L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/MG01Destruct_OW のバックアップ差分(No.1)

FormID: 0002D28B	MG01Destruct	15	0	I have been told Erthor was last seen at Bleak Flats Cave. Bleak Flats Cave is north-northwest of Skingrad. I can reach it by heading north and slightly west from the West Gate of Skingrad. I should pass in between a doomstone and a runestone. The cave entrance is a tiny way northeast of the doomstone.
FormID: 0002D28B	MG01Destruct	17	0	I need to go to Bleak Flats Cave and find Erthor. Perhaps one of the other mages may be able to help me if I ask them.
FormID: 0002D28B	MG01Destruct	20	0	Sulinus Vassinus has offered to complete my task at Bleak Flats Cave for me, at a price. If I'm going to take him up on the offer, I need to bring him 300 gold.
FormID: 0002D28B	MG01Destruct	30	0	I've paid Sulinus Vassinus, and he has agreed to go to Bleak Flats Cave and perform the task I was given.
FormID: 0002D28B	MG01Destruct	40	0	Sulinus Vassinus has returned, and says that Erthor is safe.
FormID: 0002D28B	MG01Destruct	80	0	I've found Erthor in Bleak Flats Cave, and have told him to return to his guild hall.

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