

povssdocu4 Edit

原文 Edit

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My darling Arnora,
I know that you must remain in Bruma until you have found out where Jorundr has stashed your hard-earned loot but do not let it be too long, please.  I have amassed a pretty decent haul myself from the Imperial City.  I won't leave it at my house - too risky.  There is a rumour that some escapee from the Imperial Prison holds no respect for locks and keys and noses into places that should be private.  While it would be hypocritical of me to point a finger I shall protect our future security.
If anything should happen to me, please take it.  You'll find it in the area of Fort Nikel, which lies to the west of the Imperial City.  Search well.  I won't make it easy for an adventurer to stumble on.   It will also need this key.
Until later, Bootykins

訳文 Edit

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君が苦労して手に入れた略奪品を見つけ出すまでは、Brumaに留まなければならないということは分かる。だがどうかあまり時間をかけないでくれ。俺はImperial Cityからかなり纏まった収穫を掻き集めたのだ。自宅から外出しないつもりだ_-_危険過ぎるからな。これは噂なんだが、Imperial Prisonから逃げ出した奴が錠前と鍵に敬意を払わず、プライベートな場所を嗅ぎまわっているというのだ。この偽善者めと指弾されようとも、俺は自分たちの未来の安全を守るつもりだ。
もしも何か俺に起きたら、どうかそいつを取ってくれ。Imperial Cityの西にあるFort Nikelでそれが見つかるだろう。上手く探せよ。冒険家が偶然見つけるほど簡単にはしないつもりだ。しかもこの鍵も必要となるだろう。

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Last-modified: 2011-03-23 (水) 23:36:22