒性の、伝染性の、憎しみに満ちた) extent(広さ、広がり、範囲、程度) of their unending malice(終わりのない悪意);  War, Famine(飢餓), Pestilence(疫病), and Death. These cruel beings know no mercy  for the weak nor sympathy for humankind, for they are genuine(純粋な 正真正銘の) monsters  of pervasive(蔓延する) malevolence(悪意).<br>
If one of these abhorrent(忌まわしい) beings can  truly be labeled(分離される) any more pernicious(致命的な、有害な、悪質な) than the rest, the one known as  Death is considered the worst(中でも死が最悪である), for he is the epitome(縮図、典型) of all darkness on  Tamriel. Those who claim to(〜と主張する) have seen the haunting figure floating  through the night say he rides upon a pale(青ざめた), sickly(病的な) horse, garbed in  tattered(ぼろぼろの), black robes darker than night. Always in his icy grip(冷たい手に) is his  bladed weapon, an intimidating(威嚇するような) tool forged(〜によって鍛えられた) from some unknown dark ore(鉱石),  covered with strange images guilded in gold, said to depict(〜を描く、表現する) the end of  Nirn itself.
It is said that to glimpse Death and his companions  is to look into the endless void of Oblivion itself, that to witness(目撃する)  these Horsemen is to be confronted(直面させられる) with the maddening(気が狂わせるような、イライラさせる) clutch(つかむこと) of one's  own mortality. While nobody knows how old these beings are, this story  has been passed down from countless generations(数え切れないほどの世代に渡って), a fact which verifies(〜が真実であること実証する)  suspicions of their immortal nature.
 Nobody ever dares to venture that  far north of the city but for a few brave pilgrims seeking to visit the  shrine of Hermaeus Mora. And for good reason, too, for it is not rare  for inhabitants of Chorrol to wake screaming in the night from  unexplained nightmares of the end of days, as if the very thoughts of  the Horsemen had descended from their lair(隠れ家) to taint(〜を汚染する、傷つける)) the minds of  mortals.
Though the citizens of Chorrol understandably choose  not to speak of the subject, I find the idea of a foul presence  dwelling in an ancient ruin intriguing(好奇心を掻き立てられる、面白い). Perhaps these so-called  Horsemen are nothing but a convincing facade(うわべ、外見、みせかけ) created by bandits to  frighten the superstitious(迷信深い) townspeople. Or perhaps they are a group of  vampires, maintaining the illusion of greater dread to keep interlopers(侵入者たち)  from entering their lair. 
But maybe there truly are immortal beings  dwelling in that old ruin north of Chorrol, whose eternal enmity(憎しみ)  towards humanity will never be extinguished(潰えない)... and has perhaps not even  been truly witnessed yet. But I do know one thing; I will certainly  never venture too far along the path north of Chorrol, and would  certainly never enter an Ayleid ruin in the area. Beware that place,  dear reader, for, whatever it is, there is something wrong about it.

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