L10N/Dragon_Captions_The_Imperial_City_of_Sutch_Reborn/9.0/Dialogue/sutchbiuld6 のバックアップの現在との差分(No.1)

FormID: 0103189C	sutchbiuld6	sutchx	0	Oh, dear friend, this is quite disturbing. It's a note we found on the body of one of the bandits that recently raided the town, here look.	
FormID: 0103189C	sutchbiuld6	sutchx	1	Oh, this is not good, I fear for my father's life. It has been a long time since I got a letter from him. I think something might have happened to him.	
FormID: 0103189C	sutchbiuld6	sutchx	2	Can you please go back to Skingrad, and check on my father, to see if he is alright? I beg this of you.	
FormID: 010318A2	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6j	0	What! Old, me? I'm the Orical, I deceived the old Count, I lead the black bands! I am the one who tried to kill Kinian, Samuel, Coddwel, and Venian!	
__なに? 老人の私かね? 私はOrical、年老いた伯爵をだまし、the Black Bandsを率いた! 私がKinian、Samuel、Coddwel、そしてVenianを企てたのだ!
FormID: 010318A2	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6j	1	YES! I have one! There's nothing you can do! As we speak, the soulless are prepared to flood Sutch! There's nothing you can do! Not even the Divines!	
__そう、全て私の計画だ! お前にできることは何もない! 我々がこうして話している間にも、SoullessどもはSutchを覆い尽くそうとしている! お前に止める術はない。そう、神でさえな!
FormID: 0103278C	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6i	0	Oh yes, why I am, thank you my friend. The Orical, he must be stopped... He is behind all of this... Please go and stop him now!	
FormID: 0103278C	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6i	1	He has gone to the Imperial City, to kill Coddwel, our only link to the Council, and the city's only hope of a future.	
FormID: 0103278E	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6k	0	What! How? How!? Why! My whole family is dead! My dad, both my brothers! My wife is all I have! Oh, today is a day to mourn! Talk to me later.	
__そんな、そんなばかな! なぜ、どうして! ああ、私の家族は皆死んでしまった! 父も、兄も弟も! 私に残されたのは愛する妻だけ。ああ、なんという嘆きの日だ。すまないが、後でまた話をしよう……
FormID: 0104E8BE	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6b	0	Oh, I'm sorry, but, Samuel Sutch has been killed, his assailant has escaped. The coriner is on his way, to take him to the undercroft. 	
__気の毒だが、Samuel Sutchは殺されたよ。犯人は逃亡中で見つかっていない。検死官は遺体を地下墓地に運んでいるところだ。
FormID: 0104E8BE	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6b	1	I recommend if you knew the victim, or his family, to tell them. Have a good day citizen.	
__あんたは被害者の知り合いか? もし彼の遺族を知ってるなら、この事を伝えてやってくれないか。それじゃあな。
FormID: 0104E8C0	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6c	0	What! Oh, no! Oh no! Please, leave me, I can't possibly think now... Talk to Conan...	
__なんだって! そ、そんな! ああ、なんてことだ! すみませんが、1人にしてもらえませんか……。後のことは、Conanに聞いてください……
FormID: 0104E8C2	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6d	0	Hmm, well the note said that it was from an island town named, Kato, you should go to the docks, I think there is a rowboat down there. 	
FormID: 0104E8C2	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6d	1	You should be able to row all the way there, fairly quickly. Good luck!	
FormID: 0104E8C4	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6E	0	Why, yes, this is Kato, the City of the Black Bands, I serve her faithfully as the Captain of the town guard, and son of the Count.	
__ああ、そうだ。ここKatoはthe Black Bandsの町だ。私は警備隊長として、そして伯爵の息子として、この町に忠実に仕えている。
FormID: 0104E8C6	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6f	0	My father ordered the attacks on Sutch, we did it unwillingly. We are loyal to the Empire, and wouldn't kill without being forced to.	
FormID: 0104E8C8	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g	0	Those things that terrorize our once great town? The thing is that since they arrived here, they have gone rampant, and the skies weep for us. 	
__我々の町を震え上がらせている連中のことか? やつらがここにやってきて、この町を覆い尽くした。天は我々のために涙を流している。
FormID: 0104E8C8	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g	1	Those creatures would be the Soulless. They are creatures of unknown origin, that were summoned by the Orical, to aid us against Sutch.	
FormID: 0104E8C8	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g	2	The Orical is an odd man. He just showed up one day... He changed my father, he became more deceitful, and vengeful.	
FormID: 0104E8C8	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g	3	In my father's younger days, he did hate Samuel Sutch for the death of my older brother, but, he gave all that up after becoming Count.	
__父の若いとき、彼は私の兄の死に関してSamuel Sutchを憎むようになった。だが、伯爵になってからはそのことを心の片隅においやって忘れることにしたんだ。
FormID: 0104E8C8	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g	4	Now, I fear for my father's sake, he might be foolish, but I still love him. Please, go through the tunnels to the palace district.	
FormID: 0104E8C8	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g	5	Go find him, if he is dead, bring me back his ring!	
FormID: 0104E8CA	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6h	0	Oh, oh no... that's not good, then Raven is dead too... Oh dear... Well my duty now is to get the remaining citizens to safety, thanks for your help...	
FormID: 0104E8CA	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6h	1	Now, you will need to find a way out of this forsaken city. I recommend you go through the city gate, if not the aqueduct might serve well for you.	
FormID: 0104E8CA	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6h	2	Again, I am sorry for my father's actions, and may our paths meet again my friend.	
FormID: 0104F99F	sutchbiuld6	SutchConnandead1	0	Yes, it is truly sad, Conan High-Rock has been killed by the Orical. He tried to stand up to him, but was then killed. He will be sorely missed.	
__はい、とても悲しいことです。OricalによってConan High-Rockは殺されました。彼はOricalに立ち向かったのですが、そのまま返り討ちに……。彼の死は実に痛ましいことです。
FormID: 0104F9A1	sutchbiuld6	SutchConnandead2	0	Yes, he served Sutch well, to his dying breath. He will be sadly missed, forever here in the halls of the Green Owl.	
__彼は死の間際まで、Sutchによく仕えてくれました。Green Owlのホールから、彼の死の悲しみが消えることはないでしょう。
FormID: 01053E70	sutchbiuld6	Sutch6g2	0	Oh, hello there... You from the mainland? Please, go see the Commander, he's here in the Stronghold... Talk to him at once!	

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