

bgZMCHandbillVeil Edit

原文 Edit

<div align="center"><font face=2>Beyond the Veil</font><br>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/shopsigns/IconBeyondTheVeil.dds" width=320 height=320> </div> <p>
<DIV align="left"><font face=5>Are you looking for something to spice up your home? Are you tired of always seeing the same altar hanging on walls? Then come into <font face=2>Beyond the Veil<font face=5>, where contractual painter Girovve with her apprentice offers all kinds of unique and most beautiful paintings!</div>
<div align="right">Beyond the Veil is the only house partly submerged in Mir Corrup's lake; you just need to step on a few wooden planks serving as a bridge. If you're afraid of water, Girovve visits the market place from time to time.</div>

訳文 Edit

<div align="center"><font face=2>Beyond the Veil</font><br>
<IMG src="Icons/bgIntegration/shopsigns/IconBeyondTheVeil.dds" width=320 height=320> </div> <p>
<DIV align="left"><font face=5>情緒を感じさせるものをお探しですか? 壁につけられた祭壇には見飽きましたか? ならば <font face=2>Beyond the Veil<font face=5>へ! お抱え絵師のGirovveとその弟子がありとあらゆる個性的で最上級の美しい絵画を提供いたします!</div>
<div align="right">Beyond the VeilはMir Corrupの池に沈める唯一の家でございます。橋代わりの幾つかの木の厚板を踏み進んでください。水をお避けになりたい場合は、時々市場を訪れているGirovveの元へ。</div>

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Last-modified: 2012-03-14 (水) 17:05:13