L10N/Golden_Perch_Inn/1.1/QuestStages/GPGoldenPerchInnQuest のバックアップソース(No.1)

FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	5	0	I have declined to help Havren with the Cammona Tong for now.
__HavernからのCammona Tongに関する依頼を、差し当たり断った。
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	10	0	I have decided to help Havren locate and destroy the Cammona Tong slavers that have been operating along the Orange Road. I should go and speak with Dolar Venothi at the Golden Perch Inn to see if he has any leads.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	20	0	Dolar said that he noticed a group of Dunmeri adventurers exploring the ruins of Moranda. He did not think much of them at the time, but admitted that they were suspicious looking. Apparently one of the men had also accidentally left a key behind at the inn. Dolar said it might come in handy when I reach the lower depths of the ruins.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	30	0	I've met an argonian slave in the ruins of Moranda who had survived the onslaught against the other slaves. He was a bit shaken up, but he did manage to give me a key to help me get into the Cammona Tong hideout up ahead. I told him to retreat to the inn where it would be safe for him to stay for the time being.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	40	0	I have found the slaver's business manifest and I was shocked to learn that the leader of the Cammona Tong here is none other than Dolar Venothi. He must have sent me into the ruins to be taken care of by his associates. The way back to the ruins is locked, a trap no doubt, but I found a key to the door downstairs, and I have an inkling as to where it might lead.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	50	0	Knows-Too-Much is safe and he has killed Dolar Venothi. I should return to Havren in Cheydinhal and tell him of the events that have transpired. Though I don't think he will be happy to learn of his brother-in-law's fate.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	55	0	Havren has offered me the ownership of the Golden Perch Inn. I have decided to think about it, before I embark on a new business venture.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	60	0	I have taken Havren up on his offer to take ownership of the Inn. I'll need to find a barkeep, but in the meantime I should check in on my new investment, and tell Knows-Too-Much the latest developments. Perhaps he maybe interested in employment.
FormID: 01003DE4	GPGoldenPerchInnQuest	100	0	Knows-Too-Much has offered to be the barkeep in my new tavern, and has volunteered his services free of charge in exchange that he be allowed to conduct some kind of [QUOTE]side business[QUOTE]. I can't beat the offer of free labor so I decided to let him be the new barkeep. I might want to check out the study in the basement for details on stocking the inn. Apparently, I may be able to brew my own spirits here to help increase my profit margins.

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