L10N/KDQ/2.03/Books/povssdocu4 のバックアップ差分(No.1)


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My darling Arnora,
I know that you must remain in Bruma until you have found out where Jorundr has stashed your hard-earned loot but do not let it be too long, please.  I have amassed a pretty decent haul myself from the Imperial City.  I won't leave it at my house - too risky.  There is a rumour that some escapee from the Imperial Prison holds no respect for locks and keys and noses into places that should be private.  While it would be hypocritical of me to point a finger I shall protect our future security.
If anything should happen to me, please take it.  You'll find it in the area of Fort Nikel, which lies to the west of the Imperial City.  Search well.  I won't make it easy for an adventurer to stumble on.   It will also need this key.
Until later, Bootykins


// 注意:訳文の部分は中括弧({と})が原文部分と異なり4つづつ。
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My darling Arnora,
I know that you must remain in Bruma until you have found out where Jorundr has stashed your hard-earned loot but do not let it be too long, please.  I have amassed a pretty decent haul myself from the Imperial City.  I won't leave it at my house - too risky.  There is a rumour that some escapee from the Imperial Prison holds no respect for locks and keys and noses into places that should be private.  While it would be hypocritical of me to point a finger I shall protect our future security.
If anything should happen to me, please take it.  You'll find it in the area of Fort Nikel, which lies to the west of the Imperial City.  Search well.  I won't make it easy for an adventurer to stumble on.   It will also need this key.
Until later, Bootykins


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