L10N/Lore_Dialogue_300_Updated/2.3/Dialogue/LoreDialogueQuest-10 のバックアップ(No.3)


FormID: 01005205 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicMysticism 3 or absorb or reflect magical energies, or sense unseen objects at a distance.
FormID: 01005206 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicRestoration 0 The Restoration discipline is the mastery of the spell effects of the College of Restoration.
FormID: 01005206 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicRestoration 1 The restoration spells heal, restore, and fortify the body's attributes and abilities, cure disease, and protect it from other malign influences.
__restorationのスペルとは、heal(回復)、restore(治癒)、能力や技能のfortify(強化)、cure disease(病気の治療)および害を及ぼす様々な効果からprotect(保護)するスペルを意味します。
FormID: 01005206 LoreDialogueQuest LoreSkillMagicRestoration 2 The primary spells of this college heal wounds, cure disease, and restore lost vitality, but can also augment bodily attributes.
__初歩のスペルとしてはheal wounds(傷の治癒)、cure disease(病気の治療)、restore lost vitality(失われた体力の回復)が挙げられますが、肉体能力を増強させる事も可能です。
FormID: 01005210 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicConjuraSummoning 0 Summoning spells summon otherworldly creatures from the outer realms to ward and protect the caster for the duration of the magical effect.
FormID: 01005210 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicConjuraSummoning 1 More common spells of this sort include: summon ghost, summon skeleton, summon zombie and summon scamp.
__この種のスペルで一般的なものと言えば、summon ghost(ゴースト召喚)、summon skeleton(スケルトン召喚)、summon zombie(ゾンビ召喚)そしてsummon scamp(スカンプ召喚)です。
FormID: 01005210 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicConjuraSummoning 2 More powerful spells of this class, like summon dremora and summon daedroth, expend too much magicka to be practical for all but master sorcerers.
__もっと強力なスペルにはsummon dremora(ドレモラ召喚)、summon daedroth(ディードロス召喚)などがありますが、あまりに大量の魔力を要するため、熟練した魔術師でなければ実用に堪えない事でしょう。
FormID: 01005214 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruDesintegration 0 There are only two common disintegration spells: weapon eater and armor eater. Each causes the affected item to become worn and less effective.
__disintegrationのスペルは、たった2種類しか存在しません。weapon eater(武器破壊)とarmor eater(防具破壊)です。どちらも対象となったアイテムを老朽化させ役に立たなくさせます。
FormID: 01005214 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruDesintegration 1 They can't cause an item to cease to exist, but each can reduce its target's effectiveness so much that it becomes completely useless until repaired.
FormID: 01005215 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruElemental 0 Elemental damage spells injure natural and supernatural creatures with magics based on the elemental forces of fire, frost, shock, and poison.
__Elemental damageのスペルを使えば、自然の、あるいは超自然的な生き物に対し、fire(炎)、frost(凍気)、shock(電撃)、poison(毒)といった元素の力を基礎とする魔法の力によって傷を負わせる事が可能です。
FormID: 01005215 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruElemental 1 Here is a list of the most basic destruction spells, representing all the fundamental classes of elemental damage effects:
FormID: 01005215 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruElemental 2 Flame, flamebolt, spark, sparkbolt, shard, shardbolt, poison, and poisonbolt.
FormID: 01005215 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruElemental 3 In general, these effects cause damage on touch or at range, and the '-bolt' version is the ranged variant of the spell.
FormID: 01005216 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruVulnerability 0 Vulnerability spells make natural and supernatural creatures more vulnerable to magics based on the elemental forces :
FormID: 01005216 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruVulnerability 1 Fire, frost, magicka, poison, and shock, reducing the chance that a victim will avoid suffering the effects of all or part of a magical attack.
FormID: 01005216 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicDestruVulnerability 2 The most common of these destruction spells are: weakness to fire, weakness to frost, weakness to shock, weakness to magicka, and weakness to poison.
__この種のスペルで一般的なものと言えば、weakness to fire(炎への弱体化)、weakness to frost(凍気への弱体化)、weakness to shock(電撃への弱体化)、weakness to magicka(魔法効果への弱体化)、weakness to poison(毒への弱体化)ですね。
FormID: 01005219 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicMysticiOtherSpells 0 Other mysticism spells work directly upon the subtle magical forces of the unseen world. The most common of these mysticism spells are:
FormID: 01005219 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicMysticiOtherSpells 1 Purge magicka, touch dispel, soul trap, telekinesis, detect creature, detect enchantment, detect key, spell absorption, and reflect.
__Purge magicka(魔力の除去)、touch dispel(接触による解呪)、soul trap(魂の捕獲)、telekinesis(念動力)、detect creature(生命探知)、detect enchantment(エンチャント探知)、detect key(鍵探知)、spell absorption(呪文吸収)、そしてreflect(反射)となりますね。
FormID: 0100521A LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicMysticiTransportation 0 Transport spells instantaneously transport the caster from one location to another.
FormID: 0100521A LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicMysticiTransportation 1 Three mysticism transport effects are common in Cyrodiil: mark, recall and divine intervention.
FormID: 0100521F LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreCureSpells 0 Cure spells remove diseases, poisons, and incapacitation spell effects from the victim.
FormID: 0100521F LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreCureSpells 1 The most common restoration spells of this kind are: cure common disease, cure poison, and cure paralysis.
__最も一般的なのはcure common disease(一般的な病気の治療)、cure poison(毒の治療)、そしてcure paralysis(麻痺の治療)でしょう。
FormID: 01005220 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreFortifySpells 0 Fortify spells temporarily increase fundamental attributes for the duration of the spell effects. The common restoration spells of this kind are :
FormID: 01005220 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreFortifySpells 1 Nimbleness, fortitude, vigor, vitality, wisdom, jack of trades, charisma, feet of notorgo, powerwell, orc strength, and iron will.
__Nimbleness(敏捷性上昇)、fortitude(耐力上昇)、vigor(スタミナ上昇)、vitality(体力上昇)、wisdom(英知)、jack of trades(取引ジャック)、charisma(カリスマ上昇)、feet of notorgo(notorgoの足さばき)、powerwell(力の泉)、orc strength(orcの腕力)、そしてiron will(鉄の意思)ですね。
FormID: 01005221 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreResistSpells 0 Resist spells increase the subject's ability to resist the hostile effects of a variety of malign influences.
FormID: 01005221 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreResistSpells 1 The most common restoration spells of this kind are:
FormID: 01005221 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreResistSpells 2 Resist fire, resist frost, resist shock, resist magicka, resist common disease, resist poison, and resist paralysis.
__Resist fire(炎への抵抗)、resist frost(凍気への抵抗)、resist shock(電撃への抵抗)、resist magicka(魔法への抵抗)、resist common disease(一般的な病気への抵抗)、resist poison(毒への抵抗)、そしてresist paralysis(麻痺への抵抗)ですね。
FormID: 01005222 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreRestoreSpells 0 Restore spells restore fundamental attributes reduced by attribute-damaging magical effects.
FormID: 01005222 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreRestoreSpells 1 These spells are the only means of restoring attributes injured in this fashion. The most common restoration spells of this kind are:
FormID: 01005222 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreRestoreSpells 2 Restore agility, restore endurance, restore fatigue, restore health, restore intelligence, restore luck, restore personality, restore speed,
__Restore agility(敏捷性回復)、restore endurance(持久力回復)、restore fatigue(スタミナ回復)、restore health(体力回復)、restore intelligence(知力回復)、restore luck(運の回復)、restore personality(魅力回復)、restore speed(速力回復)に、
FormID: 01005222 LoreDialogueQuest LoreMagicRestoreRestoreSpells 3 restore strength, restore willpower, and restore spell points.
__restore strength(筋力回復)、restore willpower(意志力回復)、そしてrestore spell points(スペルポイント回復)ですね。
FormID: 01005223 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceSavantLostRaDwemer 0 Dwemer -- literally, 'the Deep, or Deep-Counseled or Secretive People' -- are the fabled lost Dwarven race.
__Dwemer--文字通り、'深淵、または智恵深き種族、秘密主義の種族'です。--彼らは寓話における、失われたDwarven race(ドワーフ族)です。
FormID: 01005223 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceSavantLostRaDwemer 1 Their ruins and splendid artifacts are scattered across Tamriel.
FormID: 01005223 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceSavantLostRaDwemer 2 Elves use the term 'Dwemer', connoting variously 'deep-delving,' 'profound,' and 'close-counseled';
FormID: 01005223 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceSavantLostRaDwemer 3 Imperial usage is 'Dwarven,' derived in fable from the affectionate regard of the Giant races for their 'little' Dwemer friends.
__それに対しImperialたちは'Dwarven'という言葉を用います。それは、寓話において見られる、Giant races(巨人族)の彼ら'小さなDwemerの友'に対して示す愛情深い接しぶりに由来しています。
FormID: 01005225 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceSavDwemerArtifacts 0 Artifacts salvaged from Dwemer ruins are valuable, but protected under Imperial law, and trade in such artifacts is illegal.
FormID: 01005225 LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaceSavDwemerArtifacts 1 Most valuable are Dwarven weapons and armor, both for their superb craftsmanship, and for their value to collectors and scholars.
FormID: 01005227 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDwemerRuins 0 The ruins of the lost Dwemer race are found everywhere in Tamriel, but are most common in Morrowind, once the native land of the Dwemer.
FormID: 01005228 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDwemerRuins 0 Dwemer artifacts taken from Dwemer ruins are very valuable, particularly Dwemer weapons, armor, and other enchanted devices.
FormID: 01005228 LoreDialogueQuest LoreDwemerRuins 1 But they are protected as property of the Emperor by Imperial decree, and trade in such artifacts is illegal.
FormID: 0100522A LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 0 A soul gem's power limits the number of an item's uses, but the gems renew their expended power over time.
__アイテムの使用制限回数はsoul gemの力次第です。しかし、時間が経過すればgemは消費された力を再び取り戻します。
FormID: 0100522B LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 0 Enchanters create enchanted items for themselves and for unskilled spellcasters.
FormID: 0100522B LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 1 A magic scroll is the simplest enchanted item; anyone can use it to cast a single spell with 100% reliability, but the scroll is then destroyed.
FormID: 0100522B LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 2 Enchanters also place permanent enchantments on weapons, armor, clothing, and ornaments.
FormID: 0100522B LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 3 These items cast spells reliably, powered by built-in soul gems. A soul gem's power limits the number of an item's uses,
__これらのアイテムによるスペルの信頼性は準備されたsoul gemの力に左右されます。アイテムの使用制限回数はsoul gemの力次第です。
FormID: 0100522B LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 4 but the gems renew their expended power over time.
FormID: 0100522C LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 0 A magic scroll is the simplest enchanted item; anyone can use it to cast a single spell, but the scroll is destroyed in the process.
FormID: 0100522D LoreDialogueQuest LoreEnchanters 0 Enchanters place permanent enchantments on weapons, armor, clothing, and ornaments. These items cast spells reliably, powered by built-in soul gems.
__Enchanterはまた、武器や防具、衣服や装飾品といった品々に永続的なエンチャントを掛ける事が出来ます。__これらのアイテムによるスペルの信頼性は準備されたsoul gemの力に左右されます。
FormID: 01005230 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumans 0 The human races are short-lived, socially aggressive humanoids, shorter than Elves and more technologically advanced than the Beastfolk.
__human raceの寿命は短く、社会活動も活発です。寿命はElfたちよりも短く、技術力はBeastfolkよりも発達しています。
FormID: 01005230 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumans 1 Warlike human cultures have subjugated their Elven and Beastfolk neighbors and synthesized their arts, literature, magick, technology,
FormID: 01005230 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumans 2 and theology into Tamriel's dominant culture -- the Empire.
FormID: 01005230 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumans 3 Obsessed with progress and destiny, human civilization constantly reinvents itself from materials plundered from conquered cultures,
FormID: 01005230 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumans 4 and re-shaped by human myths and dreams.
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 0 Elves consider themselves the only 'truly human race,' being descended directly from the gods,
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 1 and regard the Manish and Beast races as highly intelligent animals.
__そして、他の人類やBeast raceについては動物に知恵が付いた程度にしか思っていません。
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 2 On the other hand, Imperial scholars consider Men, Elves, and Beastmen as 'men,'
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 3 on the basis that individuals of all three groups can mate with one another.
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 4 Offspring of inter-racial matings have the racial appearance of the mother, but may share inherited characteristics and abilities of the father.
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 5 Sloads, dragons, and other sentient races cannot mate with Men, Elves, or Beastmen, and are not considered 'human.'
FormID: 01005231 LoreDialogueQuest LoreHumanoidRaces 6 Exceptional accounts of matings between men and daedra do not fit smoothly into this scheme.
FormID: 01005233 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialCulture 0 Imperial culture is a pragmatic melting pot of the various contrasting cultures of the Imperial provinces, unified by the rule of law,
FormID: 01005233 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialCulture 1 a powerful professional army, and tolerance of disparate polytheistic cult worships.
FormID: 01005233 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialCulture 2 Education and wealth is broadly distributed through all social classes where Imperial culture has flourished;
FormID: 01005233 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialCulture 3 Many citizens are literate and protected under Imperial law.
__多くの市民が読み書きに通じ、Imperial Lawに保護されるのです。
FormID: 01005238 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialLegion 0 The most disciplined and effective military force in history, the Imperial Legions preserve the peace and rule of law in the Empire.
__Imperial Legionは帝国における平和と秩序の維持を使命とした、歴史上最も統率が取れた有能な軍隊です。
FormID: 01005238 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialLegion 1 The legions hire qualified recruits of proven skill and character, and provide training, goods, and services at discounts.
FormID: 01005238 LoreDialogueQuest LoreImperialLegion 2 The lower ranks are common troopers and officers, but the upper ranks include the orders of the Imperial knights.
__下士官にはcommon troopersやofficerがいますが、上級士官ともなればImperial knightsの騎士団までも含みます。
FormID: 0100523C LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsFightersGuild 0 The Fighters Guild is chartered by the Empire. Citizens hire us to kill pests and handle the tasks the Legion doesn't want to dirty its hands with.
__Fighters Guildは帝国によって認可を受け、市民から厄介者の始末を請け負ったりLegionが嫌う汚れ仕事を引き受けます。
FormID: 0100523C LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsFightersGuild 1 Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work.
__ギルドのメンバーになれば訓練や物資を安価に受けられます。またGuild Stewardに頼めば仕事を紹介してくれるでしょう。
FormID: 0100523D LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 0 The Mages Guild is dedicated to the preservation and distribution of magical knowledge.
__Mages Guildは魔法知識の保存と普及を目的としています。
FormID: 0100523D LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 1 Pursue your studies diligently and the benefits of belonging to the Mages Guild will become clear to you.
__ひたむきに自分自身の研究に打ち込んで下さい。そうすればMages Guildに所属する事によって得られる利益はおのずと分かる事でしょう。
FormID: 0100523F LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaces 0 The ten races commonly encountered in Cyrodiil are: Redguard, Breton, Nord, Altmer, Dunmer, Bosmer, Imperial, Khajiit, Argonian, and Orc.
FormID: 0100523F LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaces 1 Imperials are the native majority. But since Cyrodiil is in the center of the Empire, the other nine races are equally distributed.
FormID: 0100523F LoreDialogueQuest LoreRaces 2 There are also races who previously inhabited Tamriel but who disappeared or were extinguished by wars.
FormID: 01005240 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsFightersGuild 0 The Fighters Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to regulate the hiring and training of mercenaries.
__Fighters Guildは皇帝の認可を受けた上で傭兵の募集と訓練を行なっている職能集団です。
FormID: 01005240 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsFightersGuild 1 Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work.
__ギルドのメンバーになれば訓練や物資を安価に受けられます。またGuild Stewardに頼めば仕事を紹介してくれるでしょう。
FormID: 01005241 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 0 The Mages Guild is a professional organization chartered by the Emperor to promote study of the arcane arts.
__Mages Guildは皇帝の認可を受けた上で魔術の研究発展を進める職能集団です。
FormID: 01005241 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 1 And it's where you go to find wizards for hire.
__魔術師を雇いたいならMages Guildへ行けば良いと思いますよ。
FormID: 01005241 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 2 Training, goods, and services are cheaper for members, and the Guild Stewards know where to find work.
__ギルドのメンバーになれば訓練や物資を安価に受けられます。またGuild Stewardに頼めば仕事を紹介してくれるでしょう。
FormID: 01005241 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsMagesGuild 3 If you're thinking of making wizardry your profession, you should join and work your way up the ranks.
FormID: 01005243 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsThievesGuild 0 They're much like any trade guild, I suppose. Why are you asking me?
FormID: 01005244 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsThievesGuild 0 The Thieves Guild is just like any other trade guild, an organization of craftsmen and professionals.
__Thieves Guildには他の職能ギルドと同様、職人やプロが集まっています。
FormID: 01005245 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsThievesGuild 0 The Thieves Guild doesn't have public guild halls, but they do tend to gather at a single location in larger towns.
__Thieves Guildは公のギルド支部を持ちませんが、大都市においては特定の集合場所を一カ所定めて集まる傾向があるようです。
FormID: 01005246 LoreDialogueQuest LoreGuildsThievesGuild 0 It isn't easy to find out where Thieves Guild members meet. For obvious reasons. You have to look around, and talk to the right people.
__Thieves Guildの集合場所を見つけるのは容易な事ではありません。その理由は明らかでしょう。見つけたければあちこち探し回り、事情通と話す必要があります。

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