L10N/HFCastle/1.1.2/Dialogue/HCTithes のバックアップ(No.4)


FormID: 01009918 HCTithes GREETING 0 Good to see you. Be sure to let me know when you have news of Inwold Mannick. Knew him as a boy, you know...
FormID: 0100AB44 HCTithes GREETING 0 What? Who are you? No, look; never-mind. I have nothing to offer you; so please, just leave me be.
FormID: 0100AB46 HCTithes HCTithesS10Master 0 Wh-what? Then what happened to old Callonus? Dead? You're serious? By the Nine, what's happening in these hills?
FormID: 0100AB46 HCTithes HCTithesS10Master 1 My wife... my poor Annie... I screamed my throat raw, you know - when they came and took her. Yelled myself hoarse calling to the castle for help.
FormID: 0100AB46 HCTithes HCTithesS10Master 2 The guards on the walls can hear me from here, I know it! I blamed them for ignoring me: taking my money and then ignoring me!
FormID: 0100AB46 HCTithes HCTithesS10Master 3 But no... if they're all dead, I can't be angry. They have the great, final excuse of death.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 0 Everyone looks to me for a solution... But what can I do? I'm just a farmer!
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 1 Those beasts - mystical beasts - they would come and carry off their sheep, their horses, and we - and I - can only watch on, helpless.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 10 I even laid a trap there - took me months - to collapse in one of the narrower tunnels - to protect against 'enemies'.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 11 I never dreamed that I would actually need the trap - that there WERE enemies in the tunnels.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 12 I finished the trap, but those beasts surprised me and chased me out. Since that day, the Hoarfrost Castle guardsmen have always protected us.
__何とか罠は完成させられましたが、ちょうどその時あの獣たちに出くわしましてね。追いかけられたので逃げてきました。あの日からずっとHoarfrost Castleの衛兵さんたちに守っていただく暮らしが続いていました。
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 13 I was always too ashamed to tell anyone of the trap - but now because I kept silent, I really have nothing else to lose.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 14 I really think that using my trap could block off the tunnels, and stop these beasts crawling out from... wherever they come from.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 15 It must be done! No-one else should lose their wife over my stupid pride! You do this, and I'll see to it that everyone starts paying tithes again.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 16 Take this key. We've been trying to keep the door to the tunnels locked. Never holds those beasts for long, though...
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 2 I hated them for it - so much ill will bent towards that cave... I swear they smelled it; followed it back here like wolves on the scent of blood.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 3 And then they came and carried... carried Annie off, into the cave. Left me near-crippled; a wretch unable to protect his own wife...
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 4 I tried to enter the tunnels; the Glowing Tunnels - to get her back; but they near to killed me every time!
__妻を取り戻そうとトンネルの中に入ったこともありました。Glowing Tunnelsです。しかし結果は、毎回半殺しにされるばかりでした。
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 5 And now... now it's been too long... She's gone for good... Nothing for me now but the farm.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 6 Listen; I know what you're here for; and I can tell you right now that they won't pay your tithes while this state of affairs continues.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 7 They don't trust the Hoarfrost name any longer; and can you blame them? Stop these beasts, though, and I'll... I'll talk to them.
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 8 These mystical creatures come through the Glowing Tunnels - east of here - from somewhere deep in the mountain; no-one knows where.
__あの不気味な怪物たちはGlowing Tunnels…ここから東に行った所です…を通ってやって来ます。奴らのねぐらはもっと山奥でしょうが、それが何処なのかは誰も知りません。
FormID: 0100AB48 HCTithes HCIMTithesS10What 9 I know this because I used to play in those caves as a boy. In my ignorant, mischievous youth I fancied the caves as my own.
FormID: 0100AB49 HCTithes GREETING 0 Tell me when you've collapsed that tunnel - but until then, please; just leave me to my grief.
FormID: 0100CA09 HCTithes GREETING 0 H-help... (cough) Help! You there! Please, won't you let me out? There's a great beast in these caves; he locked me in here!
FormID: 0100CA0B HCTithes HCTithesS50AreYou 0 Yes, I am - how did you know? Did my husband send you after me? Is he alright? Tell me: is Inwold alright?
FormID: 0100CA0D HCTithes HCTithesS50Fine 0 Good. (She exhales slowly.) Oh... that's good - you don't know what a relief it is to hear that. When those monsters came, I saw him go down, but...
FormID: 0100CA0D HCTithes HCTithesS50Fine 1 Please: you must let me out of here, and take me to him. I don't know when that - oh no; it's the beast! Look out behind you!
FormID: 0100CA0E HCTithes GREETING 0 Look out!
FormID: 0100CA0F HCTithes GREETING 0 Is it... dead? Oh, thankyou! That thing has been keeping me for... I don't know how long - and I don't know what for! I'm glad I didn't find out.
FormID: 0100CA0F HCTithes GREETING 1 Please: can you take me back to Inwold? I don't think I could make it on my own. He must be out of his mind with worry...
FormID: 0100CA11 HCTithes HCTithesS57Follow 0 Thankyou so much.
FormID: 0100CA12 HCTithes GREETING 0 Yes?
FormID: 0100CA14 HCTithes HCTithesS60Follow 0 Thankyou so much.
FormID: 0100CA16 HCTithes HCTithesS60Wait 0 Are you sure? Alright; but please, don't be long!
FormID: 0100E29C HCTithes GREETING 0 Oh, there he is! Look, friend; there's nothing I can do to thank you enough - and if you speak to my husband, he'll feel the same way, I'm sure.
FormID: 0100E29C HCTithes GREETING 1 Inwold! Are you alright?
FormID: 0100EC81 HCTithes GREETING 0 Annie's alive? She's ALIVE? Is she alright? Please - bring her to me! You must... Please!
FormID: 0100EC82 HCTithes GREETING 0 Annie! You're alive!
FormID: 0100EC83 HCTithes GREETING 0 Friend! I must thank you again for all you've done. Please, if there's ever anything I might do...
FormID: 0100EC84 HCTithes GREETING 0 The Master of the castle! Yes, I believe you have earned the Hoarfrost name now; well and truly.
FormID: 0100EC84 HCTithes GREETING 1 You brought her back to me - my Annie - when I... I thought her lost forever. [Inwold's eyes fill with ecstatic tears.]
FormID: 0100EC84 HCTithes GREETING 2 And that you have blocked the tunnel and stopped the beasts coming through as well! I just can't thank you enough!
FormID: 0100EC84 HCTithes GREETING 3 When I tell everyone what you've done, they will all resume paying tithes; I'm absolutely sure of it.
FormID: 0100EC84 HCTithes GREETING 4 If there's ever anything you need, don't hesitate to ask!
FormID: 0100EC85 HCTithes GREETING 0 The Master of the castle! What can I do for you?
FormID: 0100EC85 HCTithes GREETING 1 How is Ignatius doing, by the way? Give the old codger my best regards when you next see him!
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 0 Welcome back, Master Hoarfrost. I've heard the good news: the nearby settlements have agreed to resume payment of tithes.
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 1 And thank the Divines you were able to rescue Inwold's wife: that sounded like quite an awful ordeal for the Mannicks.
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 2 Now, we shall receive tithes on a weekly basis. As Master of the castle, you are entitled to a portion of those tithes.
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 3 Each week, I shall place your entitlement in a money box by the bed in your master bedroom. The first payment is due tomorrow.
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 4 Of course, the majority of the tithes will go to supplying and maintaining the castle - and to the castle-staff's wages.
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 5 This is good, because if we wish to properly earn these tithes, we need a retinue of guards to protect the castle and nearby settlements...
FormID: 01010ED8 HCTithes GREETING 6 But I am getting ahead of myself. Remind me to tell you of my ideas regarding the hiring of guards for the castle when you have a spare moment.
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 0 Ah - Master Hoarfrost, yes: I said I would discuss with you the hiring of guards for the castle, didn't I?
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 1 There is a mercenary group I know personally: a very capable bunch that call themselves the Highland Company.
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 2 I believe they would be very interested in living and working here at Hoarfrost Castle as full-time guards.
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 3 If their Captain, Sabinus Palenix, takes you into his confidence, he may well tell you the story of why that is.
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 4 You can find the company in their lodge; west of Chorrol, along the Black Road.
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 5 I would recommend speaking with Captain Palenix at your earliest convenience. This place is vulnerable without a retinue of guards to protect it.
FormID: 01011F7A HCTithes GREETING 6 The sooner Hoarfrost Castle is securely guarded, the sooner we can speak more on hiring a full castle-staff.

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