L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssgimletcocktaillist のバックアップソース(No.1)

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GIMLET'S Cocktail List<br>
<font face=2>Anvil Rickey </font>
<font face=3>
Extra strong beer, mixed with rotten tomatoes and the ichor of aloe 
vera.  Empty the stomach before the worry of seasickness. </font>
<font face=2>Bruma Sour</font> 
<font face=3>
A warming mix of mead, the juice of freshly squeezed oranges and spiced with ground ogre teeth.  Just the thing for those cold foggy nights in Bruma. </font>
<font face=2>Bravil Breezer</font>
<font face=3>
Skooma, extra strong skooma and triple X skooma with just a splash of water. Guaranteed to blow you away. </font>
<font face=2>Cheydinhal Lady</font> <font face=3> (non-alcoholic)
Strawberries and water melon pulverised together in warm sour deer milk. For those who need a clear head. </font> 
<font face=2>Chorrol Goodbye Kiss </font>
<font face=3>
Fermented lettuce juice, with a sprinkling of essence of morning glory and the kick of fresh nightshade.  This will certainly give you a good long sleep. </font>
<font face=2>Imperial City's liquor</font>
<font face=3>
Based on the potent combination of fermented blackberries and horse urine with a light dusting of powdered minotaur horn, this will get all those wheeler-dealers in a whirl. </font> 
<font face=2>Kvatch Kvass Kvetch</font>
<font face=3>
Strong ale, mild sheep's milk and a lacing of crushed garlic will ensure something starts complaining in the night. </font>
<font face=2>Leyawiin Fizz</font>
<font face=3>
Thin strips of Nirnroot marinated in local swamp water and made special by adding the contents of pitcher plants. Argonian's love it. </font>
<font face=2>Skingrad Sling </font>
<font face=3>
Sweetened Surilie Brother's finest wine with a little Niben water and topped of with crumbled sweetcakes. One for the ladies. </font>
<font face=2>Speciality of the House - Bosom Caresser Between the Sheets </font>
<font face=3>
Fermented horse milk, Gweden Farm gin and dotted with lotus seeds for a night you'll never forget. </font>


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
GIMLET'S Cocktail List<br>
<font face=2>Anvil Rickey </font>
<font face=3>
Extra strong beer, mixed with rotten tomatoes and the ichor of aloe 
vera.  Empty the stomach before the worry of seasickness. </font>
<font face=2>Bruma Sour</font> 
<font face=3>
A warming mix of mead, the juice of freshly squeezed oranges and spiced with ground ogre teeth.  Just the thing for those cold foggy nights in Bruma. </font>
<font face=2>Bravil Breezer</font>
<font face=3>
Skooma, extra strong skooma and triple X skooma with just a splash of water. Guaranteed to blow you away. </font>
<font face=2>Cheydinhal Lady</font> <font face=3> (non-alcoholic)
Strawberries and water melon pulverised together in warm sour deer milk. For those who need a clear head. </font> 
<font face=2>Chorrol Goodbye Kiss </font>
<font face=3>
Fermented lettuce juice, with a sprinkling of essence of morning glory and the kick of fresh nightshade.  This will certainly give you a good long sleep. </font>
<font face=2>Imperial City's liquor</font>
<font face=3>
Based on the potent combination of fermented blackberries and horse urine with a light dusting of powdered minotaur horn, this will get all those wheeler-dealers in a whirl. </font> 
<font face=2>Kvatch Kvass Kvetch</font>
<font face=3>
Strong ale, mild sheep's milk and a lacing of crushed garlic will ensure something starts complaining in the night. </font>
<font face=2>Leyawiin Fizz</font>
<font face=3>
Thin strips of Nirnroot marinated in local swamp water and made special by adding the contents of pitcher plants. Argonian's love it. </font>
<font face=2>Skingrad Sling </font>
<font face=3>
Sweetened Surilie Brother's finest wine with a little Niben water and topped of with crumbled sweetcakes. One for the ladies. </font>
<font face=2>Speciality of the House - Bosom Caresser Between the Sheets </font>
<font face=3>
Fermented horse milk, Gweden Farm gin and dotted with lotus seeds for a night you'll never forget. </font>


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