L10N/Choices_and_Consequences/1.31/QuestStages/Dark07Medicine_OW のバックアップ(No.1)


FormID: 000253BD Dark07Medicine 10 0 I must sneak into Fort Sutch, find the medicine of the debilitated warlord Roderick, and replace it with the poisoned bottle Ocheeva has given me. If I am detected by any of the mercenaries, or if Roderick is killed in any other manner, my bonus is forfeit. To get to Fort Sutch from Anvil I should take the Gold Road. I'll come to a small unmarked path marked by a low stone wall leading off to the left. I take that path until I reach a manor house. Fort Sutch is just a small way north of the manor.
FormID: 000253BD Dark07Medicine 15 0 I have successfully entered Fort Sutch. I must now locate Roderick's medicine and replace it with the bottle of poisoned medicine.
FormID: 000253BD Dark07Medicine 20 0 I have taken Roderick's medicine. I must now put the bottle of poisoned medicine in its place.

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