L10N/Companion_Vilja/4.04/Dialogue/1emmQuest1-70 のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0113C50A	1emmQuest1	3emm10Store	0	The whole Market District is full of shops. I wouldn't know where to bring you. It's better that you look around for yourself.	
__Market Districtにはお店がいっぱいあり過ぎて、どこに案内したら良いか分からないわ。自分で探してみた方が良いんじゃないかしら。
FormID: 0113D2BB	1emmQuest1	3emm10Book	0	This isn't a good time, the shop might be closed.	
FormID: 0113C4EA	1emmQuest1	3emm10Book	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.	
FormID: 0113C4EC	1emmQuest1	3emm10Book	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.	
FormID: 0113C4EB	1emmQuest1	3emm10Book	0	First Edition is the best book shop in all Cyrodiil. Let me take you there.	
__First EditionはCyrodiilで一番の本屋さんよ。連れていってあげるわ。
FormID: 0113D2BC	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	This isn't a good time, the shop might be closed.	
FormID: 0113C4FB	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	There are several smiths in the Market District. It all depends on what kind of weapon or armor you want. You'd better look around for yourself.	
__Market Districtには何軒か鍛冶屋さんがあるけれど、どんな種類の武器や防具を買いたいのかによって行くべきお店は変わるわね。自分で探してみた方が良いんじゃないかしら。
FormID: 0113C4FC	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.	
FormID: 0113C4FD	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.	
FormID: 0113C4FE	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.	
FormID: 0113C4FF	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there.	
FormID: 0113C500	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	Of course! Just follow me and I'll bring you there. But you'd better take it easy with her - if she has a hang-over she might be in a lousy mood.	
FormID: 0113C501	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	I don't know my way around here any better than you do. But, of course, follow me and let's see if we can find a smith.	
FormID: 0113C502	1emmQuest1	3emm10Smith	0	I don't know my way around here any better than you do. But, of course, follow me and let's see if we can find a smith.	
FormID: 0113C50B	1emmQuest1	3emm10Inn	0	There are plenty of inns around here. We could try the Merchants' Inn if you like. Let me show the way.	
__この辺りには沢山宿屋があるわ。あなたさえ良ければMerchant's Innに行ってみましょうか。付いて来て。
FormID: 0113C50C	1emmQuest1	3emm10Inn	0	Of course! Let me take you to The Count's Arms. I used to work there as a barmaid, it's a nice place indeed.	
__いいわよ!それじゃCout's Armsまで道案内するわ。以前あそこでウェイトレスの仕事をしていたのよ。とっても素敵な所なの。
FormID: 0113C50D	1emmQuest1	3emm10Inn	0	Jerall View is a good place, of course, and Olav's Tap and Tack is simple but nice. Let's go to Olav. He's a good fellow.	
__Jerall Viewが素敵な宿屋なのは当然だとしても、Olav's Tap and Tackは質素ながら良い宿屋だわ。Olavの方に行きましょ。亭主も良い人なのよ。
FormID: 0113C50E	1emmQuest1	3emm10Inn	0	I used to work at Newland's Lodge. Let's go there.	
__前にNewland's Lodgeで働いていた事があるのよ。行ってみましょ。
FormID: 0113C510	1emmQuest1	3emm10Inn	0	The Grey Mare is simple but nice, and the owner doesn't mind at all if you dance on the tables. I'll take you there if you like.	
__The Grey Mareは質素だけど素敵な宿よ。女主人はテーブルの上でダンスをしても全く気にしないしね。あなたさえ良ければ連れて行ってあげるわよ。
FormID: 0113C511	1emmQuest1	3emm10Inn	0	There are two decent inns in Skingrad. Let me show you the way to Two Sisters' Lodge.	
__Skingradには素敵な宿屋が二軒あるけれど、今回はTwo Sister's Lodgeに連れて行ってあげるわ。
FormID: 0113D2BA	1emmQuest1	3emm10Alchemy	0	This isn't a good time, the shop might be closed.	
FormID: 0113C4E7	1emmQuest1	3emm10Alchemy	0	Sure... I'll take you there. But Falanu is a horrible person, just so you know...	
FormID: 0113C4E8	1emmQuest1	3emm10Alchemy	0	There are of course more than one alchemist store here in the Imperial City. But I'll take you to The Main Ingredient - that's where I usually go.	
__Imperial Cityにはもちろん何軒か錬金術店があるけれど、今回はThe Main Ingredientに案内するわね。私がいつも通っているお店なのよ。
FormID: 0113C4E9	1emmQuest1	3emm10Arena	0	Sure... You are not going to fight, are you?	
FormID: 011BA007	1emmQuest1	3emm10Surprise	0	Now, this will be fun! 	
FormID: 0113C4E5	1emmQuest1	3emm10Surprise	0	Now, this will be fun! 	
FormID: 0113D9B6	1emmQuest1	3emm10ShowWay10CarryOn	0	Of course.	
FormID: 0113D9B7	1emmQuest1	3emm10ShowWayStopIt	0	Oh? Very well, as you wish. You lead from here.	
__え? そう。いいわ。じゃああなたが案内してね。
FormID: 011410D7	1emmQuest1	2emmF4UseMagic	0	Right... what spells would you like me to use, apart from my healing ones of course?	
FormID: 011410D9	1emmQuest1	2emmF4StopUseMagic	0	As you wish. Although... in order to get better, I actually have to practice!	
FormID: 01157D89	1emmQuest1	4emmC5DoGetBooze	0	Alright, I'll wait right here.	
FormID: 01141E9B	1emmQuest1	4emmC5DoGetBooze	0	Alright.	
FormID: 0114333A	1emmQuest1	7emmCompIntroEyja	0	She seems nice. Now, be polite and tell her my name.	
FormID: 0114333B	1emmQuest1	7emmCompIntroRuin	0	I saw he was looking at me, with those beautiful sad eyes. Please, introduce me to him, he seems like a very interesting man.	
FormID: 01145C71	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	Me? There's not much to say.	
FormID: 01145C73	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	I see.	
FormID: 01145C74	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	I was orphaned when I was young and don't even remember who my parents were. I'm not really sad about it. It was so long ago.	
FormID: 01145C76	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	Oh... Please, tell me more.	
FormID: 01145C75	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	Gunder took me in when I was but a teen and I lived there ever since. We've... shared a bed but were never married.	
FormID: 01145C72	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	Oh. I understand.	
FormID: 01145C78	1emmQuest1	ViljaEyja	0	But that's all different now. I'm glad to be serving you instead. I can see we will get along just fine.	
FormID: 01147827	1emmQuest1	3emm10LocalPleasant	0	Absolutely! What a lovely suggestion.	
__かしこまりました〜。 素敵なご提案ね!
FormID: 01147828	1emmQuest1	3emm10LocalUnpleasant	0	Let me think... Yes, I think I know a good place. Just follow me.	
FormID: 0114A16D	1emmQuest1	AAA002favour	0	She says that she is so grateful to us for bringing back her husband's skull that she wants to do something for us in return.	
FormID: 0114A16D	1emmQuest1	AAA002favour	1	For me in particular, actually... I wonder what she means.	
FormID: 0114A16D	1emmQuest1	AAA002favour	2	Pretty please... let's pay her a visit as soon as possible. I'm so curious!	
FormID: 0114CABE	1emmQuest1	AAA002Viljaspells	0	So Falanu got her ingredients? But... where is my Beauty Cream? You must have mislaid it somewhere!	
FormID: 0114CABE	1emmQuest1	AAA002Viljaspells	1	You better try to find it again. Meanwhile, Vilja and I will keep practicing spellcasting.	
FormID: 0114CAB6	1emmQuest1	AAA002Viljaspells	0	So Falanu got her ingredients? And you have my Beauty Cream? Wonderful! 	
FormID: 0114CAB6	1emmQuest1	AAA002Viljaspells	1	Not that I need a beauty cream, of course, but I have heard so many good things about this one.	

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