L10N/Integration_TSL/1.0/Books/bgZMCHandbillVeil のバックアップ(No.1)


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<div align="center"><font face=2>Beyond the Veil</font><br>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/shopsigns/IconBeyondTheVeil.dds" width=320 height=320> </div> <p>
<DIV align="left"><font face=5>Are you looking for something to spice up your home? Are you tired of always seeing the same altar hanging on walls? Then come into <font face=2>Beyond the Veil<font face=5>, where contractual painter Girovve with her apprentice offers all kinds of unique and most beautiful paintings!</div>
<div align="right">Beyond the Veil is the only house partly submerged in Mir Corrup's lake; you just need to step on a few wooden planks serving as a bridge. If you're afraid of water, Girovve visits the market place from time to time.</div>

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