L10N/Companion_Julienne/6.2/Books/a0000aAltForSpell のバックアップソース(No.1)

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Can there be Gods in Tamriel? I'm sure no one can answer the question. It is why no one have seen Gods. Why have the mortal been believing them? Some may answer that there indeed are Gods in Tamriel. However, can there be anyone that believes such a story. I can tell you that Gods are dead.

Knowledge is power, as everyone knows. We used to have only knowledge given by Gods, which had been told through the myths. We know, however, more than we used to know because we have been overcoming cruelty of nature which God gave to us. The first thing that we must do is to do away with superstitions. We must notice that things lies as they are, where the imaginary things Gods can do nothing.

The power of spells that manipulates the physical world is now called "Science". It will be easy to alter part or all of things if you understand the essence. For example, we used to be unable to breathe underwater but we can now. Imagine what this shows.

As you know, Illusion spells affect perception and mind of living subjects. This thing is now called "Psychology". Illusion spells lead targets to wrong perception skillfully, just like a trick.


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